• Take advantage of The escape hatch of Teshuba now while so available. Hashem is Close!
    6 mins
  • We are Standing in front of Hashem. Preparing for a Blessed Year! Wake up and hear Hashem speaking to You!
    6 mins
  • Preparing for Rosh Hashana! 2 themes: Melech/King. Hayim/Life
    7 mins
  • Choose Life. Misva! Utilize Free Will! Rosh Hashana.
    6 mins
  • 5 vitamins/thoughts to increased Emunah/Bitahon for Rosh Hashana
    6 mins
  • Happiness is Accomplishing something Worthwhile! Wealth that lasts Forever!
    5 mins
  • Be Happy in all the Tov that Hashem has already given you this past year. THANK Him!!
    6 mins
  • Suggested Improvements for successful judgment on Rosh Hashana. Become Renewed!
    5 mins