
  • The Biblical Meaning of the Number 14
    Sep 8 2021

    are specific numbers in the King James Bible, chosen by God and used detailed and precise. Each number is defined and utilized methodically to teach and support the Word of God. We serve an orderly God who governs the universe and this world with precision and accuracy. Should we not expect His word to follow the same guidelines? Using computers, we can see how unique the Word of God is. Not only that, but we can see that the King James Bible stands out from all other versions because only in this Bible can such a study be done. I hope you will see in this lesson and all the number lessons I do is the consistency in which God uses numbers. By this consistency, we can see His hand in preserving His Word. Let us begin our study now of the number fourteen.

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    22 mins
  • The Biblical Meaning of the Number 21
    Sep 1 2021

    What is the Biblical meaning of the number 21? This number has the highest hits on the blog www.DNAintheBible.com. A number defined in the King James Bible for Exceeding sinfulness of sin. Many of you have check this number out because we are currently living in the year 2021, and with all the world events, you are looking for guidance or maybe a clue what the remainder of this crazy year might bring. One thing I want to remind you, no matter how crazy this world gets, there is one who is still on the throne guiding the world events, and that man is Jesus Christ. All the world events are coming together just like the book of Revelation predicted.

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    12 mins
  • How Does Charity Relate to the Number 13?
    Aug 25 2021

    Hello and welcome to the Bible Code. Today we will finish up the number thirteen. Our focus will be on charity and spiritual warfare. Today's lesson will be the seventh part in our series on the number thirteen, completing our study of this incredible number associated with evil and rebellion. Thirteen is one of the more extensive number studies, containing over 35 pages of notes. Yet, through this fascinating study, we learned that a Bible Code supports the Scriptures that point out that Jesus Christ is made to be sin for us who knew no sin, 2 Corinthians 5:21. Another way of saying it in Bible Code language is Jesus became the number thirteen. Taking upon himself our depravity and rebellion.

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    6 mins
  • Jesus as the Serpent on the pole, Part 3
    Aug 18 2021

    Second Corinthians 5 verse 21 mentions Jesus Christ was made to be sin for us. We have learned the number 13 is defined for depravity and rebellion. Join us as we finish up our study regarding Jesus Christ becoming the number 13, represented by the fiery serpent lifted up on the pole by Moses in Numbers 21.

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    9 mins
  • Jesus as the Serpent on the pole, Part 2
    Aug 11 2021

    We will continue to look over how the number 13 and how Jesus Christ became sin, or another way of saying it, the attributes of the number 13, to save mankind for the dreaded fate of eternity in hell. Join us today on this in-depth look into 13 and redemption.

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    9 mins
  • Jesus as the Serpent on the pole
    Aug 5 2021

    Jesus Christ is the second Adam from heaven, offering new birth to all who trust by faith in Him. The study of Jesus become what the number 13 represents is the largest of all the studies we have done on the number 13. That should remind us that He is much bigger than the evil that surrounds and harasses us.

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    10 mins
  • The Judgment of Evil and 13
    Jul 28 2021

    The number thirteen is unique because it is the only number in the Bible that takes one from the condition of man at the fall from the earthy Adam in the garden to the second Adam and the plan of salvation. Today we will continue our study on the number thirteen, focusing on the judgment of evil.

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    11 mins
  • Is the Number 13 Cursed?
    Jul 21 2021

    Our lesson today will look at the number 13 associated with death. First, we will study 13 and its connection to original sin. Then we will turn our attention to 13 actions found in the Bible for the natural man. And finally, we look at words found 13 times in the King James Bible for being a prisoner of sin.

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    8 mins