CAB 讀你聽2.0

By: AI Costa
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    AI Costa
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  • Costa's Audio Book: Dan Brown "Angels & Demons" 25th Anniversary: 56-64 讀你聽2.2《天使與魔鬼》
    Mar 10 2025
    CAB - Costa's Audio Book Anniversary Release Dan Brown 'Angels & Demons' 25th Anniversary 《讀你聽2.2》周年紀念呈獻 丹布朗第二部暢銷懸疑《天使與魔鬼》二十五周年紀念 是爲《達文西密碼》前傳 主角 Robert Langdon教授首度登場 故事圍繞古老組織光明會 與羅馬天主教會之間百年宿怨 本作迄今銷量將近四千萬本 翻譯四十多種語言 小説多次觸及敏感議題 如反物質研究 光明會 雙向圖烙印 科學和宗教的道德衝突 内容混合了事實和虛構 注意涉及陰謀論 容易造成誤導 56- 64 00:27 蘭登和Vittoria帶著瑞士衛隊前往Pantheon 指揮官質疑暗殺可能 Vittoria說服衆人 另一方面 Kohler醒來後離開CERN 蘭登和Vittoria假扮夫妻遊客進入Pantheon 發現Raphael之墓曾遷移 推測真正地點是一里外教堂 通知侍衛隊改變行動趕往 蘭登和V率先抵達教堂 發現Illuminati符號印證 闖入教堂 緊隨其後 梵蒂岡衛隊用紅外線與磁場探測器搜尋反物質 暫無反應 Main Characters Robert Langdon - A professor of symbology at Harvard University and protagonist, flown to CERN to help investigate the murder of Leonardo Vetra Maximilian Kohler - Director of CERN, invites Langdon to investigate the murder case; he blames the Church for his disability, for his highly religious parents deny him medical care as a child and becomes a scientist as a way to rebel Hassassin - A killer hired by Janus, of Middle Eastern origin and displays sadistic lust for women; he murders Leonardo Vetra Janus - Mysterious character who hires Hassassin to murder Vetra to uncover his secret antimatter project Vittoria Vetra - The adopted daughter of Vetra, like her father, she works with CERN; skilled in biology and physics, she worked with her father in their research of antimatter Cardinal Mortati - Most senior cardinal in the conclave, and the current Dean of the College of Cardinals Commander Olivetti - Commandant of the Swiss Guard, skeptical about the claims of antimatter annihilation Carlo Ventresca - Camerlengo/papal chamberlain during the Conclave, the rightful ruler of Vatican during the interim Others (order by mention) Leonardo Vetra the physicist (murdered), the Pilot, Georges Charpak the Nobel Prize inventor, Bob Brownell, Sylvie Baudeloque, the four favourites: Cardinal Lamasse of Paris, Cardinal Guidera of Barcelona, Cardinal Ebner of Frankfurt, Cardinal Aldo Baggia of Milan, Supreme Pontiff (deceased), Gunter Glick, Chinita Macri, Jaqui Tomaso, Peter Greer, Professor Bissell, Captain Elias Rocher, Lieutenant Chartrand, Hitzrot Costa's Lexicon Cherchi-Pardini - ita, Pardini GT9, a semi-automatic pistol chambered in 9×21mm or 9×19mm Parabellum, depending on the market; manufactured by Pardini Arms in Italy, a company founded by former competition shooter Giampiero Pardini and that exclusively manufactures sporting arms Cromolyn - cromoglicic acid or sodium cromoglicate, is a mast cell stabilizer that prevents the release of inflammatory substances, used to manage asthma, allergic rhinitis, and mastocytosis symptoms (Crom molyn) Leukotriene n any of a group of biologically active compounds, originally isolated from leucocytes; metabolites of arachidonic acid, containing three conjugated double bonds Take stock idiom make an overall assessment of a particular situation, typically before making a decision 評估 Pas-visible - fr, not visible Ausbilding - ger, training Pròva - ita, test, trial Ohm n the SI unit of electrical resistance, transmitting a current of one ampere when subjected to a potential difference of one volt 歐姆 電阻單位 Pranayama n (in yoga) the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises (pra na Yama) Pronaos n the outer part of an ancient Greek temple forming a portico immediately in front of the cella and delimited by the front wall of the cella and the columns or the antae and columns (pro Nay oz) Funerary adj relating to a funeral or the commemoration of the dead Rientranze - ita, recessions Euhemerus - Ancient Greek, "happy; prosperous"; late fourth century BC, was a Greek mythographer at the court of Cassander, the king of Macedon; his birthplace is disputed, with Messina in Sicily as the most probable location; the philosophy known as Euhemerism, holds that many mythological tales can be attributed to historical persons and events, the accounts of which have become altered and exaggerated over time (you Hem merus) Quetzalcoatl - a major deity in Mesoamerican culture, translates to "feathered serpent" or "Quetzal-feathered Serpent" in Nahuatl, the Aztec language, and represents a combination of a green quetzal bird and a serpent (ket zal Goa tl) Mithraic adj of or relating to a mystery cult for men of Iranian origin that flourished in the late Roman empire Spiel n ger an elaborate or glib speech or story, typically one used by a salesperson (Sch beel) Undercroft n the crypt of a church...
