• Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #09
    Mar 9 2025
    Auto-generated transcript:In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the honorable prophets and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and upon his family and companions. Peace and blessings be upon him. My brothers and sisters, all praise is due to Allah. The month is passing and the month is passing fast. Today is the fifth day of Ramadan Al-Kareem. I ask Allah SWT to make the fasting easy for us, to help us to fast in a way which accomplishes the purpose of the fasting which is to make us Muttaqun. I remind myself and you that during this period of the fast, we stop ourselves from doing that which is Halal. Only because Allah SWT commanded that. What then of what Allah commanded and told us is Haram. What then of those things which Allah SWT prohibited us from doing, not just within the period of fasting, but throughout our lives. What of gambling? What of dealing in interest? What of bad mouthing people? Rebirth? Backbiting and slandering? What of telling lies? What of withholding our evidence and witness? What of foul mouthed speech? What of bearing grudges and enmity? What of hatred? What of greed and envy and jealousy? May Allah have mercy on us. The list is endless. Allah SWT commanded us not to intake even that which is Halal and Alhamdulillah in Ramadan we follow that. What about all of these things which Allah commanded and said it is Haram? I mentioned interest. With respect to interest, Allah not only made it Haram, Allah declared war on the one who deals in interest despite knowing that it is Haram. Yet we deal in interest. Yet we find excuses. What would you say to somebody who is fasting, who claims to be fasting and then you find him eating something and he says, no, no, no, you know, these are just these cheetos which came or something which are so tasty I just tried a little bit. Say, but brother, you are fasting. You are not supposed to try a little bit or more or less. So when doing that is not permissible, how can we be permissible to disobey Allah SWT? Brothers and sisters, please understand, I remind myself and you, we came here Allah sent us only to obey. Allah did not send us for any other reason. Allah said, you have not created the human beings and the jinn for any purpose. You have not created the human beings and the jinn for any purpose. You have not created the human beings and the jinn for any purpose other than to obey, other than to worship. That's the only purpose. We were sent to worship Allah. How then do we not do that? How then do we disobey Allah? Disobey Allah, knowingly. Please understand this. We don't want to stand on the day of judgment before Allah SWT and say, Allah, you know, I made a mistake. And we are told, no, it's not a mistake. You deliberately did this thing. It's a crime. You knew interest was haram, but you ate interest. You knew gambling was haram, but you went and gambled. You knew using of tobacco and tobacco products and cigarettes and argila and this and that. All this was haram, but you deliberately did this. You knew backbiting and cheating was haram, but you did it. You knew slandering was haram, but you did it. How are we going to, you know, justify this? Tell me. My brothers and sisters, please. The purpose of fasting is not just hunger. That is why Aswina Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, stay away from all these things. Stay away from bad mouthing. Stay away from foul language. Stay away from yelling and screaming, from raving and ranting. Stay away from telling lies and all these things. Otherwise, he said, there would be people for whom their fasting is only hunger and thirst. They will get no reward for the fasting because their fasting is going in all of these things which Allah SWT has prohibited. Let us not be among those people. Let us protect our fast and let us make sure that we fast from everything which is har...
