• 365 April 29
    Apr 29 2024

    The Lord is my light and my salvation.
    —PSALM 27:1

    "Of course, we all wish for salvation. We all want to be happy; we should like to be well. We want people to like us. We desire to love and be loved. And above everything else, we want and need an inward sense of security and peace of mind.
    It is true that we all long for the Kingdom of God on Earth, and the great struggle of man is toward freedom, emancipation from want and fear and disease, and from everything that can hurt. We all long to return to our lost paradise. Man is put on Earth to enjoy life, and he is given the freedom to decide how he is to live; always there is placed before him the possibility of two things: to be or not to be.

    Finally all real Power must rest on the side of Good, and finally evil will be vanquished by Good. This is the whole meaning of the story of the Savior, the lifting of the Life Principle on the Tree of Life—the coming to realize that we are One with God forever.
    The story of the Garden of Eden is completed through the triumph of the cross. Jesus discovered the meaning of Life at the center of his own being and showed humanity, for all time, what can happen when someone lives as though God were real to him, as though Love were the final Power, and Good the final arbiter of fate.

    What are we going to do with this greatest of all Truths—the relationships that we as individuals have to the Divine Spirit that is already Perfect and that desires only our good? If we are weary of our troubles, there is something we can do about it. We can begin to exalt the Life Principle within us.”

    Excerpt From
    365 Science of Mind
    Ernest Holmes

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    2 mins
  • 365 April 17
    Apr 17 2024

    If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be cast into the sea; it shall be done.
    —MATTHEW 21:21

    "Our activity of thought is actually a Divine compulsion of the One Mind in us seeking an ever-increasing achievement and expression through us. The forms and outlets for this self-conscious process of thought, which appear as a unique creation of life in man, may manifest in many ways.

    We each interpret and use the urge for greater expression. For some, the fulfillment of this inner drive may be found in a new home, increased business activity, or better health, as well as in a desire for greater spiritual awareness. All of these desires are urges of the indwelling Intelligence, and we either can combat the urges we feel or we can give them expression. The choice is ours to make. But we cannot stand still. We have to continue to express this action of Life within us because creativity is our Divine Essence.

    Our lives and experiences may well be likened to a river. If we stand on the bank of a river and watch it flow by, we become aware that the river never changes but that its content is always new. By analogy, we might say the purposeful dynamic quality of life within us never changes, but the content of our experience of living never remains the same.”

    Excerpt From
    365 Science of Mind
    Ernest Holmes

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    2 mins
  • 365 April 14
    Apr 14 2024

    The Lord will perfect that which concerneth thee.
    —PSALM 138:8

    "The natural order of evolution has brought us to a place where there is a quickening of the spirit, a keener perception of the mind, a deeper introspection of the soul; the veil between Spirit and matter is thinning. We are emerging into a spiritual universe, proclaimed alike by the philosopher, the religionist, the scientist, and the idealist, and yet the nature of Reality or ultimate Truth cannot have changed. Two and two were four a million years ago. The awakening is to the Mind and Spirit.

    The passing of old orders of thought is but a proclamation of the inauguration of new and higher orders. Modern psychology, metaphysics, and philosophy all announce a new birth of the Mind, a new discovery of the self, a new consciousness of the intimacy of the Mind with the subtle Spirit within each of us.

    There appears to be one persistent purpose behind the great forward movement of evolution, namely, the expression of Intelligence, through creation, into higher, finer, and more complex forms. An insistent and intelligent Urge in the Life-Principle impels it to express. Spirit is forever clothing itself in form. If we were to ask our imagination why this is so, the answer might be that God Himself would remain a nonentity unless He were expressed. Even to the Infinite, some form of creative action and expression is necessary.”

    Excerpt From
    365 Science of Mind
    Ernest Holmes

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    2 mins
  • 365 April 12
    Apr 12 2024

    All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
    —JOHN 1:3

    "Every human being thrills at the thought of having dreams come true. The idea means different things to different people. To one it may mean physical health: the ability to walk, run, play, and engage in activity. To another, it may mean abundance: a home, a car, opulence. To yet another, dreams may mean education, the ability to get along with people, or to have a loving mate. Whatever your personal desires may be—as long as they do not hurt you or someone else—you have a right to attain them. And you can.

    The ability to attain your goals—to control your experiences and have them result in happiness, prosperity, and success—lies in your own mind and the way you use it. This means you control your own experience—you are really in charge of your affairs and the way they are to develop.
    If your thinking processes are under your personal control and if thought is acted upon by the creativity of Mind to produce results according to your belief, then you surely do have the power to become the master of your own affairs and to bring to pass those good conditions you desire.

