• The Main Thing
    Sep 22 2024
    For about a year and a half, God has been steadily sending our church messages that challenge us to get healed. We’ve talked about what it means to get healthy, forgive ourselves and those in our past, get strong in the Lord and tap into Him and the Holy Spirit as our power source. This week, we’re talking about the purpose for all that healing, strength and power by talking about the “main thing.” In Matthew 28:18, Jesus meets with His followers after His resurrection and makes a stunning statement; He says that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him. This is the same Jesus who remained silent in the face of His accusers, but here He is, standing on a mountainside in Galilee and saying something that had to blow their minds: every created thing in the universe is under His command.
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    44 mins
  • Prayer and Peace: Part 2
    Sep 15 2024
    Last week, we started talking about the connection between prayer and peace. The foundational truth of this message was that you can pray or worry, but you can’t do both. We discovered that prayer isn’t about persuasion; it’s about permission. It’s not about convincing God to move on your behalf; it’s about surrendering control of it to Him. Additionally, we found out that God wants us to pray about our own struggles with worry and anxiety just as much as He wants us to pray for other people and situations. This week, we’re going to continue exploring prayer and peace, but first, we need to revisit some of the other things we discussed in Part 1. We learned that prayer is power, the path to peace and progress, but these things are universally true. In 1 Kings 18, the prophets of Baal prayed earnestly and sincerely, but nothing happened. There was no power in their prayer. As we dive into Part 2, the central truth for us is that prayer’s power is in direct proportion to the power of the One to Whom we are praying.
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    36 mins
  • Prayer and Peace: Part 1
    Sep 8 2024
    Throughout the Bible, God talks a lot about peace, and it makes sense. He identifies Himself as a God of peace, and Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. The Bible also talks about worry and anxiety a lot because they are the enemies of peace. God loves us, and He wants us to walk in peace. During our last series, we talked about the replacement doctrine, which means that we have to replace our negative activities with positive ones, and this is exactly what we see in Philippians 4:6. This week, we’re starting a new series that explores the connection between prayer and peace.
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    39 mins
  • Prescription for the Promise Series: Get Ready
    Sep 1 2024
    Over the past six weeks, we’ve been in the “Prescription for the Promise” Series, exploring the three, two-word imperatives that the Lord gave us in a prophetic word a few months ago: Get Healthy, Get Strong and Get Ready. There were great promises contained in that prophecy, but it was clear that they were contingent upon us carrying out the commands — or prescriptions — God provided. We spent a couple of weeks talking about how to get healthy, the last four weeks learning how to get strong, and we’re ending the series with what it means to get ready. Let’s assume that we are all healthy or getting healthy, and we are learning to walk and live in the love of Christ, which is the source of spiritual strength. We could look in the Bible and follow scriptural principles for these first two commands, but the command to get ready leads to many questions. Get ready for what? How can you study when you don’t know what’s on the test? How can you be ready when you don’t know what’s coming? This week, we’re going to look at three things we can do to get ready for any time or place God may lead us.
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    35 mins
  • Prescription for the Promise Series: Get Strong Part 4
    Aug 25 2024
    We’ve been in a series called “Prescription for the Promise,” in which we’ve been talking about getting healthy and getting strong. This week, we’re continuing to focus on what it means to Get Strong. The central idea is to get strong in the Lord’s power, and we’ve explored many aspects of spiritual strength — all of them important, valid and backed up by multiple scriptures. In Ephesians 3:19, Paul writes about experiencing the love of Christ, so we can be “made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” Throughout this potion of our series, we have learned that growing in God’s power is what gives us strength, and the Bible tells us that kind of strength only happens when we experience the love of Christ.
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    40 mins
  • Prescription for the Promise Series: Get Strong Part 3
    Aug 18 2024
    Covenant Life received a prophetic word a few months ago, in which the Lord told us to do three thingsL Get Healthy, Get Strong and Get Ready. We have been referring to these as prescriptions that we need to fill in order to see the promises that God said were coming, and we’ve been looking at each one throughout our current series, “Prescription for the Promise.” We have to actually do what He tells us to do if we expect to receive what He said He wanted for us. This week, we’re continuing to explore what it means to Get Strong. We already learned that spiritual strength has to be endued, which means that we have to surrender and allow God to wrap us in His strength. We also learned that spiritual strength has to be renewed; humans are weak and prone to leaking, so we have to be refilled. To “be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power,” we must learn how to stop poking holes in the supernatural buckets of our lives.
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    39 mins
  • Prescription for the Promise Series: Get Strong Part 2
    Aug 11 2024
    This week, we are continuing our series called “Prescription for the Promise.” The Lord spoke a word to Covenant Life a few months ago that included some wonderful promises He has in store for us, but it also includes three things that we need to do. The fulfillment of the promises is contingent upon our willingness to do the three prescriptions He gave us: Get Healthy, Get Strong and Get Ready. This week is the second part of our focus on “Get Strong.” As we started to discuss last week, strength and courage are often seen together in the Bible. To encourage means to put courage in, but you have to take something out before you can put in something new. Perhaps, the reason some of us have not gotten stronger in the Lord is because we’re trying to add strength, but we haven’t removed the fear first.
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    43 mins
  • Prescription for the Promise Series: Get Strong Part 1
    Aug 4 2024
    This week, we’re continuing our series called “Prescription for the Promise,” exploring the prophetic word about our church that the Lord gave to Pastor John a few months ago. Within this prophecy, there are three kinds of statements. There are descriptions that tell us what’s happening and predictions about things to come in the future, but there are also three commands we must do to see the promise be fulfilled. We’ve already talked about the first prescription: get healthy. Now, as we shift our focus to the second prescription, we’re going to see what the Bible says about getting strong. Ephesians 6 tells us to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power, and in John 15, Jesus says that we’re unable to do anything without Him. Together, we’ll discover ways to improve our union with God, which is crucial for spiritual strength.
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    42 mins