• Training
    Aug 18 2021

    In this episode Kris and Toran discuss what to expect from a paid conference training.


    ElixirConf 2021 Training

    The Overstory

    Pragmatic Studio LiveView Pro

    Do you have feedback about the show? Want to hear more about a specific topic or say hello? Write us at developingfatigue@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @developfatigue

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    18 mins
  • Self Preservation
    May 4 2021

    In this episode Kris and Toran discuss an article titled "The dispassionate developer" and the controversy around staying sharp in the software industry.


    Vim Clutch

    The dispassionate developer

    Tailwind CSS



    Do you have feedback about the show? Want to hear more about a specific topic or say hello? Write us at developingfatigue@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @developfatigue

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    26 mins
  • Identity
    Apr 2 2021

    In this episode Kris and Toran discuss decorators, programmer identity and the value of hobby projects.



    Babel decorators


    Spartan Trifecta

    Do you have feedback about the show? Want to hear more about a specific topic or say hello? Write us at developingfatigue@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @developfatigue

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    22 mins
  • Retreat
    Mar 1 2021

    In this episode Kris and Toran discuss React Native, push notifications and the value of a team retreat.


    React Native


    Expo Push Notifications

    Elixir Wizards

    Phoenix LiveView Drag and Drop

    Akira The Don

    Do you have feedback about the show? Want to hear more about a specific topic or say hello? Write us at developingfatigue@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @developfatigue

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    19 mins
  • Growth
    Feb 11 2021

    In the season 3 kickoff Kris and Toran discuss growth during the long gap between seasons.


    Knowledge Work 3.0


    Web Components

    Tailwind 2.0

    See you at the top

    Read to lead

    Do you have feedback about the show? Want to hear more about a specific topic or say hello? Write us at developingfatigue@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @developfatigue

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    19 mins
  • Take Home
    Feb 8 2020

    In the season 2 finale Kris, Brandon and Toran discuss the pros and cons of the controversial take home assignment.


    Take Home

    Force Push

    Toran's Take Home


    What's Best Next

    TypeScript Decorators

    Do you have feedback about the show? Want to hear more about a specific topic or say hello? Write us at developingfatigue@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @developfatigue

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    29 mins
  • Stuck
    Jan 21 2020

    In this episode Toran and Brandon discuss why software engineers get stuck, how they persist and the potential downsides of relentless problem solving.


    Rubber duck debugging

    Amazon ECS

    Docker and iptables

    Focusrite Scarlett Solo


    Do you have feedback about the show? Want to hear more about a specific topic or say hello? Write us at developingfatigue@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @developfatigue

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    29 mins
  • Trends
    Jan 7 2020

    In this episode Toran and Kris discuss various trends in software development. In particular, we cover thick client development, the rise of javascript and atomic css frameworks.


    Frontside podcast with Kris

    Dreaming in Code

    Shaping, betting, and building podcast


    Do you have feedback about the show? Want to hear more about a specific topic or say hello? Write us at developingfatigue@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @developfatigue

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    26 mins