
  • Star Trek: Gene's Vision - Earth Station Trek - Episode 205
    Mar 7 2025

    We Trek fans talk a lot about Gene Roddenberry's vision for Star Trek. But what is that vision, and how does it still fit with our world today? Has Trek drifted from Gene's vision of a more perfect future with things like Section 31 and actions by Sisko, Archer, others? Is that a good and necessary or bad thing overall to adjust his vision with the times? This should prove to be a lively discussion.

    Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    #startrek #generoddenberry #originalseries #nextgeneration #strangenewworlds

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    1 hr
  • Star Trek What If...? Part 2 - Earth Station Trek - Episode 204
    Feb 28 2025

    This week the Earth Station Trek crew once again ponders the Star Trek multiverse to look at the roads the franchise didn't travel! We also discuss the recent announcement about the Star Trek: Khan audio miniseries, the untimely passing of Roberto Orci, and take a look back at This Week in Trek!

    Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    #startrek #nextgeneration #enterprise #discovery #whatif

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Star Trek What If...? - Earth Station Trek - Episode 203
    Feb 21 2025

    Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. We are the hosts of Earth Station Trek. We will be your guide into the alternate realities of the Trekverse. Follow us and ponder the question . . . "What if?" This week we explore events that could have happened differently in Star Trek, both behind the scenes and on screen, and see how those changes might have altered the way Star Trek progressed over the years.

    Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    #startrek #whatif #nextgeneration #deepspacenine #voyager #enterprise #vulcan #klingon #andorian #sevenofnine #janeway #spock

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Genesis II and Planet Earth - Earth Station Trek - Episode 202
    Feb 14 2025

    Genesis II (1973) and Planet Earth (1974) were made-for-television films/pilots written and produced by Gene Roddenberry. We'll be discussing the Star Trek connections in the films as well as looking at them as Gene Roddenberry's post-Star Trek contributions to televised science fiction!

    Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    #startrek #generoddenberry #genesisii #planetearth #dylanhunt #scifi

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    57 mins
  • Section 31 - Earth Station Trek - Episode 201
    Jan 31 2025

    No doubt about it -- Star Trek: Section 31 has proved to be contentious amongst the fanbase! Some enjoyed it, but most seemed to hate it. But we all know what you're thinking: "What about the EST Crew? What did they think of it??" Well now's your opportunity to find out!

    Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    #startrek #section31 #michelleyeoh #paramountplus #startrekmovie

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 200 - Earth Station Trek - Episode 200
    Jan 24 2025

    On tonight's show we celebrate a big milestone -- our 200th EPISODE!! First, we'll talk about some of the changes that have happened in the world of Star Trek over the course of the past 200 weeks, then we'll get into how doing this podcast has affected our opinions of Star Trek over the past few years.

    THEN -- you're going to get your first preview of our new book, THE EARTH STATION TREK GUIDE TO STAR TREK! We're very excited to finally be able to give you some details about this exciting project!

    Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    #startrek #episode200 #classictrek #90strek #2020trek #hindsighttrek #startrekbook #autismtrek #nextgeneration #deepspacenine #voyager #originalseries #enterprise #discovery #lowerdecks #prodigy #strangenewworlds #section31

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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • Star Trek DS9 Writer Mark O'Connell - Earth Station Trek - Episode 199
    Jan 17 2025

    This week the EARTH STATION TREK crew has the pleasure of chatting with Deep Space Nine writer MARK O'CONNELL! He'll be talking about his four produced stories-- which include "Second Sight" (Season 2), "Meridian" (Season 3), "For the Cause" (Season 4) and "Who Mourns For Morn?" (Season 6) -- and maybe tell us a little about some of his other ideas he pitched for the show. Find out what it was like working on Trek in the 90s!

    Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    #startrek #nextgeneration #deepspace9 #markoconnell #secondsight #meridian #forthecause #whomournsformorn

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Canon, Time Travel, and the Multiverse - Earth Station Trek - Episode 198
    Jan 10 2025

    This week the EARTH STATION CREW tackles the big questions! What is canon? Does continuity even matter in a multiverse where time travel is possible? How big does a discrepancy need to be before it is considered a different universe? We'll tackle all of that and more!

    Earth Station Trek is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Executive Producer Mike Faber.

    #startrek #lowerdecks #discovery #strangenewworlds #nextgeneration #deepspace9 #voyager #enterprise #gorn #klingon #trill

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    1 hr and 2 mins