Training Local Tech Talent for Jobs in Newark

In our ongoing effort to hire local and to help grow the innovation economy in Newark, Audible teamed up with Per Scholas, a national organization that prepares people from overlooked communities for careers in technology, for a workshop on Agile—an approach to software development that we follow at Audible.
Since Per Scholas opened a campus here in Newark in 2019, it’s been recruiting students for tech careers and working with Newark employers to train and hire Newark talent into technology jobs.
This onsite Agile workshop, led by Audible’s Director of Program Management Tammy Scandalis and Senior Program Manager Jim Pullaro, introduced the Per Scholas students to Agile methodology and framework.

“It was a very rewarding experience to have the opportunity to introduce Agile to the students from Per Scholas,” said Tammy. “Most of the students had no previous exposure to Agile concepts or frameworks, but were very interested and engaged throughout the session. As the class progressed, it became apparent through their questions that they were beginning to understand the concepts of Agile in meaningful ways, and how one puts them into practice. We are looking forward to our next session!”
Learn more about Per Scholas in Newark.