• What If...I'm An Introvert?
    Mar 2 2025

    Wishing you would be more outgoing sometimes? Would you rather keep to yourself? Feel like you have to be extroverted to be successful in life? Join Naomi and Daniel for a mini-series asking 'What if...? In this episode, they discuss the ways introverts may be perceived and how introverts and extroverts alike can learn from one another and bring the ways God has made them to bring Him glory as they seek to keep Jesus as the centre of their identity.

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    33 mins
  • What If...I'm Busy?
    Dec 13 2024

    Lots of good things to be doing? But not enough time. Relationships to build? But not enough capacity. We desire to trust God with what's going on in our lives, but we're too busy with everything else to speak to Him. Join Naomi and Daniel for a mini-series asking 'What if...?' In this episode, they discuss the contradictory beliefs about busyness and how these can become a barrier to living our best lives following Jesus.

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    39 mins
  • Who Are My Trusted Friends?
    Nov 12 2024

    Unsure of how to deepen your friendships? Finding that your friendships keep on drifting? In this episode, guest Adele shares some of what she's learnt about friendship during her 20s and early 30s. Join Naomi and Daniel as they discuss how we can get out of the pattern of friendships that stay at the surface level for deeper, trusted friendships that are life-giving and sacrificial. These friendships, both inside and outside the church, can be free of cultural expectations for a more gospel-centred approach.

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    46 mins
  • How Can I Serve?
    Oct 7 2024

    Serving out of obligation? Is it stopping you from enjoying life? In this episode, guests Joey and Carol share their story of serving both in the church and their neighbourhood. Join Naomi and Daniel as they discuss how serving doesn't need to be a drain or a tick box to check, but explore how serving as a lifestyle beyond a team at church, can bring about the joy that God has for us.

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    44 mins
  • Should We Get Married?
    May 3 2024

    Dating, and wondering when to get engaged? Is the job, house and life stage not quite lining up for marriage? In this episode, Naomi and Daniel discuss how we often get caught up or stressed out by the practicalities of weddings, stability and homes not falling into place. Instead, the Bible gives a different blueprint for marriage, focusing on a lifelong loving marriage that will better serve God.

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    44 mins
  • Which Neighbourhood Should I Live In?
    Apr 3 2024

    Thinking of buying or selling a house? Wondering when you can move up to a 'better' neighbourhood?

    In this episode, guests Maurice and Anna share their story on how they made their decision to move neighbourhood within Liverpool. Join Naomi and Daniel as they discuss where our fears lie in choosing a neighbourhood that's safe and good for family life, over how we can serve and be a presence in that community for the benefit of others.

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    51 mins
  • How Do I Use My Influence?
    Mar 11 2024

    Finding that you have more influence than you realised? Not sure you have any influence or want any? In this episode, guest Hannah shares her story of working as a doctor and sweeping the floors of a church plant in Everton. Join Daniel and Naomi as they discuss where we're influencing and we don't realise it, and how we can influnece others positively. We don't have to be all sorted, but we can show how Jesus is working in our weaknesses.

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    50 mins
  • How Do I Find Satisfaction In My Work?
    Feb 11 2024

    Finding work a challenge? Wish it wasn't so toilsome? Or you'd be more successful? In this episode, Naomi and Daniel discuss how so much of our identity is caught up in our work. We long for success and comfort, and when that doesn't happen we look elsewhere. The gospel gives us a different perspective, helping us see that everything we do is about giving glory to God.

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    36 mins