• Divorce Island: Navigating a Friendship through Divorce and New Beginnings
    Dec 4 2024

    What do you do when you think someone you care about is making a bad choice? What do you do when you don’t approve of her new relationship? What do you do when you think your intentions are pure but they are received as the opposite? How does a friendship survive?

    This is what happened between me and one of my best friends Ellen and she is here today so we can share our story. I’m so thankful to have her back in my life and I'm thankful that she is here today to share her own amazing story of love, divorce and love again.

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Mastering the Art of Getting What you Want - with Julie Solomon
    Nov 27 2024

    Thanks to our partners, CTV News Shopping Trends and Amazon CANADA.

    See all of my favourite Pre-Black Friday deals on Amazon here: https://www.ctvnews.ca/shopping/deals/best-early-black-friday-lifestyle-deals.html

    Ladies, prepare to be inspired! Do you feel like you’re unsure how to take the ideas in your head and put them into action? Are you in a business that feels like it’s moving in slow motion? Are you looking for a new way to fill your time or make money? Do you want to change whatever it is you’re doing now because it’s just not fulfilling you anymore?

    Well my guest today has made it her full time job to help you GET WHAT YOU WANT, she also happens to be the author of the best selling book with that exact same title. Julie Solomon is here to help all of us get out of our rut and move ahead in a fulfilling and prosperous direction.

    You can follow Julie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julssolomon

    You can check out the programs she offers
    on her website: https://juliesolomon.net

    You can listen to her podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-influencer-podcast/id1229401800

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Unveiling the Dark Reality of Human Trafficking
    Nov 20 2024

    Thanks to our partners, CTV News Shopping Trends and Amazon CANADA. Check out my top picks for early Black Friday deals here: https://www.ctvnews.ca/shopping/deals/best-early-black-friday-lifestyle-deals.html

    Mary Trapnell, founder of Nashville Anti Human Trafficking Coalition (NAHT) and Christina Meadows, a survivor of sex trafficking are here today to share their message, their story and most importantly, how we can prevent this from happening to our own daughters.

    Christina shares her story of years of working in the sex industry after falling prey when she was just a teenager. How did she cope all those years, why did she stay and how did she finally escape? Spoiler alert, it had a lot to do with Mary, the founder of NAHT.

    I ask Mary to break down the steps these traffickers go through to lure young girls and boys out of their homes and onto the streets. Where are they contacting these kids, what do they say? How do they trick them into believing this is a good idea.

    It is every parents worst nightmare and our hope with this episode is that it can help you know the signs to look for, who is most at risk and what to do if this happens to someone you know.

    You can follow them on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naht_coalition

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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • Breaking the Silence: A Mother and Daughter’s Journey Through Anorexia
    Nov 13 2024

    Thanks to our partners, CTV News Shopping Trends and Amazon CANADA.

    See all of my favourite Pre-Black Friday deals on Amazon here: https://www.ctvnews.ca/shopping/deals/best-early-black-friday-lifestyle-deals.html

    Lottie Woods was diagnosed with anorexia at age 12, something her mom Emily says that she kept hidden from the family for months.

    Emily shares with us what it was like realizing how serious her daughter’s focus on her weight was, the signs she saw and the signs she missed. Lottie shares her raw and honest story of how her path to anorexia began, how she hid it, what was going through her mind at the time and I ask her if there was anything differently her Mom could have done.

    This is a story of acceptance and recovery for both Lottie, her Mom and her little sister. Their honestly and willingness to share their story in the hopes of saving another young girl is truly admirable.

    You can follow more of their story on Instagram: @emilyunscripted

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Women & Wealth: Building a Future Through Smart Spending and Saving - with Melissa Leong
    Nov 6 2024

    Money expert and Money Guru for CTV’s The Social and author of the book ‘HAPPY GO MONEY’ Spend smart, save right + enjoy life, Melissa Leong is here today to help us all feel more at ease when it comes to our finances and the future.

    How should we be spending and saving our money at this stage of life? What if we've never saved until now? What's the rule about how much we should be putting away and how does that change based off our age? Should husbands and wives have separate finances and what happens if one person works and the other stays home with the kids?

    Melissa also lets us is on what happy people spend 40 % of their money on. You guys are going to love her, I promise!

    Follow Melissa on Instagram: @lisleong

    Find all her resources on her website: www.melissaleong.com

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Becoming "UNSTUCK" - A Mom's Guide to Letting Go of What's Holding You Back from Who You Were Meant to Be - with Counselor, Author & Speaker Kim Anderson
    Oct 30 2024

    Fear, Perfectionism, Control, Comparison, Exclusion, Unworthiness. My guest today says these are some of they myths women hold on to that keep them from being who they were created to be.

    Counselor, speaker and author of the wildly popular book UNSTUCK, Kim Anderson is here today to help us all let go of what's holding us back so we can find our passion and purpose in our second half of life.

    Who do we want to be once our kids are grown and out of the house? How do we find out? This is not an end, it's a new beginning and Kim is here to help us get on the right path. Prepare to feel inspired!

    You can follow Kim on Instagram @kim_anderson_life

    You can follow her new program for women and moms on Instagram @elevatemomscollective

    You can find her book, UNSTUCK by visiting her website: https://www.kimanderson.life/shop

    Take the Myers Briggs Personality Test Here: https://www.themyersbriggs.com/en-US/Products-and-Services/Myers-Briggs

    Take the Strength Finders Test Here: https://high5test.com/cliftonstrengths-free/

    Take the Enneagram Type Test Here: https://enneagramtest.com

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    56 mins
  • Narcissistic & Emotionally Abusive Relationships vs. Happy & Healthy Ones - with Psychotherapist Kristina Virro
    Oct 23 2024

    Are you and your partner doing the right things to make each other happy? Are you checking the boxes for behaviors of the happiest couples? Or the opposite?
    Do you ever worry you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship? Are you involved with a narcissist? And how about that word - narcissist that is thrown around so freely now. Did you know there’s a difference between someone having narcissistic tendencies and someone having narcissistic personality disorder? But How do you know the difference and is there anything you can do to change them or survive the relationship?

    Registered psychotherapist Kristina Virro is the CEO and founder of the FRESH INSIGHT Mental Health and Wellness Clinic and is here today to break it all down for us. She shares what happy couples do for each other than unhappy ones don’t. She shares the signs that someone you love (or you) is in an unhealthy or dangerous relationship. And she breaks down all the information on being in a relationship with a narcissist - either with a partner or even a family member and what, if anything, we can do to cope.

    You can follow Kristina on instagram: @kristinavirro

    You can follow Kristina on TikTok:

    You can check out her website:
    https://www.fresh-insight.ca/kristina (https://www.fresh-insight.ca/kristina)

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • A Near Death Experience That Sent Her Back With a New Gift - with Anna Grace Newell
    Oct 16 2024

    Anna Grace Newell is a clairvoyant medium, akashic records practitioner and intuitive guide who specializes in angel readings. Sound confusing? Well I ask her to explain it all in language we can understand.

    Her story of what she believes was an experience "on the other side" is one you have to hear to believe. She also explains how this experience brought forth a gift in her gift to share with others, both in person and on her podcast AG University. Anna Grace shares why she was reluctant to tell anyone and how growing up in the church shaped her mindset about psychics.

    This topic was really out of my expertise and comfort zone so I appreciated how open and patient she was with my questions.

    Anna Grace is like an actual ball of sunshine when she walks in the room so I would encourage you to watch this episode if you’re able - her energy is contagious.

    You can follow her on Instagram @annagracenewell

    and listen to AG University wherever you listen to podcasts.

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    1 hr and 35 mins