• 24. Creation: How Does Science Work?
    Sep 4 2024

    Early in the 17th century, there was an intense conflict between the Catholic Church, which was teaching a geocentric model of the universe, and Galileo Galilei, who was espousing a heliocentric model. This conflict caused theologians worldwide to re-examine the Scriptures and realize that a geocentric view of the universe really wasn't taught by God's word (in fact, they had inherited that view from Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher). To what degree is that dialog between science and Scripture allowed?

    To answer that question, we first need to understand what science really is and how it works. Welcome to this week's episode on the philosophical underpinnings and inherent limitations of modern science. This is what you get when you tune into a theology podcast taught by an astrophysics PhD...

    Oh, and we do a short overview of Canaanite religion and how modern science philosophically parallels that ancient religion. Oh dear, quick, there's still time to switch to something else before the nerdiness-level reaches critical mass!

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    50 mins
  • 23. Creation: The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God!
    Aug 28 2024

    Since sin has entered the world, it is still good? Should we enjoy created things like good food and pleasant experiences, or does that distract our attention from God? According to the Bible, as long as we give thanks to God, all of creation is still good and gives him glory!

    We also start to dig into and discuss the specifics of the interface between science and Scripture. First up: does the Bible actually say anything scientific, or does it just deal with theological information?

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    48 mins
  • 22. Creation: Not All Religions Are The Same
    Aug 21 2024

    Aren't all religions basically the same? I mean, at the end of the day, don't they all basically say the same thing?

    While there may be significant common ground between many religions on a handful of topics, there are also significant differences, which should not be ignored. The view of how the natural world came to be and God's relationship to that world is one of the key areas where the Bible stands in contrast to many other world religions. In particular we pause and consider how the Bible contradicts the claims of materialism (naturalism), pantheism, dualism, and deism.

    In this episode, we also get sucked down a worm-hole of discussion about how Christian culture has related to society of social standards have evolved over the past few decades.

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    50 mins
  • 21. Creation: Science Isn't Your Enemy
    Aug 15 2024

    Do the Bible and science agree? Over the last century, theology has often been maligned as the enemy of modern science. In response, Christians have often circled their wagons in defense of the faith, against the attacks of secular scientists.

    In this week's episode, we try to get as honest as we can about how science and faith relate. I argue that the Bible and scientific inquiry agree very well with each other. In fact, understood rightly, I argue that it is impossible for them to disagree.

    After our philosophical introduction, we start to dig into the doctrine of creation and examine what specific claims the Bible actually makes about when, how, and why God created everything.

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    53 mins
  • 20. Communicable Attributes: God is Perfect, Delightful, Beautiful, and Glorious
    Aug 7 2024

    It's easy to think of God as a grumpy man in the sky who is never happy with anything you do, but the Bible doesn't describe him that way. While the Bible does describe him as a perfect God, it also says that he completely forgives our sins and imperfections and that he delights to see us follow him and do good.

    All of these characteristics make God beautiful, and it is that beauty, which we see reflected in creation and in others, that arrests us, and forces us to confront the question: why is there anything beautiful and not only evil, and ugliness? The good news is, there is beauty because God is beautiful, and he loves us and wants us to share in that beauty!

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    52 mins
  • 19. Communicable Attributes: Totally Free and Unlimited Power
    Jul 31 2024

    Are there any limitations to God's freedom and power? Is there anything he cannot do? Well... sort of. He cannot do anything evil because he is perfectly good, and thank goodness, too! A powerful God who wills to do evil would be utterly horrible. But aside from that... no: "Nothing is too difficult for God" (Jer. 32:17).

    Okay, but what about that classic dilemma: "Can God create a rock so heavy he cannot lift it?" We have thoughts about that, too.

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    47 mins
  • 18. Communicable Attributes: What Is the Will of God?
    Jul 24 2024

    How expansive is the will of God? Is it God's will that you should be successful in your upcoming business venture? If you're not successful, does that mean you somehow acted against God's will?

    In this episode, we explore how the Bible talks about God's will, what parts of human activity, if any, are governed by God's will, and some subtle distinctions in the different aspects of God's will.

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    1 hr
  • 17. Communicable Attributes: Our God Is a Jealous God?
    Jul 18 2024

    Have you ever felt jealous? I know I have. While that feeling may often result from a corrupted way of viewing our friends and relationships, that sense of jealousy is something God feels too. He is jealous for us. In particular, he does not want us to adore or worship any god other than him. He demands that he be the sole object of our worship.

    And what about those times when we do put something else in God's place? How does God respond to that? Well, as uncomfortable as it may be, the Bible indicates that because these things always result in a perpetuation of sin, he hates them and is wrathful against them.

    The good news? Jesus dove in front of that bullet to save us. While we should have rightly been the objects of God's wrath, Jesus took all of that wrath on himself. That is what makes the story of Jesus' death and resurrection so compelling: we do not have to believe in a God who doesn't care about the evil of sin. We believe in a God who rightly hates sin but who loves us enough to save us, even at tremendous cost!

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    48 mins