Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) — US House Majority Leader
LISTEN: Laslo & Scalise
Ask a Pol asks:
What are your thoughts on this new Strategic Crypto Reserve?
Key Scalise
“I’ve been very supportive of the crypto industry,” Majority Leader Steve Scalise exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “I want to get more details on this, obviously.”
ICYMI — Hagerty’s new stablecoin bill
Caught our ear:
“Let’s let them follow the same rules, you know, be a part of the same economic success as every other part of the banking industry,” Scalise tells us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Majority Leader Steve Scalise
SCENE: After passing by a handful of congressional reporters staking out Speaker Mike Johnson’s office, Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo enters the Old House Chamber where he finds Majority Leader Scalise talking to a group of his constituents.
Laslo waits until Scalise finishes shaking hands and posing for photos and then proceeds to get this exclusive.
Matt Laslo: “Hey, I’ve never asked you…”
Scalise’s security detail is eyeing Laslo hard.
Steve Scalise: “Walk with me?”
ML: “Yeah.”
Scalise, his security detail and Laslo start traversing a crowd of tourists.
ML: “What are your thoughts on the Strategic Crypto Reserve?”
SS: “Yeah, I’m just getting details of it.”
ML: “Yeah?”
SS: “Obviously, I’ve been very supportive of the crypto industry, and, you know, the Biden Administration had some very anti-crypto policies to try to make it harder. I mean this is a new form of…”
Scalise clears his throat as his entourage encounters a large group of Capitol visitors as he makes his way to Speaker Johnson’s office.
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SS: “…of asset allocation...”
ML: “Ah-huh?”
SS: “…that we ought to be open to, and we in Congress have moved a number of bills now to open up the crypto industry and kinda bring it into the mainstream. I want to get more details on this, obviously.”
ML: “Yeah?”
SS: “But President Trump’s been a very strong supportive of the crypto industry as well. So, let’s let them follow the same rules, you know, be a part of the same economic success as every other part of the banking industry.”
Scalise and his security detail jet into the Speaker’s office.
ML: “Preciate ya!”
Nicolae Viorel Butler contributed to this report.
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