• The Next Chapter - Book Dates, Italy Adventures, An Extract of my Book “Cortona”…
    Aug 11 2024

    "So this is it. I am thirty nine years old. I am sitting at a table in a medieval piazza with a black moleskine journal. I am sipping a glass of Chianti Classico. I stare at the menu with none other than Luca Signorelli on the cover. I like the words Gran Caffe Signorelli. Luca Signorelli was born in Cortona in 1441. He is still revered. Signorelli’s art is in many of the museums and churches in Cortona and well, all around the world. I salute the artist, and the joy of making it this far, on this grand tour of mine. Alone and happy with a pen and journal, to just muse, people watch and write notes" - Michelle Johnston, In the Shadow of a Cypress

    Welcome to Episode #97:

    After a small pause, I return to share Book release dates, an extract of my audio-book in the making and some exciting news. I couldn't help but share the journey so far and what has been happening and what's to come next!!

    'In the Shadow of a Cypress: An Italian Adventure' is due out on the 13th September, 2024 - Stay Tuned for more soon!

    Find all Shownotes at michellejohnston.life

    © 2024 A Writer In Italy - travel, books, art and life
    Music Composed by Richard Johnston © 2024

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    42 mins
  • Children of the Volcano with Travel Writer and Author Ros Belford
    Jun 20 2024

    "Time in Italy seemed less linear than it was at home, more of a space waiting to be filled with whatever delights the day might bring – exquisite miniature pastries behind the etched glass of an art nouveau window, a sliver of cantaloupe on a market-stall holder’s knife, amber and pink spritzes on a waiter’s tray, a flirty glance, a raised eyebrow, a tanned ankle in a tasselled loafer" - Ros Belford, Children of the Volcano

    Welcome to Episode #96:

    Get ready for a wonderful adventure today with Ros Belford - Travel Writer, Journalist and Author of Children of the Volcano: Finding Freedom and Making a Home for Three in Sicily. Enjoy this conversation and read her book - it’s a wonderful account of making a life in Italy and following the call.

    Note: Ros Belford reads excerpts from her book, Children of the Volcano...

    *Arriving on the island of Salina 16:29
    *Discovering and falling in love with Italy 23:28
    *The path of miracles 33.25

    Children of the Volcano: Finding Freedom and Making a Home for Three in Sicily by Ros Belford

    Children of the Volcano tells the story of motherhood and childhood on the Sicilian island of Salina. Izzy and Juno grow up playing on the beach, learning to swim over volcanic bubbles, hearing tales of Aeolian witches, fighting battles armed with jellyfish and watching Stromboli erupt on the horizon. But nowhere is paradise. The school is atrocious, the teachers scary, and there are power cuts, storms and an earthquake. However, an eclectic community of islanders take them to their hearts, friendships are forged and Salina becomes home. Full of humanity, vitality, honesty and optimism, Children of the Volcano is for anyone unwilling to give up dreams of adventure and excitement simply because of parenthood, lack of money and not getting things right the first time.

    Visit Ros for travel guides, articles and more at Ros Belford

    On Instagram: Ros Belford

    Find all Shownotes at michellejohnston.life

    © 2024 A Writer In Italy - travel, books, art and life
    Music Composed by Richard Johnston © 2024

    Support the Show.

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    52 mins
  • Strange Fruit, Italian Lessons, Dreaming of Sicily
    May 19 2024

    "Perfection is static, and I am in full progress" - Anais Nin

    Welcome to Episode #95:

    Today I go on a whimsical journey through my process! Reading and working on my book. The book is done! Yet, I am most keen to record an audiobook first - so here I go. It’s a journey of ruminating over recent books I have read and what is happening IRL and certainly what is on my mind! There are quotes and beautiful moments to capture along the way, nothing is lost and life is good.

