
  • Episode 289: 'Booger' (2024)/ 'Dead Teenagers' (2024)
    Sep 13 2024

    James Earl Jones will forever have a place in film history based on his voice alone. From Darth Vader to CNN commercials, he is known the world over. But there is much more to him. Our memories include Conan, baseball, and Mystery Science Theater.

    The Goonies is one of the most important movies of the 1980s. It is the perfect movie filled with adventure, humor, and a satisfying ending. There was never a sequel because there was not a need for one. But we are getting one anyway.There is no point in complaining about how there are too many remakes and sequels.The question is, are we excited to see it?

    Where does gross out end and body horror begin? That is just one of the questions Booger had us pondering. The indie film recently made its world premiere at the Fantasia Film Festival. Unlike other movies in the genre, it covers deep themes such as grief, loss, and friendship. Just when it looked like it was going to be something really special, it falls apart, So, what happened?

    Quinn Armstrong has not made it easy on us. His trilogy seemed like a lot of fun. Stories of exorcisms, doom metal, and death sound like a great combination for a couple of horror fans. While there was some good looking stuff in the first two films, they ended up leaving a bad taste in our mouths.

    But there was no way Dead Teenagers could fail. It was about a group of friends hanging out at a cabin in the woods. Before long, their fun is interrupted by a masked killer. Yes, we had seen it before, but that was part of the fun. We could not wait to see what Armstrong did with a more straightforward horror story.

    Regrettably, we never got that movie. Things start off normal enough. There is even a cool Big Bad that is the stuff of franchises. The archetypes are a little different and there is a slight tweak along the way, but Dead Teenagers is definitely a slasher. Until it gets a little too clever for its own good.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Episode 288: 'Broken Bird' (2024)/'Wolves Against the World' (2024)
    Sep 6 2024

    For all the talk of video games on our humble little podcast, we have never talked about Minecraft. And for one really good reason. Neither of us have ever played it. So the news of a new movie was a complete shock to us. The latest casting news from the new Masters of the Universe movie also caught us off-guard, though we were much more impressed.

    Broken Bird recently made its world premiere at the U.K. Frightfest to positive reviews. The film sounds like a dour affair. A lonely woman works at a funeral parlor and escapes in daydreams and poetry. Adding to the bleakness is the story of a single mother mourning the loss of a child.

    Not only is the movie surprisingly funny (darkly so, obviously) it is also filled with charm and life. It would have been something really special if not for some odd decisions. Sometimes an ending can be a little too wild, especially when you choose not to have a payoff for some of your movie's most important moments.

    Wolves Against the World gets off to a great start. For a while it seems like it is going to be a badass rock and roll horror movie involving werewolves. It is not long before the film becomes something else entirely. In the process, it does away with any compelling characters or interesting story.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

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    59 mins
  • Episode 287" 'Skincare' (2024)/'The Exorcism of Saint Patrick' (2024)
    Aug 30 2024

    Years ago, we excitedly discussed the upcoming remake of Salem’s Lot. It was unclear whether it was going to hit theaters or go straight to streaming, but we could not wait. The release date came and went but the movie never came out. Supposedly, it comes out this October. Do we still care?

    The Running Man seems to have gotten lost in the plethora of 1980s action movies. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger at his peak and written by Stephen King, the dystopian sci-fi flick stands apart from the rest of the high octane releases of the time. And yet, no one talks about it. Maybe the upcoming remake directed by Edgar Wright and starring Glen Powell will change that.

    Skincare story of a beautician who is being stalked sounds like it is either going to be an erotic thriller or a Lifetime movie. It has elements of both, but manages to stand on its own. Thanks to its strong writing, the Elizabeth Banks vehicle is able to take familiar tropes but never feel derivative. It leads to an odd mix of familiarity while providing something new and exciting. Plus, it is all based on a true story.

