• Ep. #33: Escaping The Chains – Suzanne Accardo's Journey from Trafficking Survivor to Advocate
    Sep 29 2024

    Ep. #33: Escaping The Chains – Suzanne Accardo's Journey from Trafficking Survivor to Advocate

    In this powerful episode, we sit down with Suzanne Accardo, a human trafficking survivor and the founder of the Facebook group Modern Day Slavery, Creating Awareness about Human Trafficking in the USA. Suzanne begins by challenging a common misconception: that slavery was ever truly abolished. As a single mom to a 9-year-old boy, Suzanne shares her deeply personal story, which began when her mother married into a secretive "brotherhood" in Montgomery County, Texas.

    Suzanne opens up about the horrifying experiences she endured, beginning at age 13 when she was molested by a man involved in organized crime, who married her mother. She shares the chilling belief that both her uncle and grandmother may have been poisoned, and how she was manipulated and slowly drugged while in a fake relationship with her trafficker. Her ordeal escalated to the point where she was chained in an RV for months, forced to live in a drug-induced haze, unsure of what she was being given.

    A moment of clarity came when she saw a video of herself, realizing the extent of her situation. She seized a rare opportunity to escape when her captor left the chains off and the door unlocked. But the nightmare was far from over. Suzanne was treated as a criminal, even being committed to a mental hospital when she should have been recognized as a victim.

    Suzanne’s fight for survival continues today, as she raises awareness of the dangers of human trafficking and the systems that fail its victims. She discusses how her home has been broken into, her pets killed, and the ongoing fear for her life. Suzanne’s advice to those targeted: never be alone and surround yourself with trusted people. Her story is one of survival, resilience, and a determined mission to expose the truth behind modern-day slavery in America.

    Don’t miss this eye-opening episode of Cultimatum as Suzanne reveals the shocking realities of human trafficking and the resilience of the human spirit.

    Link to Suzanne's Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1456062254920275

    Cultimatum Podcast Contact Info:

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    41 mins
  • Ep. #32 Swindled By Faith with Richard Kiers
    Sep 22 2024

    Ep. #32 Swindled By Faith with Richard Kiers

    In this episode, we delve into the harrowing journey of Richard Kiers, who grew up in a little-known but insidious cult called The Move of God, founded by Sam Fife in the 1960s. The Move, an offshoot of the Baptist church, gained traction for its charismatic leader and promise of discovering the "truth." Richard’s father, in his search for spiritual fulfillment, uprooted their family to join a communal farm in Canada when Richard was just 10 years old.

    Life in The Move was one of strict control and isolation. Members were required to sever ties with extended family, and every aspect of their lives was dictated by the cult’s teachings—down to the clothes they wore and how they groomed themselves. The commune prided itself on self-sufficiency, but this came with significant hardships. Living without running water, electricity, or proper sanitation, members hauled water from a nearby spring and used outhouses. The cabins they lived in were built by the community, and while some members had access to money and cars, these were communal property, used solely for the benefit of the group.

    As Richard grew older, he began to see the cracks in the cult’s façade, especially when his father fell ill. Despite his father’s suffering, the group refused to seek outside medical help, insisting that any failure to recover was a result of weak faith. This incident deeply shook Richard’s belief in the group. Life in the commune was harsh, with children put to work on the farm and forced to contribute to building the community. The food was scarce and of poor quality, and the environment was far from nurturing.

    Years later, Richard penned a book titled Swindled by Faith, chronicling his experiences. He waited until after his parents passed away to publish the book, out of respect for their memory, despite the pain they endured within the group. As his parents aged and became less useful to the cult, they were discarded—no longer of value without money or income.

    In closing, Richard offers a poignant piece of advice for those questioning whether a group might be a cult or dangerous: observe how they treat the children. It is a revealing indicator of the group’s true nature.

