This episode will give you ideas for ways you can make a difference. Like, actually.
Welcome to the resistance! Just because oppressing people becomes the legal convention, doesn't mean you have to obey. We go underground, and we disobey! The movement was created by people who dared to say, "No," and we will draw on the energy of those people to find our own little way to sabotage the oppressors as they try to legalize and normalize the oppression of others.
Get the book: "Small Acts of Resistance" by Steve Crawshaw, or
"Street Spirit: the Power of Protest and Mischief" by Steve Crawshaw*4u6xyx*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAiA3Na5BhAZEiwAzrfagF27NiVArWT3Q7XK0tCLF61lLqhrqzHpNRfoRLuPuVmtiT5kXXYybhoCmp4QAvD_BwE
4B movement or the 4 No movement is saying no to 4 things
- dating men
- having sex with men
- marrying men
- raising children with men
There is also a 6B4T movement that includes everything above, but also adds not buying anything gendered, like pink razors for example.
Don't worry if this sounds too extreme for you! You can choose to go 4B for a limited amount of time, or you can protest in some other way. Use your job, your connections, your influence, and your personality to decide how you will resist.