    Let us keep in mind that we not only have the God-given ability to do this kind of results-oriented thinking, but that we also have the right to do it. Every thought that is a negation should be changed to an affirmation. When we do so, the Power that constantly flows through us will respond by producing the new experience we have affirmed.”

    Excerpt From
    365 Science of Mind
    Ernest Holmes

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    2 mins
  • 365 April 11
    Apr 11 2024

    In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.
    —PROVERBS 12:28

    "You and I should look across the new horizon of the greater possibility that resides within us and meet the living God and feel the embrace of His Presence and come at last to know the infallibility of His Power. From out of the great Mind that is God, the way of life is made perfect and straight and immediate. It is made happy and whole and prosperous.

    We should awake to the living Presence of the Eternal God within each one of us and enter into a realization of a new peace and joy. As we come to surrender all littleness, and all fear and doubt, that great river of Life flowing from the Mind of God will renew our vigor, remake our strength, ennoble our being, heal our bodies, and bring peace to our hearts. As our thoughts are cleared of all that is unlike Him who created us, they become receptacles for the outpouring of all that is good, wonderful, and true.

    God’s Love always embraces us, His Wisdom is always within us, and His Joy is ours to share. Abundance is everywhere.”

    Excerpt From
    365 Science of Mind
    Ernest Holmes

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    2 mins
  • 365 April 10
    Apr 10 2024
    In God we live, and move, and have our being.
    —ACTS 17:28

    "Life is activity, and when we stop being active we turn away from the newness of life. And the person who grows old in years without an inward expectation and assurance that he is going to live forever, somewhere, will find the last part of his life burdened with the thoughts of yesterday. Let us make up our minds that yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet arrived. But today can be filled with wonder if we know that we stand on the threshold of that which is wonderful and new.
    I have never yet met a single individual who maintained this attitude in the last part of his life unless he had faith. And I am talking about the kind of faith we all understand the meaning of—faith in Something bigger than ourselves, in a Power greater than ourselves, and a complete assurance that we are going to live forever, somewhere.
    It is an interesting fact that, whether we know it and whether or not we like it, our lives are so tied in with God, the living Spirit, that we cannot remain young and enthusiastic unless we know that we are one with that which knows no age and no burdens.”

    Excerpt From
    365 Science of Mind
    Ernest Holmes

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    1 min
  • 365 April 8
    Apr 8 2024

    And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
    —REVELATION 21:1

    "Fear is the great enemy of man. It is impossible for a person to do his best if he is filled with anxiety. Unless we live without fear today, we will dread tomorrow. Those who live in the dread of tomorrow generally harbor memories of things that were unpleasant in their previous experience and expect that more of this unpleasantness will transpire in the future. The present day in which they live is robbed of all peace and joy. This so disturbs the mind that restful sleep is impossible. Such people seldom rise in the morning filled with buoyant hope, joyful anticipation, and the natural enthusiasm and zest for living that we all need if we are to get the most out of life.

    Yesterday is forever past. We cannot relive it. No matter how we may regret what happened yesterday, it is impossible actually to live it over again; but too often in imagination, we do live it over again and again, and in so doing bring all the misery of yesterday into today. Learn to forget yesterday. After we have gone over it and learned by our mistakes, the thing to do is to correct those mistakes and forgive ourselves for anything we have done.”

    Excerpt From
    365 Science of Mind
    Ernest Holmes

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    2 mins
  • 365 April 7
    Apr 7 2024

    If the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.

    "We are all spiritual and mental broadcasting stations. There is a Silent Force flowing from us in every direction at all times. How necessary it is that we assume the role of the announcer and the broadcaster. How necessary it is that we write our own program and deliver it ourselves.
    When a person speaks into a microphone in a broadcasting station, his words are carried to the far corners of the Earth, where they are reproduced. But the force that carries them is mechanical. It is a law, a vibration. And it is a law that actually reproduces the words he speaks, the intonations, the inflections.

    And now along with this word that is broadcast goes a picture, an image of his personality. This is what we see in television, as though he were suddenly present everywhere, and the picture looks like him because it was his image, his likeness, that created it.And so it is with the reaction of the Law of Good from a Power greater than ourselves. It always tends to bring back to us exactly what goes out. But we are always the broadcasters, and we can always change the pictures if we will.”

    Excerpt From
    365 Science of Mind
    Ernest Holmes

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    1 min