
  • Joe Bradley chats Southern Hospitality and what makes a great VIP host and coping with romantic relationships at work!
    Feb 28 2025
    Joe Bradley, star of the hit show on Bravo TV: Southern Hospitality, stops by Chanel in the City to chat with host Chanel Omari on all things Southern Hospitality Season 3, what it's like to be on reality TV, dating in the public eye, work and romantic relationships, how him and Maddie got together and what we can expect for season finale and reunion!

    Joe also dishes on his thoughts on Will and Emmets relationship and clears up some of the rumours this season!

    Make sure to tune in to Southern Hospitality every Thursday at 9PM. Make sure to follow @JoeBradley on all social media platforms and continue his journey!

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    43 mins
  • Macy Kwok chats giving more women in comedy opportunities to perform in a male dominant industry - part 2
    Feb 21 2025

    Macy Kwok is a stand up comedian in NYC, originally from Hong Kong. Macy has stopped by Chanel in the City to chat all things stand up comedy with host, Chanel Omari, and how stand up coomedy can be a cut throat business and how challenging it is for female comedians to be successful in a male dominant industry.

    Make sure to come out and show love and support for Macy Kwoks Women Uninterrupted Show at St Marks Comedy Club at 8:30 PM. WWW.STMARKSCOMEDYCLUB.COM FOR TICKETS

    About Macy Kwok Bio

    Macy is a New York based, Australia educated comedian. She is originally from Hong Kong.
    She adds a unique voice in the comedy scene based on her AAPI heritage, and Multicultural experiences.

    She was featured in multiple comedy festivals including the NY Comedy Festival at Caroline's on Broadway and Crazy Woke Asians in 2020. In 2022, Macy has qualified for the World Series of Comedy Competition and has placed in the top three at the World Series of Comedy Minnesota Satellite at the House of Laugh Minnesota Comedy Club. She also won the Joke Off Competition at the Very Big Very Asian Comedy Festival held in 2023. She produces all-female show - Women Uninterrupted and it was featured as part of the 2023 New York Comedy Festival.and recently opened for comedian Joe Wong.
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    48 mins
  • Macy Kwok chats giving women in comedy more opportunities to perform in a male dominant industry! Part 1
    Feb 21 2025
    Macy Kwok is a stand up comedian in NYC, originally from Hong Kong. Macy has stopped by Chanel in the City to chat all things stand up comedy with host, Chanel Omari, and how stand up coomedy can be a cut throat business and how challenging it is for female comedians to be successful in a male dominant industry.

    Make sure to come out and show love and support for Macy Kwoks Women Uninterrupted Show at St Marks Comedy Club at 8:30 PM. WWW.STMARKSCOMEDYCLUB.COM FOR TICKETS

    About Macy Kwok Bio

    Macy is a New York based, Australia educated comedian. She is originally from Hong Kong.
    She adds a unique voice in the comedy scene based on her AAPI heritage, and Multicultural experiences.

    She was featured in multiple comedy festivals including the NY Comedy Festival at Caroline's on Broadway and Crazy Woke Asians in 2020. In 2022, Macy has qualified for the World Series of Comedy Competition and has placed in the top three at the World Series of Comedy Minnesota Satellite at the House of Laugh Minnesota Comedy Club. She also won the Joke Off Competition at the Very Big Very Asian Comedy Festival held in 2023. She produces all-female show - Women Uninterrupted and it was featured as part of the 2023 New York Comedy Festival.and recently opened for comedian Joe Wong.
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    20 mins
  • Geno Bisconte and Keanu Thompson chat tips to a successful marriage despite working in a cut throat industry!
    Feb 14 2025
    Geno Bisconte and Keanu Thompson stop by Chanel in the City to chat with host, Chanel Omari, all things stand up comedy, how to protect your marriage in this wild industry and more!
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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • Adam Cohen Aslatei chats matchmaking, finding love in 2025 and tips for Valentine's Day!
    Feb 7 2025
    Adam Cohen, CEO of Three Day Rule, one of the most iconic and popular matchmaking services in the US right now, stops by Chanel in the City to chat with host, Chanel Omari on all things V-DAY and how to finid long healthy consistent love through matchmaking. Adam shares his experience being a CEO of dating apps like S'MORE, a non superficial app matching people based on characteristics and personality qualities- going beyond the dating scope and dating within and on a much deeper level. Adam shares with us this Valentine's Day what we can do as singles and within a couple to show our love and maintain a healthy consisent relationship all around.

    Adam also teaches us how to DATE in major cities from ages 25-55 and above! Adam helps us navigate some of the biggest obstacles in dating and tips to watch out for red flags and taking dating on as a skill set and a business.

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    49 mins
    Nov 20 2024
    The top 5 holiday MUST HAVES and MUST CHECKS OUTS for this holiday and New Year season!
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    10 mins
  • Episode # 126: Jennifer Pedranti chats The Real Housewives of OC and where she stands with her friendships!
    Oct 9 2024
    Jennifer Pedranti stops by Chanel in the City to chat all things Housewives of OC, her relationship with Ryan and where her friendship with Tamra Judge stands. Jennifer opens up a lot this season in every aspect of her life. We see her be vulnerable and honest and finally standing up for herself against certain cast mates. Jennifer also opens up to us about hwo she felt during the THREE part reunion and where she stands with her cast mates now. Jennifer also chats with us exclusively on how it feels to be engaged and upcoming wedding deets for the bride and groome!

    Make sure to check out the three part reunion on November 21st 2024 on BRAVO TV 9PM.

    Make sure to follow Jennifer Pedranti @JenniferPedranti on all social media platforms.

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    24 mins
  • Episode # 125: Sam Omari chats his new song: Song of the Soul, How he never gave up on music and being a family man!
    Sep 17 2024
    Sam Omari, Singer, Song Writer, Producer and Fashion Designer to the Stars, as well as Chanel Omari's father stops by Chanel in the City to chat with host and his daughter, Chanel Omari, on his new song: Shir Ha Neshama (The Song of the Soul) the inspiration behind it and why this song is so spiritual and impactful during such a crucial time for Israel and the Jewish people and for the innocent palestenians during this horrific war. It's an uplifting song that inspires us to keep going and believing in God and in kindness in humanity.

    Sam Omari chats how he became a song writer and singer and how it's never too late to give up on your dreams.

    Omari chats about how he started as a shoe designer and had created custom shoe designs for Madonna, Pamela Anderson, Salt N Pepper, Steve Madden, Nine West and more!

    Sam also chats about being a family man and balancing being a good father, husband and his career all at once

    He chats on struggles and obstacles he had to face in the music industry and how he had to find his own voice and the tips to being successful in anything/ any industry you do.

    Make sure to follow Sam
    Omari @SamOmari7 on all social media platforms for more music and info!

    Make sure to check out his song here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lYZPoQME0Ds&pp=ygUJU2FtIE9tYXJp
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    51 mins