• 2043
    Feb 23 2025

    My guest today is Ziad Aly.

    Ziad is an entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience, and has supported over 30 startups and corporations, such as Aramex and Vodafone. He decided to take a new step and establish "The 2043 Project"—an initiative that brings together minds from all over the world to solve the big problems facing the world, from health and renewable energy to artificial intelligence...etc.

    Today's conversation is special because I consider Ziad one of the first mentors in my career. I started my first internship at Ziad’s company when I was 19 years old, working on content for a mobile application. Of course, I worked in many other places after that, but there are lessons I learned from my time at Al-Zwad that are still with me to this day.

    In this engaging conversation, Ziad Aly shares his extensive career journey, highlighting his leadership roles in various companies and his transition into angel investing. The discussion delves into the differences between generations, the importance of mentorship, and the contrasting worlds of entrepreneurship and corporate life. Ziad reflects on the opportunities and challenges faced by the new generation, the evolving definition of success, and the impact of technology on youth. The conversation concludes with personal reflections on life lessons and the importance of growth and adventure.

    Follow Ziad on LinkedIn:


    Follow Project 2043:


    Ziad recommends the book "Homo Deus".


    ⁠#CuriousSalma⁠⁠ is a conversational podcast exploring being curious, navigating through life and discussing certain topics with guests in each episode.

    Produced by: Salma Hegab

    Follow Curious Salma:

    Instagram: ⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/curioussalma⁠⁠

    Facebook: ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/curioussalma⁠⁠

    Twitter: ⁠⁠https://twitter.com/curioussalma

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    41 mins
  • A very smart woman
    Dec 30 2024

    My guest today is Farah Chabaan.

    I met Farah less than a year ago shortly after my relocation to Abu Dhabi. She’s passionate, funny, smart and a really good conversationalist.

    As with all random things I do, I just asked Farah to record an episode with me, reflecting on this year and our relentless pursuits to keep our sanity in an insane world!

    In this engaging conversation, I speak with Farah about her journey in storytelling, emotional control, and the challenges of content creation. We explore the importance of personal growth, the lessons learned from career experiences, and the significance of curiosity in life.

    Farah shares her insights on navigating the creative process and offers valuable advice for newcomers in the communication field, emphasizing the importance of listening and the acceptance of failure as part of growth.

    We also explore the themes of perfectionism, success, emotional health, and the importance of deep conversations. We delved into the burden of being the 'perfect child', the need to redefine success beyond material achievements, and the power of kindness and emotional acknowledgment in personal growth.

    Follow Farah on LinkedIn:


    Follow Farah's page for recipes:


    Farah recommends the movie "Into The Wild":



    #CuriousSalma⁠ is a conversational podcast exploring being curious, navigating through life and discussing certain topics with guests in each episode.

    Produced by: Salma Hegab

    Follow Curious Salma:

    Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/curioussalma⁠

    Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/curioussalma⁠

    Twitter: ⁠https://twitter.com/curioussalma

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    50 mins
  • The Ride to COP27 - بالعربي
    Sep 4 2023

    ضيفي النهاردة هو علي عبده.

    علاء سفير التنمية المستدامة من وزارة التخطيط والتنمية الاقتصادية

    وهو واحد من خريجي برنامج سفراء التنمية المستدامة

    علي النهاردة هيكلمنا عن الرقم القياسي لغينيس ريكوردز اللي حصل عليه لأطول رحلة في التاريخ بالموتوسيكل!

    مش بس كدة، علي حصل على ٤ أرقام قياسية من غينيس!

    أنا عرفت عن علي من رحلته في مصر قبل مؤتمر قمة COP27 وقررت من ساعتها اتكلم معاه واعرف منه عن الجهود المبذولة في مصر للتوعية بالتنمية المستدامة واكتر

    انتوا بتسمعوا سلمى حجاب على بودكاست "فضول سلمى"

    ودايما هاحب اسمع رأيكم واقتراحاتكم على أي بلاتفورم متاح

    Ali is an avid electric motorcyclist, a climate activist and a Sustainable Development Ambassador from the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development

    He is one of the graduates of the Sustainable Development Ambassadors Program.

