Auto-generated transcript:In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the honorable prophets and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and upon his family and companions. Peace and blessings be upon him. My brothers and sisters, all praise is due to Allah. The month is passing and the month is passing fast. Today is the fifth day of Ramadan Al-Kareem. I ask Allah SWT to make the fasting easy for us, to help us to fast in a way which accomplishes the purpose of the fasting which is to make us Muttaqun. I remind myself and you that during this period of the fast, we stop ourselves from doing that which is Halal. Only because Allah SWT commanded that. What then of what Allah commanded and told us is Haram. What then of those things which Allah SWT prohibited us from doing, not just within the period of fasting, but throughout our lives. What of gambling? What of dealing in interest? What of bad mouthing people? Rebirth? Backbiting and slandering? What of telling lies? What of withholding our evidence and witness? What of foul mouthed speech? What of bearing grudges and enmity? What of hatred? What of greed and envy and jealousy? May Allah have mercy on us. The list is endless. Allah SWT commanded us not to intake even that which is Halal and Alhamdulillah in Ramadan we follow that. What about all of these things which Allah commanded and said it is Haram? I mentioned interest. With respect to interest, Allah not only made it Haram, Allah declared war on the one who deals in interest despite knowing that it is Haram. Yet we deal in interest. Yet we find excuses. What would you say to somebody who is fasting, who claims to be fasting and then you find him eating something and he says, no, no, no, you know, these are just these cheetos which came or something which are so tasty I just tried a little bit. Say, but brother, you are fasting. You are not supposed to try a little bit or more or less. So when doing that is not permissible, how can we be permissible to disobey Allah SWT? Brothers and sisters, please understand, I remind myself and you, we came here Allah sent us only to obey. Allah did not send us for any other reason. Allah said, you have not created the human beings and the jinn for any purpose. You have not created the human beings and the jinn for any purpose. You have not created the human beings and the jinn for any purpose other than to obey, other than to worship. That's the only purpose. We were sent to worship Allah. How then do we not do that? How then do we disobey Allah? Disobey Allah, knowingly. Please understand this. We don't want to stand on the day of judgment before Allah SWT and say, Allah, you know, I made a mistake. And we are told, no, it's not a mistake. You deliberately did this thing. It's a crime. You knew interest was haram, but you ate interest. You knew gambling was haram, but you went and gambled. You knew using of tobacco and tobacco products and cigarettes and argila and this and that. All this was haram, but you deliberately did this. You knew backbiting and cheating was haram, but you did it. You knew slandering was haram, but you did it. How are we going to, you know, justify this? Tell me. My brothers and sisters, please. The purpose of fasting is not just hunger. That is why Aswina Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, stay away from all these things. Stay away from bad mouthing. Stay away from foul language. Stay away from yelling and screaming, from raving and ranting. Stay away from telling lies and all these things. Otherwise, he said, there would be people for whom their fasting is only hunger and thirst. They will get no reward for the fasting because their fasting is going in all of these things which Allah SWT has prohibited. Let us not be among those people. Let us protect our fast and let us make sure that we fast from everything which is har...