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    59 mins
  • Costa's Audio Book: Dan Brown "Angels & Demons" 25th Anniversary: 48-55 讀你聽2.2《天使與魔鬼》
    Mar 5 2025
    CAB - Costa's Audio Book Anniversary Release Dan Brown 'Angels & Demons' 25th Anniversary 《讀你聽2.2》周年紀念呈獻 丹布朗第二部暢銷懸疑《天使與魔鬼》二十五周年紀念 是爲《達文西密碼》前傳 主角 Robert Langdon教授首度登場 故事圍繞古老組織光明會 與羅馬天主教會之間百年宿怨 本作迄今銷量將近四千萬本 翻譯四十多種語言 小説多次觸及敏感議題 如反物質研究 光明會 雙向圖烙印 科學和宗教的道德衝突 内容混合了事實和虛構 注意涉及陰謀論 容易造成誤導 48- 55 00:27 BBC記者 Gunther Glick不滿意報導無關痛癢的樞機主教會議 直到匿名來電承諾改變他的想法 Langdon夢想成真 進入梵蒂岡檔案館 尋找Galileo的Diagramma 相信其中藏有線索好營救四位樞機 他與Vittoria在低氧環境中苦幹 終於發現John Milton的詩 證實方向 正當Hassassin威脅四名被囚樞機主教 Langdon確認第一座科學祭壇在Pantheon的Raphael Santi墓前 兩人趕去 卻被守衛攔住 Olivetti介入驅散衛兵 要求蘭登解釋 Main Characters Robert Langdon - A professor of symbology at Harvard University and protagonist, flown to CERN to help investigate the murder of Leonardo Vetra Maximilian Kohler - Director of CERN, invites Langdon to investigate the murder case; he blames the Church for his disability, for his highly religious parents deny him medical care as a child and becomes a scientist as a way to rebel Hassassin - A killer hired by Janus, of Middle Eastern origin and displays sadistic lust for women; he murders Leonardo Vetra Janus - Mysterious character who hires Hassassin to murder Vetra to uncover his secret antimatter project Vittoria Vetra - The adopted daughter of Vetra, like her father, she works with CERN; skilled in biology and physics, she worked with her father in their research of antimatter Cardinal Mortati - Most senior cardinal in the conclave, and the current Dean of the College of Cardinals Commander Olivetti - Commandant of the Swiss Guard, skeptical about the claims of antimatter annihilation Carlo Ventresca - Camerlengo/papal chamberlain during the Conclave, the rightful ruler of Vatican during the interim Others (order by mention) Leonardo Vetra the physicist (murdered), the Pilot, Georges Charpak the Nobel Prize inventor, Bob Brownell, Sylvie Baudeloque, the four favourites: Cardinal Lamasse of Paris, Cardinal Guidera of Barcelona, Cardinal Ebner of Frankfurt, Cardinal Aldo Baggia of Milan, Supreme Pontiff (deceased), Gunter Glick, Chinita Macri, Jaqui Tomaso, Peter Greer, Professor Bissell, Captain Rocher Costa's Lexicon Colonnade n a row of evenly spaced columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arches 列柱 柱廊 (co lon Nade) Callow adj (of a young person) inexperienced and immature 幼稚 不自信 不諳世事 Hermetic adj (of a seal or closure) complete and airtight; insulated or protected from outside influences 密封 與世隔絕 (her Met tic) Diaphanous adj (especially of fabric) light, delicate, and translucent )透薄 薄如蟬翼 (dy A phen nous) Minutiae n the small, precise, or trivial details of something (my Nu she i) Sorbonne - a public research university located in Paris, France; the institution's legacy reaches back to the Middle Ages in 1257 when Sorbonne College was established by Robert de Sorbon as a constituent college of the University of Paris, one of the first universities in Europe Biblion n grk scroll, book Copernican adj relating to or characteristic of the astronomical theories of Nicolaus Copernicus (coe Per nican) Dialogo - ita, dialogue Discorsi - ita, speeches Diagramma - ita, diagram Diagramma della Verita - diagram of truth Archivist n a person who maintains and is in charge of archives 檔案員 (Ark kiv vist) Behest n a person's orders or command 要求 (be Hest) Pelagic adj relating to the open sea 遠洋 (pel La gic) Lissom adj (of a person or their body) thin, supple, and graceful 輕盈 靈巧 (Lis som) Behemoth n a huge or monstrous creature; something enormous, especially a large and powerful organization 龐然大物 強大事物 (be He moth) Tau cross - a T-shaped cross, sometimes with all three ends of the cross expanded; shaped like the Greek letter tau, its upper-case form has the same appearance as the Latin letter T (Tau as in Lao) Hermaphroditic adj possessing both male and female reproductive organs, structures, or tissue; exhibiting hermaphroditism; of, relating to, or being a hermaphrodite 雌雄同體 (herm Maph fro ditic) Ankh n an object or design resembling a cross but having a loop instead of the top arm, used in ancient Egypt as a symbol of life 安可 (Angk) Venerable Bede - an English monk, author and scholar; one of the most known writers during the Early Middle Ages; his most famous work, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, gained him the title "The Father of English History"; served at the monastery of St ...