    Today, Ali will talk to us about the Guinness Records record he obtained⁠ for the longest motorcycle ride in history!⁠

    Not only that, Ali got 4 Guinness World Records!

    I learned about Ali from his trip in Egypt before the COP27 summit, and I decided then to talk to him and learn from him about the efforts made in Egypt to raise awareness about sustainable development and more.


    ⁠#CuriousSalma⁠ is a conversational podcast exploring being curious, navigating through life and discussing certain topics with guests in each episode.

    Produced by: Salma Hegab

    New episode every week

    Website: ⁠https://salmawrotethis.com/podcast/⁠

    Follow Curious Salma:

    Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/curioussalma⁠

    Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/curioussalma⁠

    Twitter: ⁠https://twitter.com/curioussalma⁠

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    39 mins
  • Blue & White Pottery
    May 21 2023
    My guest today is Yang Long. Yang is a graduate student from Singapore. He studies International Relations and is currently doing an internship in Dubai!  This is not Yang's first visit to the Middle East. He had an internship at the Singapore Embassy in Cairo in 2018. He also studied Arabic at the Arabic language institute in Fez in Morocco last year.  Yang is passionate about traveling, theater, soccer, and collecting blue and white pottery! In this episode, we talked about his interest in the links between China, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. We delve into graduating in a pandemic era, whether our parents' generations had it worse, "Crazy Rich Asians", Middle Eastern Hospitality and more... Follow Yang Long on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanyanglong Speech: 1. https://www.mfa.gov.sg/Overseas-Mission/Cairo/Mission-Updates/2010/04/press_201004_1 2. https://beyondsg.typepad.com/beyondsg/2010/07/remarks-by-minister-for-foreign-affairs-george-yeo-at-gala-dinner-hosted-for-jewel-of-muscat-crew-me.html Art: 1. https://asiasociety.org/new-york/exhibitions/secrets-sea-tang-shipwreck-and-early-trade-asia 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huaisheng_Mosque History: 1. Middle Eastern traveller Ibn Battuta: https://orias.berkeley.edu/resources-teachers/travels-ibn-battuta 2. Chinese traveler Zhenghe https://exploration.marinersmuseum.org/subject/zheng-he/ 3. Arab and Persian merchants in China https://hal.univ-reunion.fr/hal-03249784/document 4. Singapore Arab community https://www.arabnews.com/node/1342016/world --#CuriousSalma is a conversational podcast exploring being curious, navigating through life and discussing certain topics with guests in each episode. Produced by: Salma Hegab Website: https://salmawrotethis.com/podcast/ Follow Curious Salma: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curioussalma Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/curioussalma Twitter: https://twitter.com/curioussalma
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    33 mins
  • أسيب أثر
    Mar 25 2023

    ضيفي النهاردة هو علاء النواوي.

    علاء مهندس كهرباء (عمره ما اشتغل فيها)، بيشتغل في مجال التقنيات أكتر من ١٩ سنة.

    عايش في دبي اكتر من نص عمره

    أنا عرفت علاء من بودكاست جديد ليه اسمه "احنا هنشتغل ايه؟"، بيتكلم مع ناس عندها وظايف المختلفة والمهارات اللي كل واحد محتاجها 

    فقررت اتكلم النهاردة مع علاء في حلقة بالعربي عن تربية الاطفال، عالم البودكاست والمحتوى العربي، الحياه المهنية، العيلة واكتر.

    انتوا بتسمعوا سلمى حجاب على بودكاست "فضول سلمى"

    ودايما هاحب اسمع رأيكم واقتراحاتكم على أي بلاتفورم متاح

    My guest today is Alaa el Nawawy.

    Alaa is an electrical engineer (never worked in it), has been working in technology for more than 19 years.

    He’s been living in Dubai most of his life.

    I got to know Alaa from his new podcast, “⁠What will we work?”

    Today I am speaking with Alaa today in an episode in Arabic about parenthood, the world of podcasts and Arab content, career, family and more.

    You are listening to Salma Hegab on the “Curious Salma” podcast.