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  • Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #08
    Mar 9 2025
    Auto-generated transcript:As-salātu wa s-salām ʿalā ʿashrafī l-anbiyā'ī wa l-mursalīn Muhammadun Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ tasleeman kathīran kathīra Hammadu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu ʿAbdu alun maghummin wa ghair apar-arab suggestions Allah SWT said Allah's blessing has been and was and is on the Prophets, the martyrs, and the people who are good in the sight of Allah SWT. Among the Prophets, Allah SWT said Ya Seen wal Quran Al Hakim, Inna Kala Meenal Mursaleena Ala Siratil Mustaqeer. Allah SWT, the second Prophet, Ya Seen is one of the names of Rasulullah SAW, he said and Allah took an oath by the Quran, Wal Quran Al Hakim, Inna Kala Meenal Mursaleena, truly you are among the Rasul, among the messengers of Allah, Ala Siratil Mustaqeer, and you are on the Siratil Mustaqeer. Which Siratil Mustaqeer? The one we ask Allah for in every Rakat of every Salah, in Suratul Fatiha, without which the Salah is not complete because Suratul Fatiha is a Rukun of Salah and the one who has not recited Suratul Fatiha, his Salah is invalid. So every Salah, Fargh, or Sunnah, or Nafil, or whatever, we ask Allah for Hidayah. Ramadan came to give us this Hidayah. It came to open the doors. So when we stop ourselves from what Allah has prohibited, we are doing this as a way to turn towards Allah SWT. So let us use this month to make sincere repentance, sincere Tawwah to Allah SWT and wash our hands and clean our lives from every single thing, small or large. That is disobedience of Allah. Let us focus on our Salah. That is the first thing that we need to correct. Make sure that we pray, that we pray correctly, and we pray on time without delay. We ask Allah SWT to accept our fasting and to accept whatever we do for His sake and to correct our intention, to purify our actions and to accept us in His path and to give us Khatima Bil Khair. And may Allah bless us all.
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  • Sunnat ki ittiba [Urdu]
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  • Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #07
    Mar 7 2025
    Auto-generated transcript:Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Alhamdulillahir Raheem. Wasalaatu wasalaamu ala ashrafil anbiya wal mursaleen. Muhammadur Rasoolulahi sallallahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam tasleeman katheera katheera. From abadhu, alhamdulillah, we are in the month of Ramadan. Fasting has started. Taste the sweetness of this. What are we doing in fasting? Let me remind myself and you. What are we doing in fasting? What are we doing in this fasting? What we are doing in this fasting is that things which were and are and continue to be halal, things which were permissible, things if we did them for the sake of Allah SWT, we would be rewarded for them. Those things during a specific period of time in the day, we make them haram on ourselves. Eating of halal food is halal except in the period of the fast. From the time of the beginning of the fast to the end, it is haram to eat. Drinking is normally halal. In the period of the fast, it is haram. Sohba with our spouses being with our spouses halal during the period of fast, haram. Now why? Why is something which is normally permissible being made impermissible during a specific period of time? Very simple answer. Because Allah said so. There is no other answer. We are not doing this to reduce our glycemic index or to have some positive effect on blood sugar or to lose weight or nothing. We are doing it because Allah said so. Now this is the fundamental principle of Islam. A Muslim is the one who submits to Allah SWT. Why does he submit? Because Allah is Allah. Because he recognizes his relationship with Allah. I am the creature of Allah. I am the slave of Allah. I exist because Allah created me. I exist for the purpose of glorifying and praising and worshipping Allah SWT. Allah SWT said, We have not created the human being and the jinn for anything other than worship. And what is worship? Worship is the actions of worship of which Ramadan, the fasting and Ramadan is one. But worship is to obey. And then the month of Ramadan is supposed to reinforce this. Obedience. Why are you not eating? Because Allah said so. Why are you not drinking? Because Allah said so. Why are you not doing things which were normally halal? Because Allah said so. And the same things which we have not been doing and which we did not do all day today until the time of iftar become halal, once iftar is over. Once the time of iftar comes, they become halal. Obedience. Islam means obedience. Islam means submission. وَيِذْكَعْلَ لَهُ رَبُّهُ أَسْلِمْ قَالَ أَسْلَمْتُ لِلَبِّ الْعَانَمِينَ Allah SWT said about Ibrahim Ali, Allah SWT said to him, Submit. He said, I have submitted. It