    Enjoy xo

    Find all Shownotes at michellejohnston.life

    If interested in the list of beautiful books I have explored on Italy - Here is the List
    ( 90% I have read, the rest are on the shelf! )

    P.s - Never under estimate a good bookshelf, nor the potential of it. I liken it, to planting bulbs at the end of summer - something to look forward to down the track when spring finally arrives!

    © 2024 A Writer In Italy - travel, books, art and life
    Music Composed by Richard Johnston © 2024

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    26 mins
  • Rome’s Last Noble Palace, Cafe Culture and Great Writing Advice with Fiction Author Kimberly Sullivan
    May 15 2024

    "Be kind to yourself and just get going, because even if you are just writing a little bit, for a few hours a week - it adds up" - Kimberly Sullivan

    Welcome to Episode #94:

    Today I have a conversation with fiction writer Kimberly Sullivan and her recent novel Rome’s Last Noble Palace. Kimberly loves to weave a story that includes a contemporary and a historical perspective, in this case dual timelines. It is quite an alchemical process and a wonderful story about two women from different centuries in Rome, with one place in common - the Palazzo Brancaccio.

    Kimberly and I have beautiful chat about the writing process. Kimberly shares great advice on fiction writing and how she approaches the craft and the creativity of bringing it all together on the page and into book form.

    This is a lovely chat about her book Rome’s Last Noble Palace and Kimberly’s writing and traveling adventures in Italy - Enjoy….

    Rome’s Last Noble Palace by Kimberly Sullivan

    Two women. Two different centuries. One attic room

    Visit for books, news, blog and travel news: Kimberly Sullivan & Instagram @kimberlyinrome

    Feisty Deeds: Historical Fictions of Daring Women at Net Galley

    Listen to our first conversation on the Podcast Series: Drink Wine and Be Beautiful
    Nb: Women's Fiction Day is on June 8, 2024....

    Find all Show Notes and details mentioned at:

    © 2024 A Writer In Italy - travel, books, art and life
    Music Composed by Richard Johnston © 2024

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    49 mins
  • Writing our lives - A Poetic Ramble and Musings
    Apr 21 2024

    "One's destination is never a place but a new way of looking at things" - Henry Miller

    Welcome to Episode #93:

    Today a share a meander through the creative landscape of writing and my process and the discoveries on the creative journey....

    Shownotes include a list of books and memoirs that have inspired me along the creative journey plus extra details from the end of the share if you would like to know more!!

    Find all Show Notes and details mentioned at:

    © 2024 A Writer In Italy - travel, books, art and life
    Music Composed by Richard Johnston © 2024

    Support the Show.

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    39 mins
  • The Flavours of Liguria with Food Writer Enrica Monzani
    Apr 9 2024

    "Ligurian cuisine is often defined as a "poor" cuisine, of humble, rough origins because it was born in the homes of fisherman and farmers who had only simple, seasonal and low-value ingredients available. Yet, it is also sophisticated due to the expert use and skilful transformation of those few ingredients"..... Enrica Monzani

    Join me for a conversation about the beauty of Ligurian cuisine and the unique terrain that is Liguria, Italy. Enrica Monzani specialises in the rich and diverse cuisine of Liguria, leading food tours, market and cooking classes in the city of Genova. Enrica is a Food Writer and Author of Liguria in Cucina: The Flavours of Liguria, where she shares her passion for preserving the traditional recipes and the stories of her region.

    We go on a beautiful journey through the many layers of Liguria, with expert tips on mastering your pesto sauce and what to do and see in Genoa if on the Italian Riviera. I adore this part of the world and hope you enjoy this conversation with Enrica Monzani.

    Visit Enrica at A Small Kitchen in Genoa

    Enrica's Beautiful Cookbook - Liguria in Cucina: The Flavours of Liguria, Ricotta della tradizione - traditional dishes….

    Follow Enrica on Instagram @asmallkitcheningenoa

    The city of Genoa/Genova is not only a majestic port city on the Mediterranean Sea, but the capital city of Liguria. If you would like to listen to other Podcasts from the archive I have created on this journey of exploring Italian Culture and this fascinating city - you can find the links and resources here at michellejohnston.life

    Find all Show Notes and details mentioned at:

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    © 2024 A Writer In Italy - travel, books, art and life
    Music Composed by Richard Johnston © 2024

    Support the Show.