    Link to Richard's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/share/ucdvn73Rt5w2X6qn/?mibextid=qi2Omg

    Link to Richard's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Swindled-Faith-Reconciliation-Richard-Kiers-ebook/dp/B07RWTKQ73/ref=sr_1_1?crid=104DCBNYZCZGT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.EWwNrojphJ7nZqnPOSSQOfU36BIzaDHLWfoHDzxRcYg.FuYwEUjPKtHhD2vmcWNxZcPWJyT5iBgRUn-mRqgYuRs&dib_tag=se&keywords=Swindled+by+faith&qid=1723493728&sprefix=swindled+by+faith%2Caps%2C408&sr=8-1

    Link to the Documentary Richard was in : https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/id-shows/6-cults-featured-in-next-season-of-people-magazine-investigates-cults

    Cultimatum podcast Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

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    58 mins
  • Ep. #31 Justine For Justice - Escaping the ICOC
    Sep 15 2024

    Episode #31 Justine For Justice - Escaping the ICOC

    In this episode, we hear from Justine, a survivor of the International Church of Christ (ICOC), as she bravely shares her experience of growing up in a controlling religious group. The ICOC is known for its extreme control over members, including enforcing a strict purity culture and dictating every aspect of members' lives.

    Justine's story is one of resilience and survival. At age 16, she left the group to seek treatment for an eating disorder, which marked the beginning of her journey to recovery and freedom. Now, 20 years later, Justine is thriving—she’s married and has three children. Her journey to healing began when she started a blog, sharing her experiences and helping others come forward with their own stories.

    The ICOC's influence extended far beyond spiritual matters, impacting every aspect of Justine's life. Members were required to make significant financial contributions and were often given recruitment quotas, effectively turning them into unpaid laborers. Justine’s family joined the ICOC when she was just three years old, seeking a supportive environment after her father’s struggles with alcoholism. However, the reality was far from what they expected. Justine endured multiple forms of abuse and struggled with isolation, believing that everyone outside the group was doomed.

    The turning point came when Justine’s family learned about the systemic abuses within the ICOC, which eventually led them to leave the group. Today, Justine is a vocal advocate for those harmed by controlling religious groups, using her platform to raise awareness about the dangers of cults and importance of mental health. Her story is a powerful reminder of the strength it takes to break free from such environments and the importance of supporting survivors.

    This episode is a crucial listen for anyone seeking to understand the psychological impact of cults and the path to recovery for survivors

    Justine's Contact Info:

    Justine's website for details on cases: https://open.substack.com/pub/justicejustine

    Justine's Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/justineforjustice/

    Justine's TikTok account: https://www.tiktok.com/@justineforjustice

    For Anyone Harmed By the ICOC contact : https://www.instagram.com/free2b_org/

    Cultimatum Podcast Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

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    56 mins
  • Ep. #30 Natalie Wong & The Cult With No Name
    Sep 8 2024

    Ep#30: Natalie Wong & The Cult With No Name

    Join us on this gripping episode of Cultimatum as we delve into the extraordinary journey of Natalie Wong, a survivor of a cult with no name. Hailing from New Zealand, Natalie was born into a strict Baptist Pentecostal church. As the youngest in her family and a fervent believer, she was deeply influenced by extreme teachings about Satan. Her parents' separation at age 10 marked the beginning of significant changes in her life.

    At just 11, Natalie found herself leading the kids' church at a new congregation. However, her teenage years were marred by sexual abuse from a family friend, leading her to leave school at 16 to dedicate herself to the church with her mother’s support. A pivotal turn came when her mother met two women from Namibia and decided to sell their home and move to Africa, bringing Natalie along.

    Upon arrival, they quickly noticed unsettling red flags. The cult had Pentecostal roots, but the son of the leading family was revered as the second coming of Christ, with leaders dressing in robes and sandals to mimic biblical times. Despite the oppressive environment, Natalie’s mother managed to escape first, and Natalie followed soon after, executing a carefully planned escape under dire circumstances.

    Back in New Zealand, Natalie returned to a Pentecostal church and got married, only to face immense pressure to have children despite infertility struggles. This led to severe panic attacks and ultimately her departure from the church. Seeking belonging, she joined the Mormon church with her family, only to leave a few years later due to its negative impact on her children and her need to constantly unteach them doctrines she disagreed with.