    I would always love to hear your opinion about your feedback on all available platforms.


    #CuriousSalma is a conversational podcast exploring being curious, navigating through life and discussing certain topics with guests in each episode.

    Produced by: Salma Hegab

    New episode every week

    Website: https://salmawrotethis.com/podcast/

    Follow Curious Salma:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curioussalma

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/curioussalma

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/curioussalma

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    43 mins
  • The Proactive Volunteer
    Feb 5 2023

    My guest today is Ahmed Ali.

    Ahmed is a construction professional by trade who is passionate about making an impact in the world. He established an organisation called Draw a Smile in the UK to make an impact in the lives of those less fortunate in Egypt.

    Currently Ahmed is an operations manager for a global humanitarian charity.

    I’ve asked Ahmed to be a guest on my podcast after taking part in his initiative “Draw A Smile”!

    In this episode we discussed how he started his initiative and kept it going for over 10 years, his passion for humanitarian work and loving his new job, the source of his wisdom, being an extrovert, lessons from his career, how to avoid burnout, staying inspired, the 1% and more...

    Follow Ahmed on instagram:


    Find out more about "Draw A Smile":


    #CuriousSalma is a conversational podcast exploring being curious, navigating through life and discussing certain topics with guests in each episode.

    Produced by: Salma Hegab

    New episode each Saturday at 9 am (GMT+4)

    Website: https://salmawrotethis.com/podcast/

    Follow Curious Salma:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curioussalma

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/curioussalma

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/curioussalma

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    43 mins
  • The Communication Leader
    Feb 5 2023

    My guest today is Mike Klein.

    Mike Klein is an American communication consultant and writer based in Reykjavik, Iceland.

    He founded the #WeLeadComms campaign to recognise courage, initiative and leadership in the communication professions.

    He is an MBA graduate of London Business School, and the former chair of International Association of Business Communicators - Former Regional Chair, Europe-Middle East-North Africa.

    I’ve e-met Mike over a year ago through LinkedIn when he approached me to be a part of the #WeLeadComms community. 

    In this episode, we talked about his "We Lead Comms" initiative, why he chose to live in Iceland, his years of political campaigning, his take on employee engagement surveys and the shift on viewpoint of internal communications, most important lessons over his career, what he would advise his 18-year old self, his definition of success and more!

    Mike also wanted to give us all his take on why we should visit Iceland. It's all in his & his wife's website: www.icelandunwrapped.com

    Follow Mike Klein on LinkedIn:


    Find out more about the #WeLeadComms:


    #CuriousSalma is a conversational podcast exploring being curious, navigating through life and discussing certain topics with guests in each episode.

    Produced by: Salma Hegab

    Website: https://salmawrotethis.com/podcast/

    Follow Curious Salma:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curioussalma

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/curioussalma

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/curioussalma

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    45 mins
  • The Digital Nomad
    Jan 31 2023

    My guest today is Soufia Lamribah.

    Sofia is a Moroccan digital nomad who has been working in marketing for the past seven years. Sofia has a podcast called “GeoMaxing” in which she discusses her passions about travelling and connecting people..

    She is currently an expat in Thailand working as a Digital and community building consultant.

    I’ve known Sofia since 2015 actually, since we used to work together (remotely) for a digital marketing agency. What a great opportunity for us to connect now after all these years.

    In this episode we talk about her podcast, why she chose to work in digital marketing, her decision to leave Morocco and travel around Southeast Asia, surviving COVID-19, her favorite food and tips to cook for someone with ADHD, her best life lesson from the movie "Mr Nobody": "Choices affect life and it's pointless to ruminate and think of the should've. There are no guarantees that things would turn out better".

    Soufia mentioned #moneytrauma:



    Check out Soufia's podcast:


    Follow Soufia on LinkedIn:


    #CuriousSalma is a conversational podcast exploring being curious, navigating through life and discussing certain topics with guests in each episode.

    Produced by: Salma Hegab

    Website: https://salmawrotethis.com/podcast/

    Follow Curious Salma:

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/curioussalma

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/curioussalma

    facebook: https://facebook.com/curioussalma

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    55 mins