is to inculcate this spirit of submission, the spirit of total and complete obedience, not blind obedience. It is obedience because our eyes are wide open, our hearts are wide open and we recognize Allah SWT. We are not obeying blindly. We are not obeying without understanding anything. We are obeying because we understand. The one who is not obeying is blind. The one who is not, a Muslim who is not fasting is blind. A Muslim who is not fasting in the month of Ramadan has not understood anything. He doesn't know who he is. He does not know who Allah is. He does not know that he will die one day. He does not know that he will be resurrected, that he will stand before Allah SWT. He will be questioned and he will have no answer. The one who is fasting is the one who understands all of this. And therefore he said, لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ Oh Allah, I am here. I am here to obey you and I am obeying you. I ask Allah SWT to make us among those who respond to the call of obedience, to the hukum and the order and the command of obedience of Allah SWT, which must be done in the way, the sunnah of Muhammad SAW. And may Allah's peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, his family and the water of the sea be upon him. With your mercy, O merciful and merciful. And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
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  • Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #06
    Mar 7 2025
    Auto-generated transcript:In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. Peace and blessings be upon the honorable prophets and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and upon his family and companions. He has been very, very peaceful. From now on, my brothers and sisters, Allah SWT said about this month of Ramadan, O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become righteous, so that you may become people of Taqwa. I remind myself and you that all Ibadat, all acts of worship are not for themselves. They are tools, they are ways for the purpose, the sole purpose of attaining and earning the Rida of Allah, the acceptance of Allah, the pleasure of Allah SWT. Every Ibadah leads to that. Same result and same goal for every action of worship. Every action of worship is for that purpose, it is not for itself. For example, about the Salah, Allah SWT said, Inna Salata Tanha Anil Fahshai War Munkar. Allah said, Verily the Salah separates you from Fahushait and Munkarat, from all forms of shamelessness, all forms of disobedience and all forms of rebelliousness and disobedience. The purpose of Salah is not Salah itself. We don't pray for the sake of prayer. We pray so that Allah SWT purifies us, separates us from all kinds of shameless deeds and Munkarat, all forms of disobedience of Allah SWT and rebelliousness. Similarly, about fasting, as I mentioned to you the Ayat of Surah Al-Bukhara, So that you become people of Taqwa, people who are concerned about earning the pleasure of Allah SWT. The purpose of fasting is there. The reason I am saying this is because when you are doing something for a purpose, you must look at whether this purpose is being achieved or not. You go to the gym to develop your body, to develop your strength, to change the shape of your body from being spherical to being, you know, looking like a healthy human being. You measure that. You measure your muscle, the ability to lift weights. You measure your muscle strength. You measure your muscle mass and so on and so forth. Similarly for other things. If you are going towards some destination, when you are traveling, you say, well, how many miles more to go? Means there is a destination, that destination, there is a distance, I have traveled some distance, I have some more to go. The same thing we must apply with regard to our Taqwa. How many miles to go? So what is my level of Taqwa? What was it last year? What was it last month? What is it now? Measure it. And the measurement is very simple. How obedient am I to Allah SWT? How obedient am I to Allah? How obedient am I to Rasulullah SAW? Obedience to Allah SWT orders His Ahkam in the way of Muhammad SAW. We do it the way he did it. This is the meaning of obedience. This is the meaning of being on the path leading to the mercy of Allah SWT. That is why Ramadan comes, to focus on that. And Allah SWT is saying the purpose of Ramadan is to focus on pleasing Allah SWT. I ask Allah SWT to give us good health, to give us time, and above all to give us this intense awareness, this intense awareness that the most important thing for me to do in this month of Ramadan is to maximize the benefit by doing my best to please Allah SWT. And never, never, never do anything which amounts to the disobedience of Allah and the disobedience of His Nabi SAW. Live our lives according to the orders of Allah on the Sunnah of Muhammad and Rasulullah SAW. May Allah bless us all with His mercy.
