Audible In the News: March 11 Edition
A regular round-up of Audible’s press coverage from around the globe. This week includes International Women’s Day and a “Heads Will Roll” SXSW activation.
A regular round-up of Audible’s press coverage from around the globe. This week includes International Women’s Day and a “Heads Will Roll” SXSW activation.
A regular round-up of Audible’s press coverage from around the globe. This week includes Aasif Mandvi’s “Sakina’s Restaurant.”
A regular round-up of Audible’s press coverage from around the globe. This week includes the US launch of Audible Latino and a deal with Broadway Video to produce audio-only comedy originals.
A regular round-up of Audible’s press coverage from around the globe. This week includes the announcement of Audible’s upcoming audio release of “True West” with Kit Harrington and Johnny Flynn.
Audible, ChooseCo and the Amazon Alexa team have brought the Choose Your Own Adventure stories to life. Listeners only have to ask Alexa to get immersed in this Audible experience.
When he was a journalist, Audible founder and CEO Don Katz spent six years reporting on Sears for "The Big Store." In an updated introduction for a new Audible edition, Katz reflects on the lessons that informed Audible’s founding and growth.
Want to know what we consider the best listens in fiction, nonfiction, fantasy and more? Audible’s editors have compiled their “Best of 2018” list taking into account the passionate feedback of our listeners. And the winner is…
Audible launched, a dedicated service for Indians that celebrates India’s rich heritage of storytelling with 400 exclusive titles from the country’s best-known authors, plus more than 200,000 audiobooks and programs.
Alexandra Silber gave a special Audible performance of her book, complete with music, at the Minetta Lane Theatre. Moved by Hodel’s story, Silber’s novel imagines the character’s journey after Fiddler on the Roof.
"A Polaroid Guy in a Snapchat World," the candid and hilarious memoir from actor, comedian and SNL alumnus David Spade, explores dating, parenting and suddenly feeling like the “old guy” on set.
Scientists at University College London showed what audiobook fans have known all along: that listening to an audiobook can produce a stronger emotional and physiological response than watching TV or a movie.
In a page-one feature story, The New York Times covers Michael Lewis’ new Audible book and the groundswell of authors creating audio-only or audio-first content.