• Unlocking the Possible
    Apr 27 2017
    Today we have great collaborative leaders, Ken Cloke and Duncan Autry, on our show. We, also, have a taste of Miten with Deva Premal’s All is Welcome here from Miten’s new album Temple at Midnight. This show provides the Why to Collaborate, two highlight interviews from our series plus an overview of the shows and wisdom our 67 guests have shared with us. The leader of America has little knowledge of the world and leadership. The leader of Russia is a gangster The leaders of the world are under pressure to be self-centered and don’t have the skills to collaborate The leaders in business today are increasingly hostile to their employees and their customers. The next generation of leaders in business, not for profits and government are, also, inexperienced and They don’t know what they don’t know. There are many from the most powerful in the world to the not yet powerful who don’t yet have the skills to lead for a better future. How do we collaborate powerfully? This is my invitation.
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    57 mins
  • One Yes, On Thing, One Dream
    Apr 20 2017
    We are one. We are all interconnected in our spirit, our hearts, and our intelligence. We talk about spirit. We listen to the music of Miten. The more we learn to let go of our “hero story”, the greater we become. Our hero story is when we think we must be the great solo leader. Consider that all the expertise and experience we each have may not be enough to effectively and successfully deal with the great challenges we face today as individuals, families, organizations, professions and nations. Consider the collective wisdom that is possible from a circle of listening, speaking, understanding and co-creating solutions. Your circle or team will be most successful in solving significant challenges when you bring in others whose opinions and experiences are very different from yours. We can no longer afford “groupthink” or “yes men.” The stakes are high. Wisdom from Deva Premal, Miten, Charalee Graydon, Robert Stewart, Klara Fenlof and Quinn and Sara Amos. Now is the only time.
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    58 mins
  • These Challenging Times and Our Collaborative Global Initiative
    Apr 13 2017
    Join Barry Wilson, Doreen Liberto, Kathy Porter, Jeff Cohen, and David Savage as we explore the movement and solutions to the increasing complexity, frustration, lies, environmental collapse, and separation in the world today. Call in, Tweet@davidbsavage or email us to add your wisdom and ask your questions. We are experts in negotiation, collaboration, systems design, dispute resolution, sustainable economic development, cumulative impacts, facilitation, and more. Our future matters. Let's be part of the solutions together.
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    57 mins
  • Collaboration, Negotiation and Mediation Strategies
    Apr 6 2017
    Why do we fail so often in our negotiations? How do people get in their own way? What is the cost of being triggered, stuck, ...? What are all the costs to you? How might we be more mindful and personally aware? What are the strategies, techniques, and tools available to help me negotiate and to resolve disputes? In this show, we have present; a) Steps to Negotiation Success, + what to do to best prepare, + what to do during the negotiation, and + what to do after the negotiation b) Awareness for Negotiators (self and others), and “Between every stimulus and response is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning: From Death-Camp to Existentialism c) Mediation and Dispute Resolution Strategies. + why mediate? why bring in a third party? + the processes, ethics, and guidelines + how might we be more mindful and personally aware? Now, let's work together better.
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    55 mins
  • Collaboration, Disruptive Technology and Entrepreneurship
    Mar 30 2017
    We are living in an age of disruption, alternate facts, fear, and economic revolution. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein Today we look at disruptive technologies, entrepreneurship, and collaboration Think of the rapid change of business; The world’s largest taxi company has no cars; Uber. The world’s largest hotel room company ahs no rooms; Airbnb. Think about the speed of business….. the speed of technology.. the speed of change…. what is your speed? 1) Is your world perfect just the way it is? 2) What is increasingly threatening your world? 3) How innovative is your organization? 4) How agile is your team.? 5) What will your world be in five years? 6) What are your possibilities? 7) What are you doing to create it? 8) Who will you collaborate with? With my guest Jim Gibson, we explore some of the new thinking in Collaborative technologies for Enterprise and some key disruptive technologies.
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    57 mins
  • Collaboration, The Secret Marathon and Going the Extra Mile
    Mar 23 2017
    This show celebrates those that work together and create greater outcomes than they could individually. My book Break Through to Yes: Unlocking the Possible within a Culture of Collaboration aligns with going the distance together. No one gets left behind. Remember the Africa proverb; if you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together. The Secret Marathon; Inspired by a story of courage a young woman and her legendary marathon mentor train in secret for the Marathon of Afganistan, only to uncover that for the runners, this marathon is much more than just a race. We have legendary marathoner (250 Marathons in One Year for Right to Play) Martin Parnell and filmmaker Kate McKenzie talking about this amazing story and the film they are creating. We, also, have the inspiring Shawn Anderson. In 2017, Shawn will finish his 7th book, walk across England and Ireland, take his go the extra mile message on a speaking tour in Central America.
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    58 mins
  • Zombies or Zippers: Collaboration, Human Resources and Global Networks
    Mar 16 2017
    1) Do people matter? To your effectiveness? To your efficiency? To your sales? To your collaborations? To your bottom-line? 2) why do they matter? Why do they matter to you? 3) are robots cheaper, more dependable, faster…? 4) Are Human Resources professionals useful…? 5) what is being done today to build better organizations, more creativity, cost reductions and business success? Do want Zombies/ robots/ messengers in your organization? Or Zippers; those that pull together people, ideas, efficiencies and products with agility and ease? With Amy Schabacker Dufrane, we explore what does a 21st-century HR organization look like? What other skills (apart from subject matter knowledge) do HR professionals need if they are to be successful (digital, analytics, business intelligence, etc.)? With Japman Bajaj, we consider telecommuting and teleworking. Many people have commented that such work styles greatly reduces the synergistic effects of face-to-face collaboration. And so much more.
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    57 mins
  • Collaboration Against Human Sexual Trafficking
    Mar 9 2017
    We explore the global reality of human trafficking and explore ways that we may collaborate to fight this horror. 1) Why does human sexual trafficking exist? 2) What do you know about human trafficking? 3) Is it in your home area? 4) Who is fighting? 5) What is being done? 6) Where can I reach out to collaborate and help women and girls? 7) What are the costs of not stepping up and reducing this? According to the American Federal Bureau of Investigation, Human trafficking, believed to be the third-largest criminal activity in the world... people are being bought, sold, and smuggled like modern-day slaves, often beaten, starved, and forced to work as prostitutes... with little or no pay. Over the past decade, human trafficking has been identified as a heinous crime which exploits the most vulnerable in society. In this podcast, we explore what is being, and can be done, globally and locally to collaborate against human sexual trafficking. She Has A Name.& Next Step Ministeries
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    58 mins