
  • Ep. 216: Anthony's Eagles are Champs! plus "Who Sucks More?"
    Feb 16 2025

    Anthony takes the floor to chirp and gloat about his champion Eagles! We also play a couple rounds of America's favorite game, "Who Sucks More?"

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    40 mins
  • Ep. 215: Mall Store Fantasy Draft* (throwback audio)
    Jan 20 2025

    * - Due to technical difficulties, the audio failed to register on this episode from the mixer, and we ended up with just a recording of ambient room audio. So, it's tough to hear everyone, but there's some good content in there, much of it spontaneous, that we wanted to serve up to you anyway. Enjoy some important sports takes about fan gear violations, missed extra points, the defeat formation, and an impromptu fantasy draft of classic mall stores.

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    38 mins
  • Ep. 214: The Kraft Signal, "Who Sucks More?," Crazy Oreo Flavors, and actual McRibs in the studio!
    Jan 12 2025

    The Kraft signal went up for the Mayo firing/coach hiring of Jason's beloved Patriots. We wonder who actually wants to watch this new TGL golf league, and come up with all the ways we would improve it if we ran it. Then we play a couple rounds of America's favorite game, "Who Sucks More?," and Anthony brings a new game to the table - are these Oreo flavors real or fake?

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    53 mins
  • Ep. 213: It's 2025 and McRib is Here!
    Jan 2 2025

    We recap the food-injected year that was 2024, slide in a "Shit We Missed," play a round of America's favorite game, "Who Sucks More?," and listen to the most full throttled embrace of being who you are with the new McRib holiday jingle!

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    42 mins
  • Ep. 212: The Golden At-Bat and 7 New C&C Ideas That Would Make Sports WAY Better
    Dec 27 2024

    We dig into the mailbag and read an impassioned note from listener "Joey C. from Coney Island." Then we discuss the proposed "Golden At-Bat Rule" in baseball as a springboard to introducing some of the best new rule ideas - straight from the C&C development team - for all four major sports to make things WAY better. We wrap up with the interim producer giving us his birthday lineup, featuring Maude Apatow.

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    57 mins
  • Ep. 211: Hallmark Land & State of Our Nations
    Dec 11 2024
    We kick things off this week with an "If We Ran It" where we pitch our new business venture - a theme park based on Hallmark Movies. Then, it's the state of our respective sports nations. We analyze all 4 sports teams in each of our hometowns, give them each a gobs rating, and debate who's teams are in the best (or saddest) state.
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    43 mins
  • Ep. 210: The Laundry List
    Dec 2 2024
    We wonder where the term "Laundry List" came from and who the experts are who claim that certain unhealthy things eliminate random amounts of time from your life. We share illogical fears like ladders sliding off the tops of vans and impaling us while driving. Anthony hosts a round of America's favorite game, "Who Sucks More," asking Jason about two types of annoying fans at sporting events. Then, we give the rundown of our respective birthday baseball lineups - our top 9 famous people who share our birthdays, placed into a baseball-style lineup, plus a starting pitcher, and debate who has the best roster.
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    51 mins
  • Ep. 209: Hydrox, Loc Blocs, and Capri Sun Bottles?? Say it isn't so!
    Sep 27 2024
    After some NFL takes and a discussion of whether or not the Deshaun Watson trade is the worst in sports history, we dive into some of the all time most disapointing "knock off" products that we ended up with, because they were chepear, healthier, or just available. We're talking Hydrox cookies, Loc Blocs, and Go Bots. Then we discuss the shocking news that Capri Sun is going to be selling it's drinks in bottles and we wax on about the iconic packaging like pouches and cannisters that "Make" certain products what they are.
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    40 mins