    If only The Exorcism of Saint Patrick was as tightly written. The indie horror fails to set a strong tone and is a confusing watch. Is it a commentary against gay conversion? A supernatural revenge thriller? A story about a man who is losing his faith? In its attempt to try to be all of these things, it ends up being none of them. Can two strong performances overcome the flaws?

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

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    58 mins
  • Episode 286: Sex & horror: 'Caligula: The Ultimate Cut' (2024)
    Aug 16 2024

    Few kids in the 1990s would have believed that Trent Reznor would go on to become an Oscar winning film composer. For some of us, it is even more surprising that Nine Inch Nails will be providing the soundtrack for the next Tron movie. We also talk about a recent casting announcement for Soulm8te.

    Where to even begin when talking about Caligula? The stories behind the constantly changing screenplay are interesting. How actors refused huge paydays based on moral grounds is also ironic considering how fast and loose people are willing to play with their principles in Hollywood. The pornography, aftermath, and critical reevaluation are all important parts of the film’s mythos.

    Caligula: The Ultimate Cut is an attempt to release the movie as original writer Gore Vidal intended. There is also an additional animated opening sequence and added importance to Helen Mirren’s character. Almost 100 hours of footage were used to give audiences what was intended. How well does it work?

    The first red flag is that Vidal's vision does not exist. As soon as director Tinto Brass was brought on, Caligula went through heavy rewrites. Which means the new release is more of the same. Just a whole lot longer. Whether this is a good or bad thing will depend on your initial opinion of the movie. In other words, the latest cut adds nothing.

    Just because something is pointless, does that mean it is bad? We once again talk about how even necessary nudity can be superfluous, sex carnivals in ancient Rome, gorgeous set pieces, and over the top performances. Caligula: The Ultimate Cut is something else, but is that something worth watching?

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Episode 285: Sex and nudity in horror Part II
    Aug 9 2024

    David Lynch is one of our favorite directors. We talk about his recent announcements and look back on some of his films. The Babadook was one of the first horror movies to garner huge internet buzz. It was a “You gotta see this!” that had everyone talking. For its ten year anniversary it will be rereleased in theaters. Will it leave the same impression?

    We continue our look at sex and horror with a topic we have never discussed before. Both of this week’s movies claim to deal with sadomasochism. One of them goes too far - but not in the ways you expect. The other does it in a way that makes you wonder why they even mentioned it was a part of the plot.

    The Surgeon from 2022 is about a performance artist that gets caught in a S & M love triangle. At least that is what the logline tells you. A better description would be an incomprehensible wanna be psychosexual thriller that throws everything at the audience whether it makes sense or not. Lots of pointless nudity, shocking twists that end up meaning nothing, and characters you will not be sure what to think are just part of one of the worst movies we have ever had on our humble little podcast.

    Black Eyed Susan makes much more sense. It is about a man who takes a job test a sex robot whose AI learns through punishment. It is a provocative film that never holds back. It also introduces themes that are important in today’s society whether we want to think about them or not.

    The problem is it has good ideas it does nothing with. In a type of story that pretty much requires nudity, when is it too much? How strong of a point can you make when you are literally dehumanizing a character? When is a person so far down on their look you don’t even care to look for them? Black Eyed Susan asks a lot of questions - and many of them are interesting, but do they overcome its glaring faults?

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Episode 284: Sex and nudity in horror Part I
    Aug 2 2024

    Bioshock is one of the greatest games of all time. It is not just a one off either as it has two impressive sequels. The stories tackle individuality, class, race, and a myriad of themes in a world filled with 1950s art deco and futuristic technology. They are the definition of “must play” video games.

    How we overlooked that an adaption is coming to Netflix is beyond us. But we did see the news that the budget has been lowered for it. Will this negatively impact a story filled with awesome powers and robot-like monstrosities? Or is this an opportunity to focus on the amazing story and characters?