    Now, ten years out, Natalie has dedicated herself to deconstructing and reconstructing her beliefs. Her story is a testament to resilience and critical thinking. She offers powerful advice to our audience: trust your instincts and always employ critical thinking skills.

    Tune in to hear Natalie’s unique and inspirational story of survival, recovery, and the quest for personal truth.

    Cultimatum Podcast Contact Info:

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    1 hr
  • Ep. #29 The Amazing Adventures of an Amish Stripper with Naomi Swartzentruber
    Sep 1 2024

    Episode #29: The Amazing Adventures of an Amish Stripper with Naomi Swartzentruber

    Join us on Cultimatium as we uncover the compelling journey of Naomi Swartzentruber, who was born into the strict Swartzentruber Amish community in mid-Michigan. Naomi shares her harrowing and inspiring story of growing up in a sheltered environment, one she now identifies as a cult. Despite her past, Naomi continues to wear Amish dress on her social media accounts and has authored a provocative memoir, The Amazing Adventures of an Amish Stripper: An Erotic Memoir.

    Naomi’s quest for freedom began when she befriended a "worldly" neighbor girl, sparking her curiosity about the outside world. This curiosity led her to run away at 17, aided by an “English” man who exploited and manipulated her. This marked the start of her tumultuous journey, which saw her become a stripper at 20, struggle with severe drug addiction, and ultimately resort to prostitution.

    Now, 27 years removed from her Amish upbringing, Naomi is clean, in a stable relationship, and a proud mother to a 3-year-old daughter, living peacefully in Arizona. She has found the freedom she always dreamed of—not just from the Amish community, but also from a life of addiction and exploitation. Naomi’s story is a testament to resilience, offering a powerful message of hope, perseverance, and the courage to create a better life.

    Tune in to hear Naomi's candid account of her transformation, her reflections on the Amish lifestyle, and her journey to reclaim her autonomy and happiness. Her story is not only a vivid portrayal of escape and survival but also an inspiring call to never give up on your dreams.

    Naomi's Contact Info:

    Naomi's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@amishinspiration

    Naomi's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Adventures-Amish-Stripper-Erotic/dp/B0CC7PKJY9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=69KTICD0P0Q8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ElGsqF34-Wtf8X3rfEtbuw.9dEWLGEqLI31O5BOAvsqdpo0KH00gNGnRUb2_7j2XeA&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+amazing+adventures+of+an+amish+stripper+book&qid=1721839830&s=books&sprefix=The+amazing+adventures+of+an+amish%2Cstripbooks%2C104&sr=1-1

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Ep. #28 Awakening: Kim Peirano's Departure from the Foundation for Spiritual Development
    Aug 25 2024

    Episode #28: Awakening: Kim Peirano's Departure from the Foundation for Spiritual Development

    Join us on Cultimatium as we delve into the intriguing world of the Foundation for Spiritual Development, a Bay Area-based group masquerading as a spiritual school. Kim Peirano, a former member with eight years of experience, reveals the inner workings of this controversial organization. Despite their disclaimer, claiming they are not a cult, Kim’s journey paints a stark picture of manipulation and control.

    Kim ascended to level 9.5 in their 10-level program, with level 5 remaining top secret. Members are discouraged from discussing their progress, fostering an atmosphere of secrecy and division. With a membership of just over 100, Kim describes a culture where questioning the group’s practices is not permitted, and hypnosis techniques are commonly used.

    As a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and a certified Hypnotherapist, Kim’s story is compelling. She details how members are bombarded with love bombing, making them feel exceptionally special, while charismatic leaders Dana and Eric, the second-in-command, maintain strict control. Members are expected to donate time, volunteer for various projects, and engage in expensive classes and retreats. The group’s teachings incorporate elements of Scientology, employing mind control techniques and the notorious mirroring exercise to manipulate and silence dissent.

