• Restoration, Not Retribution: The Heart and Art of Discipline (Part 2)
    Feb 26 2025

    Teachers, school administrators, and parents alike can attest - this time of year can be pretty rough and active in terms of discipline needs for students. But we realize that discipline is a year-round endeavor, one that is both challenging and crucial in the spiritual development of our kids.

    Veritas Head of School Ty Fischer, Principal Dr. Dan Spanjer, and Dean of Students Graham Dennis have been around the block and back a few times when it comes to dealing with discipline of kids from kindergarten through senior high - not just student discipline at school, mind you, but their own children as well. Their insights in this episode are encouraging to all Christian parents who are seeking to discipline not just their children's behavior, but really their hearts toward a more mature relationship with God.

    In this episode, a follow up to our previous one, Ty, Graham, and Dan will bring their perspectives from their many years of serving in a disciplinary role at Veritas to discuss:

    • How discipline - biblically speaking - is meant to be the way we are discipled to be more like Christ.
    • Helping kids and parents alike deal with (and remove) the shame associated with discipline, and to see it as an opportunity for growth and training.
    • How to handle common discipline struggles, including how to handle discipline when we're angry, and how to handle the inevitable "he said, she said" scenarios.
    • How parents can best approach a situation when they find out their child has needed disciplinary action at school in a way that shepherds their kids' heart toward growth, love, and restoration.
    • What does a visit to the Principal's office at Veritas look like for kids of all ages (and how might it differ from the dreaded Principal Office visits of pop culture or your own memory)?

    This season of Cultivate is sponsored by Hershey Financial Advisers,  a wealth management firm located at North Point Boulevard in Lancaster, PA, leading people to make better financial decisions and empowering them to fulfill a vision beyond themselves.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • The Heart of Discipline: Restoration, Not Retribution (Part 1)
    Feb 12 2025

    The doldrums of Februrary are legendary for being something of a nightmare for teachers, school administrators, parents, and even kids. Cabin fever kicks in, and as the temperatures outside plummet, sometimes the tempers can rise. Many a school principal across the country can probably attest to the uptick in disciplinary issues that seems to present itself around this time of year.

    So, it's an apropos time to talk about discipline, yes? As a classical Christian school, Veritas approaches discipline differently than your typical school. Recognizing the relationship between the words "discipline" and "discipleship," our teachers and administrators aim to use challenging behaviors and situations to help point children toward being more like Christ.

    This episode is a conversation with our Pastoral Team - Principal Dan Spanjer, Dean of Students Graham Dennis, and School Counselor Rachel Kiehl - diving into the heart of discipline at Veritas and within the context of Christian parenting.

    Learn how this team of school administrators applies Christ-centered discipline aimed at restoration, with a heart for the holistic development of students toward maturity in Christ. Hear a little about how you as a parent can help your child learn and grow from discipline issues that happen at school, what kinds of contemporary cultural views clash with biblical discipline, and how resilience and emotional intelligence factor into your child's ability to receive restorative discipline.

    Thank you to our season sponsor, Hershey Financial Advisers, a wealth management firm located at North Point Boulevard in Lancaster, PA, leading people to make better financial decisions and empowering them to fulfill a vision beyond themselves.

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    55 mins
  • The Classic Learning Test: A New Exam on the Ancient Ways
    Jan 30 2025

    When you think of college entrance exams, the first one that almost certainly comes to mind is, of course, the SAT (with the ACT close behind), which has dominated the field for over a century. But there is a new test on the scene - The Classic Learning Test (CLT), honoring the enduring tradition of classical education. And, its catching on across the nation.

    In this conversation with Jeremy Tate, founder and CEO of the CLT, you'll hear the enlightening story of how Jeremy was inspired to implement an alternative to College Board's SAT behemoth. Jeremy explains the influence of classical education on his development and the pivotal points that led him to create CLT, prompting students to engage with classic and traditional texts rather than modern, often ideologically driven materials.

    Discover this new exam on the old ways – the CLT, which now serves around 250,000 students and is accepted by approximately 300 colleges, including major institutions in Florida.

    This season of Cultivate is sponsored by Hershey Financial Advisers, a wealth management firm located at North Point Boulevard in Lancaster, PA, leading people to make better financial decisions and empowering them to fulfill a vision beyond themselves.

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    42 mins
  • Creativity in the Classroom (and Why Fourth Graders SHOULD Play With Fire)
    Jan 16 2025

    If there's one thing that a typical school day at a classical Christian school should not be, it's boring. That's because classical Christian school teachers and administrators not only find and impart great joy and passion in the subjects they're teaching (and the awesome God who created them all!), but also because this education model lends itself to such creative ideas and ways of learning.