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Costa's Audio Book: Dan Brown "Angels & Demons" 25th Anniversary: 41-47 讀你聽2.2《天使與魔鬼》
    Mar 3 2025
    CAB - Costa's Audio Book Anniversary Release Dan Brown 'Angels & Demons' 25th Anniversary 《讀你聽2.2》周年紀念呈獻 丹布朗第二部暢銷懸疑《天使與魔鬼》二十五周年紀念 是爲《達文西密碼》前傳 主角 Robert Langdon教授首度登場 故事圍繞古老組織光明會 與羅馬天主教會之間百年宿怨 本作迄今銷量將近四千萬本 翻譯四十多種語言 小説多次觸及敏感議題 如反物質研究 光明會 雙向圖烙印 科學和宗教的道德衝突 内容混合了事實和虛構 注意涉及陰謀論 容易造成誤導 41- 47 00:27 Hassassin來電 自稱光明會信使 指控教會迫害光明會數百年 宣稱將摧毀梵蒂岡 並綁架四名樞機 每小時處決一人 Olivetti確認四人失蹤 Camerlengo震怒 蘭登解釋淨化屠殺起源 選舉主持Mortati 憂心 新教宗提名人樞機Baggia失蹤 思考Ventresca為人正面 Olivetti請求Camerlengo原諒 建議封鎖樞機 避免恐慌 BBC 編輯接獲Hassassin電話 轉交在場記者 Vittoria 認為找到刺客是關鍵 教授請求進入秘密檔案館 獲准 他解釋 Galileo於書中藏線索 指引光明會教堂 Vittoria認出科學祭壇 Camerlengo步入會場 準備欺瞞樞機 回想教堂倒塌之景 自覺命定之夜 Main Characters Robert Langdon - A professor of symbology at Harvard University and protagonist, flown to CERN to help investigate the murder of Leonardo Vetra Maximilian Kohler - Director of CERN, invites Langdon to investigate the murder case; he blames the Church for his disability, for his highly religious parents deny him medical care as a child and becomes a scientist as a way to rebel Hassassin - A killer hired by Janus, of Middle Eastern origin and displays sadistic lust for women; he murders Leonardo Vetra Janus - Mysterious character who hires Hassassin to murder Vetra to uncover his secret antimatter project Vittoria Vetra - The adopted daughter of Vetra, like her father, she works with CERN; skilled in biology and physics, she worked with her father in their research of antimatter Cardinal Mortati - Most senior cardinal in the conclave, and the current Dean of the College of Cardinals Commander Olivetti - Commandant of the Swiss Guard, skeptical about the claims of antimatter annihilation Carlo Ventresca - Camerlengo/papal chamberlain during the Conclave, the rightful ruler of Vatican during the interim Others (order by mention) Leonardo Vetra the physicist (murdered), the Pilot, Georges Charpak the Nobel Prize inventor, Bob Brownell, Sylvie Baudeloque, the four favourites: Cardinal Lamasse of Paris, Cardinal Guidera of Barcelona, Cardinal Ebner of Frankfurt, Cardinal Aldo Baggia of Milan, Supreme Pontiff (deceased) Costa's Lexicon Luminary n a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere 專家 名士 Expeditiously adv with speed and efficiency 效率地 (ex ped Dit tiously) Parochial adj relating to a Church parish 教區 (par roe kial, like pinocchio) Diocese n a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church 主教轄區 (Dyo cis) Bilderberg Meeting - an annual off-the-record forum established in 1954 to foster dialogue between Europe and North America; the group's agenda, originally to prevent another world war, is now defined as bolstering a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe; participants include political leaders, experts, captains of industry, finance, academia, numbering between 120 and 150; attendees are entitled to use information gained at meetings, but not attribute it to a named speaker Truant n wandering; straying; a pupil who stays away from school without leave or explanation 曠課生 (True ent) Precedent n an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances 先例 慣例 (Pres si dent) Triage n the process of determining the most important people or things from amongst a large number that require attention; the preliminary assessment of patients or casualties in order to determine the urgency of their need for treatment and the nature of treatment required 檢傷分類 Immaterial adj unimportant under the circumstances, irrelevant 無關重要 Bringer of light - someone or something that brings enlightenment, knowledge, hope, or positivity, often associated with the concept of dispelling darkness or ignorance; the most well-known example is "Lucifer," which literally translates to "light-bringer" in Latin Praetorian period - refers to the time when the Praetorian Guard was a special force in the Roman Empire; the Praetorian Guard was a personal guard for Roman emperors, originated in the Roman Republic (509–27 BC) as bodyguards for Roman generals (pre Torian) Codex n pl codices an ancient manuscript text in book form 典籍手抄本 (Coe dis sees) on/as a lark idiom just as a way to have fun Docent n a member of the teaching ...
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    1 hr and 3 mins

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