Whispersync for Voice
Switch between listening on Audible and reading on your Kindle or do both.
How to add Audible narration
to your Kindle book
How to add Audible narration
to your Kindle book
to your Kindle book
Buy a Kindle book that has
an audio companion
an audio companion
Add Audible narration
at a discounted rate
at a discounted rate
Your title in now synced
on both Audible and Kindle
on both Audible and Kindle

Why use Whispersync for Voice?
You can use Whispersyc for Voice a few ways. Seamlessly switch between devices to either listen or read – whatever the moment calls for. Or listen and read at the same time to enjoy the benefits of immersion reading.
Absorb every word on another level and immerse yourself in your story while you follow along with highlighted text.
Keep the story going
See how Whispersync for Voice can easily fit into your daily routine.
You can listen and read across devices without ever losing your place.
Nearly 500K titles and growing
Nearly 500K titles and growing
Choose from inspiring biographies, intriguing mysteries, sci-fi sagas, business insights, and more bestsellers.