    Emily Fischer, our fourth grade teacher, has been embodying this type of creativity in her classroom for many years, and has helped guide and inspire many other teachers to do likewise. It's not uncommon to walk by her classroom and smell smoke, hear power tools, or see costumed kids wielding weapons...and know that it's all part of the plan and going just fine!

    Emily joins her husband, Veritas Head of School Ty Fischer, on this episode to give listeners a glimpse into this wholly different, beautiful, joyful way of learning that is classical Christian education, especially as it relates to Grammar School.

    This conversation will help you see one more way that Veritas is likely quite different from any other school you've encountered, and perhaps even inspire you to aim for creative, outside-the-box, or even slightly risky traditions that will help your child mature as the young man or women God is designing them to be.

    In the midst of it, you'll get a tour through our fourth grade year, a thrilling journey through the Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation time periods peppered with castles, swords, exciting field trips, memorable moments, and (of course) lots of fire.

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    34 mins
  • Family Prayer and Devotions: Cultivating the Spiritual Health of Your Home
    Dec 11 2024

    In this episode - our final episode of 2024 - Ty Fischer talks with Pastor Robert Godfrey (Zeltenreich Reformed Church) and his wife Catherine about how we as Christian parents can cultivate our children's prayer and devotional lives by fostering a culture of family prayer and devotions in our home. The conversation touches on not only practical tips for parents to get on the right track, but also precious spiritual truths and encouragement no matter what age our children are - that we have a loving, altogether wonderful heavenly Father who is a good God, worthy of worship, and who inclines his ear to his children when they come to him in prayer.

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    49 mins
  • Why Music Is An Essential Part of a Child's Holistic, Classical Education
    Nov 27 2024

    We realize that not every child is going to grow up to be a world class musician or standout singer. Or even be inclined to join their church's choir and go to the symphony every weekend. However, we wholeheartedly believe in music's important place in a child's education - both learning to make good music and learning to appreciate good music. Throughout history, the free societies of the world have valued music education, and for good reason.

    As we approach our anticipated Christmas Concerts (and Christmas caroling season, of course) this is an excellent time to listen to a conversation with our three music teachers - Sarah Smith (K-2nd grade music), Lindsey Stauffer (upper grammar and secondary music and choir director) and Jennifer Petry (orchestra director) - about why music education enriches a student for life in their future families, churches, and communities at large.

    Links for Further Listening

    Here are links to some of the music pieces mentioned in this episode, for your family's further listening enjoyment:

    • ⁠Vivaldi Four Seasons⁠
    • ⁠Haydn Surprise Symphony⁠
    • ⁠Bach Toccata and Fugue in d minor⁠
    • ⁠Berlioz Symphony Fantastique 5th movement
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    47 mins
  • Achieving That "Aha!" Moment: A Discussion With the Learning Support Team
    Nov 13 2024

    We're one quarter of the way into the school year, and maybe you're finding your child is struggling with a subject. Or, perhaps you're just an intentional parent who wants to do what you can to help your child thrive academically. Or, maybe you're thinking you would like to have your child attend Veritas, but you're concerned the academics would be too challenging.

    Whatever the case may be, you will enjoy this discussion with the Veritas Learning Support Team - Christine Hertzog, Deb Bentley, and Sandy Olcott - who give insights into the tools and methods they use to help kids grasp course material, things they've seen well-meaning parents do that can hinder kids' academic progress, and hope and encouragement pointing us to the real purpose of education (hint: it's not grades).

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    48 mins
  • Navigating Today's Youth Culture As Christian Parents With Walt Mueller
    Oct 30 2024

    Our guest is Dr. Walt Mueller of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding. Walt will be visiting Veritas Academy on the evening of November 19th to present his "Youth Culture 101" seminar, giving parents insight on the major cultural forces influencing today's kids and providing practical, hope-filled, Biblical perspectives on how to guide our kids through the noise that surrounds them and keep them pointed to Christ. (Click here to register for this event)

    In this episode, Walt brings his experience and expertise to a discussion on how Christian parents can connect with and guide their kids in truth and light through a complicated, anxiety-ridden culture. Together with our host Ty Fischer, they cover things like:

    • Stress and anxiety in our kids
    • Handing technology
    • Common mistakes well-meaning parents can make
    • Keeping the conversation lines open with your kids
    • And more.

    For more information on Walt's ministry, visit cpyu.org.

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    48 mins