Many people outside of Alaska aren't aware of increasing oil infrastructure and how it affects Native Alaskan tribes in the Arctic landscape up in the north Slope. Tune in for a brief overview of what's going down up in the Great North! Script and Research done by: Simone F. IS & ENVS BA candidate at Emory University (Graduate of 2025)|Born and Raised Alaskan|Nature Enthusiast|Climate and Human Rights Advocate Sources: Biden cancels last oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic Refuge, overturns sales held by Trump. (2023, September 7). PBS NewsHour., E. (2023, March 31). A caribou hunter and researchers uncover the impact of climate change on Arctic hunting. Mongabay Environmental News., E. (2024, September 11). Caribou and Gwich’in descend “from one heart.” NNSL Media., L., Feldthus, A., & Schmidt, A. L. (1995). The Preservation of Inuit Clothing Collected during the Fifth Thule Expedition (192124). Arctic, 48(4), 333–337.’in Rights are Caribou Rights – Powerless law or law for the powerless? An Environmental and Energy Perspective - ABILA. (2024, June 26). ABILA.’in Tribe Protects Caribou and Culture. (2021). PBS LearningMedia; GBH., E., & Herz, N. (2019). NPR Choice page., S. (2019). Learning from Caribou People: Gwich’in and Inuvialuit Perspectives on the Being CaribouProject1. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment., C. (2023, September 7). Gwich’in celebrate cancellation of oil exploration leases in Alaska’s Arctic refuge. CBC. Music Credit: massobeats-honey jam ( Jazz Lofi Chill ( Photo Credit: Caribou Cow with Newborn Calf taken by Peter Mather
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