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  • Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #05
    Mar 6 2025
    Auto-generated transcript:In Hadiths by Musnad Ibn Muhammad, in Al-Hakimah and in Al-Baihaqi, the Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said, They will make Shafa' on behalf of the slave. Allah SWT will permit fasting and the Quran to become our Shafi' to make Shafa' intercede for us. As-Siyyam fasting says, O our O Rabb, I prevented him from food and obeying his desires during the day, therefore accept my Shafa' on his behalf. And the Quran will say, I prevented him from sleeping at night, therefore accept my Shafa' on his behalf. And they and their Shafa' will be accepted and they will be accepted as intercessors. Now please understand this. The thing here is that this fasting is becoming our an intercessor on our behalf because we are practicing the fasting correctly. As Rasulullah SAW said, some people for them the fasting is only hunger and thirst and loss of sleep. We do not want to be among them. So therefore the fact fasting prohibits us from all forms of bad behavior. Fasting is something which is a person who wishes to in one opinion, there is an opinion which says that engaging in bad conduct, engaging in actions which are, again there is a Hadith, Abu Hurairah narrated that Rasulullah SAW said in this Hadith in Bukhari and Abu Dawud, whoever doesn't give up false speech, which is all from the, apart from lying and so on, it's also backbiting, it's also slandering, it's also all kinds of stuff like this, whoever does not give up false speech and evil actions and does not abandon foolishness, Allah is not in need of His living food and drink. And this Hadith is in Bukhari and Abu Dawud. According to the majority of scholars, to do so, that is to indulge in these evil actions of lying and cheating and whatnot, lessens the reward of the fast. It makes it less valuable but does not break it. But some of the scholars of the Zahiri mazhab like Ibrahim, Al-Nakhai, Al-Awzai and Ibn Hazm, they said that it breaks the fast. So, irrespective of that, we want to make sure that the fasting is something which becomes beneficial for us and let us not, again, the idea is not to fall into any form of argument about all this. Now, Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam mentioned three kinds of people who defeat the purpose of fasting. He said Qawla zuur, that is falsehood, for example lying, ghaiba, namimah, false testimony, swearing, slander, all forms of haram statements. And then Amal Az-Zur, which is haram actions. So Qawla zuur, haram speech, haram actions. Amal Az-Zur, which is oppression, fighting, stealing, listening to music, looking at haram, all the bad stuff. And then Jahil, this is not the antinom of knowledge, but rather it's the opposite of Hilb, meaning controlling oneself, holding oneself back and being patient. For example, one who does not have control on himself and is quick to fight and argue and get angry is a Jahil. We know that these actions are haram and all the more they become even more haram than haram in the month of Ramadan because where the goodness is multiplied, the evil also becomes even more reprehensible. So let us make sure that we don't waste our fasting and that we practice it correctly.
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  • Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #04
    Mar 4 2025
    Auto-generated transcript:Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen. Wasalaatu wasalaamu ala ishrafil anbiya wal mursaleen. Muhammad rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam tasleeman kaseeran kaseeraan. From Abadu, my brothers and sisters, we talked about goal setting. I want to remind myself anew the importance of prioritization. The three things that we need to do. Set goals, prioritize and based on the priorities set our time. So, manage our time. Throughout life we are talking about Ramadan and let Ramadan become a training ground for us to bring about change in our lives going forward. As one of my one of my Shriyavahus to say, did you enter Ramadan or did Ramadan enter you? Because if you entered Ramadan then on the first of Shawwal you would have exited Ramadan. But if Ramadan enters you then it will transform your life and that is the key thing to remember and the key thing for us to think about and the key thing for us to focus on and say am I entering Ramadan or is Ramadan entering me? And we want to make sure that we don't just live by default and that we transform ourselves. The purpose of Ramadan is to transform our lives and to make us better human beings so that we succeed in this world and inshallah we gain the Rida of Allah and Jannah in the Akhira. So, in order to do that the tool is called prioritization. The reason why we need to prioritize is because all resources in this life are limited, Mahdood. No matter who you are, whether you are a king or a pauper, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are a child or an adult, whether you are wealthy or poor, healthy or sick, whatever the case might be, all resources. Our life is limited, it is finite, our time is finite, everybody has only 24 hours, nobody has one second more than that, our wealth is finite, we only have so much, no matter how much that much is, right? Everything in our life is finite. It is something which is definite, has no, there is no, it's not unlimited. And therefore, the key thing is to use it in a way where we get maximum benefit for it. If