*CORRECTION* Sagittarius rules my 10th house, I have a Sagittarius midheaven - BUT Sag is also in my 9th house, but me feeling so excited to share my feeling on life, spirituality, astrology, etc. on camera today and in a very happy and all over the place way is perfect example of 'Moon in Sagittarius in the 10th house' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi I'm Jessica :) and from now until the rest of 2024, I am committing to documenting myself using astrology and spirituality to help me navigate through my daily life, to keep me aligned to my true self and my purpose, to attract others who want to learn, grow and heal together through astrology and spirituality. BUT I also want to share what it looks to be a girl who has chosen to close her ears from the outside world and to follow with her heart. I've been connected to astrology since I was a child, but it was a hidden interest of mine that I let fade away. Then I went through an unexpected spiritual awakening and complete identity crisis from 2021-2023 which led me to connecting to astrology again, but way more seriously. I started learning about natal charts...planet transits....predictions....and then I started using it in my daily life to see if it was actually...accurate and the astrology was right every time. I also started to get serious with my spiritual journey....meditating....journaling...pulling oracle cards which led me to strengthening and trusting my intuition more...then wanting to connect to my intuitive gifts and now I feel like it's time to share the magic and help others. This my authentic journey to happiness and healing ♡ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✩ INTERESTED IN A READING? ✩ Intuitive Astrology Mini Reading https://JessicaGamble.as.me/30MinReading Intuitive Astrology Reading Deep Dive https://JessicaGamble.as.me/1HourReading *LIMITED SPACE* FREE (Recorded) Astrology Mini Reading: I'm trying to build my practitioner portfolio before fulling diving into charging for my sessions. So I am looking for 10 people to give a free "practice" reading to. *THIS READING WILL BE RECORDED AND REPOSTED TO SHARE MY JOURNEY/SUCCESS STORIES* So if you sign up for this reading, you are consenting to having your session recorded and posted on social media. If something private comes up and you would like me to cut it out, I will edit those parts out. You also must be okay with being on camera. If you're interested in this reading, sign up here: https://JessicaGamble.as.me/FREE30MINREADING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✩ HELPFUL ASTROLOGY SOURCES ✩ Get Your Astrology Chart Here: https://chart.chaninicholas.com/ OR https://www.astro.com/cgi/ade.cgi?ract=xx68747470733a2f2f7777772e617374726f2e636f6d2f6367692f63686172742e6367693f&lang=e&btyp=w2gw The app I use everyday for my Daily Transits and Daily Horoscope: https://app.chani.com/ The website I use everyday for my Daily Transits and Daily Horoscope here: https://www.astro.com/horoscope Astrology Transits for Beginners: https://youtu.be/6zUQjmJnSbE?si=clyO2N160Hn-XXi4 Today's Current Planet Transits: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/current-planets-astrology-transits-planetary-positions Another good astrology site: https://www.astro-seek.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✩ FUN FACTS ABOUT ME✩ 1. Born in Los Angeles, CA - but I currently live in Atlanta, GA 2. I'm 28 years old - Bday is Jan 24th 3. My Big 3: Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Pisces Rising 4. I'm coming up on my 1st ever Saturn Return (my Saturn is in Pisces) 5. I eat a Plant Based diet - no animals, but I'm currently doing a 40 day Raw Vegan fast 6. As of March 20th, 2024 - I don't have any friends, but I'm open making some but only if they are right/good for me 7. I am allergic to peanuts & tree nuts, I also am gluten intolerant (so I can only eat gluten free) MORE ABOUT ME/MY CHART: https://youtu.be/UBPfRz6o9hw