Content Warning: discussion of police brutality, acts of violence, and racism “No, I don't think 'urgh' is the magic word, if one would *call* it a word. And even then it's certainly not a magic one."The Scooby Duo rip into this episode that plays police brutality and sensitivity training for laughs. Kara’s background as a prosecutor really comes in handy illuminating some of the realities of the criminal justice system. The wide ranging tangents include: infomercials, Mad Men, Nickelodeon Slime, Jane Austen, media depictions of daddy issues, Herb Saunders from Baltimore, gangsters at the gym, rape culture, diet culture, the patriarchy (of course), the history of policing, art vs. commerce, David Tenant, and weasely lawyers, and we have a Still Slaying first, a double “Does Not Still Slay.”Next time, we’ll be covering Buffy, Season 4, Episode 6, “Wild at Heart.”Be a rainbow… not a painbow. Keep Slaying!News Links/Referenced LinksOriginal WB Promo for Sense and SensitivityThe History of American Police Brutality - Violence overview on Amnesty International - “War on Drugs Policing and Police Brutality” by Hannah LF Cooper in Volume 50, 2015 - Issue 8-9: Fifty Years Later: Ongoing Flaws and Unfinished Business - on the Ruby Ridge Standoff - on the Waco Seige - on the 1996 arson of black churches - on the murder of James Byrd - on the assault of Abner Louima - on the killing of Tyisha Miller - on the killing of Amadou Diallo -—----------------------------------------Viewing OrderBuffy 4x01 - The Freshman Angel 1x01 - City of...Buffy 4x02 - Living ConditionsAngel 1x02 - Lonely HeartsBuffy 4x03 - The Harsh Light Of DayAngel 1x03 - In the DarkAngel 1x04 - I Fall to PiecesBuffy 4x04 - Fear ItselfBuffy 4x05 - Beer BadAngel 1x05 - Rm w/a VuAngel 1x06 - Sense and SensitivityBuffy 4x06 - Wild at HeartBuffy 4x07 - The InitiativeAngel 1x07 - The Bachelor PartyBuffy 4x08 - PangsAngel 1x08 - I Will Remember YouAngel 1x09 - HeroAngel 1x10 - Parting GiftsBuffy 4x09 - Something BlueBuffy 4x10 - HushBuffy 4x11 - DoomedAngel 1x11 - SomnambulistAngel 1x12 - ExpectingAngel 1x13 - SheBuffy 4x12 - A New ManBuffy 4x13 - The I In TeamBuffy 4x14 - Goodbye IowaAngel 1x14 - I've Got You Under My SkinAngel 1x15 - The ProdigalBuffy 4x15 - This Year's Girl (1/2)Buffy 4x16 - Who Are You? (2/2)Buffy 4x17 - SuperstarAngel 1x16 - The RingAngel 1x17 - EternityBuffy 4x18 - Where the Wild Things AreBuffy 4x19 - New Moon RisingAngel 1x18 - Five by Five (1/2)Angel 1x19 - Sanctuary (2/2)Buffy 4x20 - The Yoko Factor (1/2)Buffy 4x21 - Primeval (2/2)Buffy 4x22 - RestlessAngel 1x20 - War ZoneAngel 1x21 - Blind DateAngel 1x22 - To Shanshu in LAJoin the conversation! You can email or send a voice message to, or join us at and Still Slaying A Buffy-verse Podcast where we put up comment posts for each episode we cover. Follow us on Instagram Still Slaying: a Buffyverse Podcast from Podcastica Network (@stillslayingcast) • Instagram photos and videosJoin the Zedhead community - Music:℗ CC-BY 2020 Quesbe | Lucie G. MorillonGoopsy | Drum and Bass | Free CC-BY Music By Quesbe is licensed under a Creative Commons License.