I have only a few resources, then I cannot afford to squander them, I can't afford to just throw them around and hope for the best, no. I need to be very clear about where to place them to be able to make the most of them. The principle of leverage is the placement of the fulcrum. If you place the fulcrum in the wrong place, the lever will break. If you place the fulcrum in the right place, then with a small amount of force, a huge load is lifted and this is the load of sins and the small amount of force is the fasting. So let us make sure the fulcrum is in the right place. Now for this to, we must have, we must do two things. One is ask yourself for every action, what is the return of an investment that I am getting? My action is my investment, what is the return I am getting? I am watching one hour of football, one hour of basketball, I am watching two hours of soccer, whatever I am watching on television. For example, I am giving one example, you can extend this to whatever you like. I am watching that what is the return? What did I get out of this? I had fun, I passed time, no you didn't pass time, time would have passed anyway. So think about that. What did I get or what will I get in return for this? Do only that which gives you the maximum return, right? Work on it on the basis of RY. What is the return that I will get from this? Is it a return with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? Then do it. If it is not, then please do not waste your time. Prioritize your life, prioritize your goals, prioritize your life especially in Ramadan al-Kareem so that we transform our lives completely when we come out of Ramadan. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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  • Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #03
    Mar 4 2025
    Auto-generated transcript:Let us remember and think and actualize this feeling of the truth that Allah sent Ramadhan al-Kareem as a blessing for us, as a gift for us. Imagine if somebody gives you an expensive watch or somebody gives you, you know, somebody gives you, you wake up in the morning and you find it the latest S-class Mercedes fully loaded standing in your in your Porsche and there's a key and there's a tag saying this is for my friend so and so and this is from wherever your friend is who's generous enough to do that for you. Imagine how grateful you would be, how wonderful you would be, how you would savor the gift, right? You would look at it again and again, you would sit in it and you would drive this car very carefully. If it says watch, you're going to put it on and you know, imagine all the, just think about this, this extremely valuable gift that you got from somebody and then remind yourself that no matter how valuable that gift was, you are going to leave us behind in this world when you go, right? Whereas Allah subhanahu ta'ala gave us this gift of Ramadhan al-Kareem which is obviously there is no comparison between the gift of, the gift which Allah gives us, the gift with anybody else's gifts, material and spiritual, but Allah subhanahu ta'ala's gift comes with us in the Akhirah. There is a beautiful hadith where there were two Sahaba who came to Islam on the same day, they accepted Islam on the same day and after many years, one of them died as a martyr in one of the Ghazwat and the other one died one year later. And one of the other Sahaba, I don't now recollect the name of the Sahabi, he saw the second one, he saw in a dream, he had a dream in which he saw the second one going into Jannah before the first one. So the first one died as a martyr, as a Shaheed and obviously his Shahadah, inshallah, is true and he will get Jannah. But this person who saw, he saw the second one going into Jannah before the first one. So he came to the Prophet, he asked him, he said, Ya Rasulullah, how is it that I find this person who died as a Shaheed, he is going into Jannah after his friend who died a year later of natural causes and they both accepted Islam on the same day. Rasulullah said, why are you surprised? Did the second one not get one more Ramadan? Did he not get a chance to worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala more in the month of Ramadan? Did he not get one more Lailatul Qadar? Did he not get the chance to do good deeds for one more year? Now that does not obviously detract from the position of the Shaheed, but the point I am making is let us be very very conscious of this beautiful gift that Allah has given us. In the hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim, Rasulullah said the fasting person has two happy moments. One when he breaks his fast he is happy and then the second one is when he meets his Rabb Jallalahu, he is happy because of his fasting. In another hadith in Tirmidhi and Mimajah, Rasulullah said, Allah has those whom he frees from Jahannam and this occurs every night in Ramadan. So about it, we have got this beautiful month which Allah has given us and Allah subhanahu ta'ala has blessed us with all of these blessings. So we have the issue of also the Umrah in Rabadhan, may Allah grant us this. Rasulullah said the one who makes Umrah in Rabadhan, the reward of that is equivalent to making Hajj with Rasulullah. So it is such a beautiful month with so much goodness and so much blessing. Let us make sure that we take full advantage of it and we don't lose that wasting time and doing useless things or doing things which Allah has prohibited.
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