    Kim also discusses the group’s impact on her personal life and business post-exit. She explores the notion that cults provide meaning and fill voids, a lure that kept her ensnared for years. Tune in to hear Kim’s powerful insights.

    Kim's Contact Info:

    Website: www.couragetotransform.com

    Book a free Discovery Call: https://calendly.com/couragetotransform

    Tiktok: tiktok.com/@couragetotransform

    Instagram: instagram.com/couragetotransform

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

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    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Ep. #27 Breaking the Silence: Elizabeth Quiroz’s Brave Journey as Our First Human Trafficking Survivor
    Aug 18 2024

    Episode #27: Breaking the Silence: Elizabeth Quiroz’s Brave Journey as Our First Human Trafficking Survivor

    In this powerful episode, we are honored to have Elizabeth Quiroz, our first human trafficking survivor, sharing her story to bring hope and awareness to others.

    Elizabeth’s journey began with multiple types of abuse starting at just four years old. Due to the trauma, she sought love, acceptance, and attention from others, she eventually ended up in the foster care system. At 15, she moved in with her alcoholic father. Elizabeth highlights the red flags of human trafficking: not coming home at night, associating with older men, and avoiding eye contact by looking down.

    Elizabeth’s vulnerability was exploited by a boyfriend who groomed her and introduced her to drugs, leading her to become a drug mule. She explains that traffickers can be anyone, including women who pose as friends. Her second trafficker, a woman she trusted, further manipulated her. Elizabeth’s addiction to drugs led to repeated incarcerations and being labor trafficked by a drug dealer. Her life took a turn when she became pregnant; she got sober after giving birth, earned her GED in prison, and went into rehab after her release.

    Now an author and a social worker with a master’s in social justice and human rights, Elizabeth has written a book titled Purified in the Flame, available on Amazon. She is also the co-founder of Redemption House Bay Area in California. In this episode, Elizabeth explains some of the terms and vocabulary used in the human trafficking world and points out ways the system could improve to prevent more victims, such as implementing background checks and educating foster parents.

    We are immensely grateful to Elizabeth for sharing her story with us and shedding light on this critical issue.

    Link to Elizabeth's Book : https://www.amazon.com/Purified-Flame-Elizabeth-Quiroz/dp/1737254859

    Link to Redemption House Bay Area Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redemptionbayarea/

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Podcast Contact info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Ep. #26 Breaking Free: Eleanor Skelton's Journey from Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) to Liberation
    Aug 11 2024

    Episode #26: Breaking Free: Eleanor Skelton's Journey from Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) to Liberation

    In this episode, we delve into the life and experiences of Eleanor Skelton, who grew up in the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) movement. Eleanor, the oldest in her family, was first part of the Westwood Bible Church in Bouemount, Texas. Initially, she had a relatively normal church experience there. However, her family moved frequently between Texas and Colorado throughout her childhood.

    Their first encounter with the IFB church was when they relocated to Colorado Springs. The environment in the IFB church was marked by intense mind control and an extreme intolerance for those who did not share the same religious or political views.

    Eleanor was homeschooled for many years before attending college. Concerned that she was becoming too influenced by the outside world, her parents gave her an ultimatum: transfer to Bob Jones University, an institution known for its stringent and extreme orthodox teachings and rules, or face the consequences. This ultimatum became a pivotal moment for Eleanor. She chose not to attend Bob Jones University. As a result, her parents not only stopped paying for her education but also shunned her. Her younger siblings were forbidden from having any contact with her.

    Today, Eleanor is on a journey of recovery from religious trauma and an eating disorder. She continues to receive therapy and is making significant strides in her healing process. Articulate and well-adjusted, Eleanor shared her story with us, and it was a pleasure having her on the show.

    Eleanor's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC53ELsLgDAEqYn8ZmisMmWA

    Eleanor's Blog : https://eleanorskelton.com/2015/01/09/whyileft-fundamentalism-part-1/

    Vashti Initiative (ex-cult resource): https://vashtiinitiative.org/

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

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    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 3 mins