• Empty Words Make Weak Men
    48 mins
  • Prayer: It’s Not Just for Sundays
    Sep 8 2024

    The son of great missionary Hudson Taylor noted of his father, “For forty years the sun never rose on China that God didn’t find him on his knees.” Someone called prayer the gymnasium of the soul. When was the last time you had a good “workout”? Today, James jumps into the mysterious cooperation of the divine with the human through prayer. When and why should we do it?

    I. Pray When You're Suffering

    II. Pray When You're Smiling

    III. Pray When You're Sick

    IV. Pray When You Sin

    V. Pray For the Saints

    Talk with God: Consider your prayer life—what things consistently keep you from praying (e.g. anxiety, distractions)? Surrender them to the Lord this week.

    Talk with others: Invite a few friends to gather regularly to spend time in prayer together.

    Talk with kids: How do you use the gifts God has given you to serve your church?

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    45 mins
  • Ephesians 5:21-6:15
    59 mins
  • Negative Commands for a Positive Life
    Sep 1 2024

    Sometimes parents will tell their children not to do certain things. But such prohibitions are motivated by love. These negative commands are to ensure a positive outcome. A good biblical example of this is the list of thou shalt nots in the Ten Commandments. In this section, James gives his audience a few negative instructions so they can have a positive life.

    I. Do Not Grumble

    II. Do Not Back Down

    III. Do Not Give Up

    IV. Do Not Speak Hastily

    Talk with God: Meditate on 1 John 2:5-6 and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of your life that don’t reflect your love for the Lord.

    Talk with others: Ask a friend or member of your Connect Group how you can pray for them as they seek to align their lives to God’s Word.

    Talk with kids: What were the believers doing while Peter was in prison?

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    45 mins
  • Ephesians 5:1-21
    Aug 28 2024
    56 mins
  • Last Days Living
    Aug 25 2024

    Ever since Jesus came to Earth over 2,000 years ago to die and rise again, He promised to return. And believers have been looking for Him since. Every generation has its doomsday preachers and prophecy “experts,” predicting when He will return. But today we examine not when He will come back, but rather how we should live until He does. James tells us three ways we are to wait for it.

    I. Be Ready

    II. Be Patient

    III. Be Strong

    Talk with God: Meditate on verse 8 and ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to “strengthen your [heart]” (NASB), so you can continue to live for Him in the last days.

    Talk with others: Encourage a fellow believer to seek the Lord diligently and continue in the faith as we wait for His coming.

    Talk with kids: Why should we celebrate when others repent and turn to Jesus?

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    56 mins
  • Ephesians 4:17-32
    1 hr and 1 min
  • A Fool and His Money
    Aug 18 2024

    This is undeniably one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. It is seldom preached on because the language is accusatory and blunt. But I’ve learned that everyone is concerned about money to some extent, and this passage gives us several reasons as to why we should be careful with money.

    I. It Can Be Obtained Wrongly

    II. It Can Be Used Poorly

    III. It Will Vanish Eventually

    IV. It Involves Judgment Ultimately

    V. It Presents An Opportunity

    Talk with God: Read Matthew 25:14-30 and prayerfully consider your attitude toward money. Ask the Lord for wisdom to intentionally steward the resources He’s given you.

    Talk with others: Ask someone in your family or Connect Group how you can pray for them this week.

    Talk with kids: How do our differences show God’s creativity?

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    53 mins