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    42 mins
  • Universe I Trust You - With Roberta Mussato
    Mar 28 2024

    "You have not a right, but a duty to be happy" - Roberta Mussato

    Welcome to Episode #91:

    What a privilege it is to talk to women and share their stories. Women lead such fascinating lives. I continually notice this, the fact they continue to expand themselves, push their limits and boundaries, to grow, and not except contraction as the norm, but lean into expansion rather, living and learning so much about themselves, and making things happen!! I love that.

    Today I talk with Roberta Mussato about her book - Universe I Trust You: One Month in Sri Lanka

    I wanted to share that I listened to Roberta’s book on Audible late last year, which I thoroughly enjoyed, she made me laugh a lot with her honesty and candid truth telling, and well everything else that was working or not working in her life. The big question is, can the worst of crisis be the turning point for a grand new chapter in your life? Yes, it appears, it definitely can.

    Roberta was born in Treviso in the north of Italy, in the Veneto region. With a background as an Interpreter and Translator from Italian to English, most of her adult life has been lived in London. Roberta describes herself as a global citizen and loves to travel the world seeking and learning about people and places.

    When Roberta took this three month journey, she had one main provision - to let the universe do the work. Her theory was to let go and let it all unfold in a natural way without expectations or demands. It’s a fun story and Roberta’s second book is currently being written as Roberta goes on to reflect on what happened next in India and then Nepal. These days she is a Life Coach and avid traveler and currently lives in London, in the United Kingdom.

    Universe I Trust You, One Month in Sri Lanka on Audible

    Roberta Mussato on Instagram

    Visit Roberta for her book and Life Coaching Sessions at Roberta Mussato

    Roberta is happy to offer a 10% discount on her three months Coaching Package - Contact her on robertamussato@gmail.com and mention this offer…

    Also she offers a 60 minute Coaching Session if you leave a review of her book on Audible or Amazon - just send a screenshot of your review and send it to robertamussato@gmail.com

    Find all Show Notes and details mentioned at:

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    © 2024 A Writer In Italy - travel, books, art and life
    Music Composed by Richard Johnston © 2024

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • The Big Leap - Solo Travel in Italy with Cookbook Author Nadia Fragnito
    Mar 20 2024

    "We travel, initially to lose ourselves, and we travel, next to find ourselves" - Pico Iyer

    Welcome to Episode #90:

    Today I have a special conversation with Nadia Fragnito from The Vegan Italian Kitchen. Nadia is here to talk about her solo travel experience and the journey of returning to Italy to research her next cookbook due out later this year.

    We discuss the triumphs and the pain points of travelling alone, things we both discovered on our own personal journeys. I might add, I have recognised over the past few years that taking the reins and travelling solo is the ultimate journey of self care. It isn't the easiest of path, but speaks to liberation and going on an inner journey, just as much as an outer one.

    Enjoy this Conversation.....

    Visit Nadia: The Vegan Italian Kitchen
    Instagram: The Vegan Italian Kitchen

    First Conversation with Nadia Fragnito - Episode #55: Culinary Adventures in Southern Italy with Nadia Fragnito

    Some of the Inspiration behind Nadia’s Solo Journey to Italy - Episode #57: Table for One - On Solo Travel, Artist Dates and Grand Adventures

    Read the Solo Travel Essay - Table for One

    Highlight Moment in this Episode - The jewels and triumph of the journey at 47.00 minutes!! I love this conversation so much... Thank you Nadia x

    ( P.S If you hear a dog snoring, around 9 minutes in, that was Picasso!! )

    Find all Show Notes and Details mentioned at:

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    © 2024 A Writer In Italy - travel, books, art and life
    Music Composed by Richard Johnston © 2024

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    52 mins