In this episode, Coach Jo and Coach Kim ask the million dollar question: why do we eat like college students or unsupervised thirteen-year-olds? They tackle the issue of real food versus processed food and the easy fast food companies have created for our busy lives that do not help our bodies. Why do we reach for chips instead of chicken? And how do we start eating like grown ups? Coach Jo and Coach Kim get real about what’s in snack food, the allure of sugar, and why protein needs our full attention.Their conversation highlights the realities of our busy lives, where we just can’t find time and energy to make real food, how convenience food is chemically designed to draw us in but never satisfy, and the hard truth about cooking like a grown up. Coach Jo and Coach Kim talk about feeling a dopamine rush versus satiety, sugar cravings versus real energy, and how to think about food purchasing and planning strategically. And they talk about taste! It has to taste good. How do we accomplish that? Discipline, willpower, and listening to Coach Jo and Coach Kim walk us through eating like grown ups. —Contact Joely Churchill and Kim Berube | Iron Lab: Website: IronLabLacombe.comInstagram: Iron.Lab.LacombeFacebook: IronLabLacombeCoach Jo Instagram: @CoachJoChurchCoach Kim Instagram: @CoachKimBerubeCourse: Metabolic Blueprint—Transcript Coach Jo: [00:00:08] Welcome to Perfectly Unfinished Conversations, the Iron Lab podcast with Coach Jo. Coach Kim: [00:00:13] And Coach Kim. Coach Jo: [00:00:15] Where you ride shotgun with us as we have raw, real, unfiltered and unfinished conversations about trying to eat, sleep, train, and live with some integrity in a messy, imperfect life. Coach Kim: [00:00:27] We are all about creating a strong support system, taking radical personal responsibility, having fun, and being authentic. And one of the most common themes you're going to find in this podcast is the idea that we create positive momentum in our life by doing what we call B-minus work. Coach Jo: [00:00:45] We are making gains and getting ahead and loving life without self-sabotaging our goals by striving for perfection. We get it done by moving ahead. Coach Kim: [00:00:55] Before we're ready... Coach Jo: [00:00:56] ... When we aren't feeling like it... Coach Kim: [00:00:58] ... And without hesitation. Coach Jo: [00:01:00] Be sure to subscribe now on Apple or Spotify so you don't miss a single episode. It's good enough. Let's go. Coach Jo: [00:01:10] All right, we're back for another perfectly unfinished conversation. And today we're tackling something that we think way too many people can relate to. Like, why do we still eat like unsupervised 13 year olds? Or better yet, how the hell do we start eating like actual grown ups when the world just keeps shoving Pop-Tarts and granola bars and artificially dyed beverages in our faces? Speaking of artificially dyed beverages, did you know that they have a Skittles drink now that I saw? Coach Kim: [00:01:39] I saw it in the grocery store. Coach Jo: [00:01:39] I was like, are you kidding me? My kid was like, I want that. I'm like, no, I said that makes you sick, I told him. Coach Kim: [00:01:46] Oh, really? Yeah. I don't blame you. Coach Jo: [00:01:49] But anyways, let's chat about all this today. And don't forget, stick around until the end of this episode, because we've got a little update on what's next for the perfectly unfinished. So don't miss it. Coach Kim: [00:01:59] So spoiler alert. A lot of this conversation we need to hear. So honestly, that includes me. Like if I didn't make a conscious effort, my default would still to this day be some variation of gluten free toast, peanut butter, and way too much coffee. And listen, at almost 55, I should fucking know better. Coach Jo: [00:02:22] Right? Like, I have two kids, I run a business, I know how to structure my life, and yet the sheer willpower it takes to not just like eat a handful of goldfish crackers any time of day throughout my house, like, even just as a lunch. But like, if that's just my lunch while running around my house, like, it's just ridiculous. So, like, what is wrong with us, Kim? Coach Kim: [00:02:42] Well, I think we were set up to fail, right? I've told Jo this before. When I had my first two kids, 1992 and 1994, I refer to the 90s and early 2000 as my Oprah years, pre lost in the void of my cell phone era, when I was working outside the home Monday to Friday, and I had four kids between the ages of 4 and 14 and I was where you're at, I was fucking tapped out. And I would come home at night and cook dinner and listen to Oprah in the living room on TV. And the television taught me that McCain's deep dish pizza was part of a well-balanced diet, and that I could absolutely, with certainty, trust everything that had the green check mark on the box. And so between the 80s and 90s, that low fat, low calorie diet culture era and the rise and accessibility of processed food, ...