    In a Violent Nature is one of the most exciting and fun slashers to come out in years. It has been a hit with audiences so it comes as no surprise that a sequel has already been announced. Is it too soon or is this the next big horror franchise?

    We do things slightly differently this week as we look at three films. Our first one is a short that recently made its world premiere at the Fantasia Film Festival. It is also our first entry in our look at sex in genre film. Dirty Bad Wrong is a look at the past and possible future of how we look at sex workers. It is also a tense watch with an uncomfortable climax and thought provoking ending.

    Before getting hot and heavy, we wanted to dip our toes into sex and horror. We start by entering the modern dating world in The Dead Thing. The plot revolves around a woman whose life is consumed by work, dating apps, and shallow hookups. Until she meets a man who wins her over. But when he ghosts her, it leads to a dangerous obsession.

    Los Angeles has been the setting for a myriad of movies over the decades. We talk about how this film is different and how it adds to the plot. The direction also combines noir and eroticism in a stylish mix. And while the story does not reinvent the wheel, it does touch on some powerful themes and one of us thought it had an all but perfect ending.

    It is almost a shame how little The Dead Thing does with its characters, however. Blu Hunt does a fine job in the lead role, but she is given little to work with. There is little in the way of development and if you end up caring about her at all it probably will not be in a positive way. The object of her affections does not give the audience anything to work with. Why is any of this happening? And if I do not know why, how can I care?

    We step away from sex and close the show with Cuckoo. Intentionally choosing style over substance, Director Tillman Singer crafts an atmospheric tale that is creepy while explaining little. A great performance from Euphoria’s Hunter Shafer pair with Dan Stevens in an over the top role are highlights. But are they enough to make up for a plot that has plenty of questions but no answers?

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Episode 283: From Fantasia 'Hollywood 90028' (1973)'/'The Beast Within' (2024)
    Jul 26 2024

    Before we get to Fantasia we talk about the rumored Spawn movie. There have been reports about this film for literally decades. Is there any reason to be excited this time around? Plus, a remake that has taken surprisingly long to see the light of day. And sharks, folk horror, and more sharks!

    We love exploitation films. We have also been known to enter the world of arthouse cinema on our humble little podcast. But what happens when the two worlds collide? Hollywood 90028 is not the only movie to combine the two, but there were not too many that were doing it in 1973.

    A main character you will not know what to make of, some tasteful nudity (and some not so much), and long monologues are just the tip of the iceberg. Released during a time when the country was struggling to find a new identity, Hollywood 90028 takes on a number of themes. It is not perfect, but it is one of the most interesting movies we have ever discussed on this show.

    The Beast Within is a Fantasia World Premiere that left us torn. Clearly, it is an allegory for something more. The question is, does it deliver on its message? The performances are great and the setting is beautiful. So why did we both have different opinions about it?

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

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    56 mins
  • Episode 282: 'Longlegs' Special Edition
    Jul 19 2024


    We have talked about the marketing of the film for months. Using old school viral marketing and trailers that never showed Nicolas Cage, Longlegs was a creepy throwback that worked. The movie opened in the top five and became Cage’s biggest opening in decades. Should other movies go this route?

    The unintended consequences of all the talk is that opinions have been split about Longlegs. Critics may love, but audiences have been lukewarm. We discuss what may have disappointed and how he reacted to the movie. And for all the good it does, there are definitely some things that did not sit well with us.

    Cage is always polarizing. He is definitely the internet’s favorite actor, but a lot of that is ironic and based on his over the top performances. Longlegs is another memorable performance he can add to his resume. Some will find it the creepiest of his career, but there are others that may be turned off by it.

    Maika Monroe’s much more grounded portrayal is a much more grounded one. It is a star-making turn that shows off her acting range. While most people will leave talking about Cage, it is Monroe that carries Longlegs.

    We also talk about the movie’s take on Satanism, how it gave Cannibal Holocaust vibes to one of us, horrors versus thrillers and its chaotic ending.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

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    46 mins