Sailaja Sikharam: From Engineer to Head of Content and Royalty Systems

Sailaja Sikharam joined us in 2005 as a software development engineer, back when our offices were located in Wayne, New Jersey. Over the last two decades, as Audible’s content, services, employees, and global customer base have grown, Sikharam has grown with us, taking on expanded management and directorial roles. This past March, she became Audible’s Head of Content & Royalty Systems, overseeing the smooth and efficient flow of audio content within our system so that customers can discover and access listens they’ll love. This means, among other things, supporting content providers and creators through managing contract and rights processes, partner relationships, compensation, and production planning.
Sikharam is also an advisor for Audible’s employee-led impact group, Women in Tech (WiT), helping to foster gender diversity in technology, both inside and outside of the company. WiT mentors girls and women in the community and empowers them to pursue tech careers. Here, she shares some insights from her own career, what she’s loved about working at Audible, and the importance of leading with care.
How would you describe your approach to leadership?
Servant leadership, a people-first leadership philosophy. It’s about focusing on my team and my customers. Happier employees lead to happier customers. When both of them are happy, my role as a leader is easier.
What have you found most helpful for balancing your leadership role with your personal/family life?
Throughout my career I've been fortunate to have managers who are supportive, and I encourage my teams similarly. Missing my children's/family events due to work has never been an option for me.
What drew you to Audible?
I worked for big corporations before joining Audible and saw CEOs on the screen during the town hall meetings. But during my interview break at Audible, I got to meet Don Katz, the founder and then-CEO of the company, in person. I joined the company with great excitement because this was the most accessible leadership I'd ever seen—and it still is.
What makes Audible a distinct place to work?
Audible stands by its People Principle of “Activate Caring,” helping the local communities in the places where we operate, and showing that companies can mean more than what they do as a business.
Who would you invite to your dinner party of your dreams?
Michelle Obama.
If we made an Audible Original about your life, what would the title be?
“If I Can Do It, Anyone Can.”
Lightning round
- Coffee or tea? Tea. I believe in “A cup of tea solves everything”!
- Morning person or night owl? Night owl.
- Where are you working from currently? Twice a week I work from the Newark hub, while the rest of the week I work from home.
- How long have you been with Audible? Over eighteen years.
- Who is your biggest inspiration, career-wise? People I work with. They are incredibly talented and constantly inspire me. That's the real benefit of working at Audible.
- Dine in or take out? Both are fine. The true enjoyment comes from having dinner with the family and talking about anything and everything.
- Favorite outside of work hobby? Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies outside of work. It's a great way to relax after a long day.
- Favorite Audible listen, go. Life’s Amazing Secrets by Gaur Gopal Das.