• The First
    Jun 14 2021

    The First - Episode 1

    In our first episode, we dive deep into the Downtown Lebanon District and introduce you to its advocate and Executive Director, Ashton Light. Native to Lebanon, Ashton has always wanted to come home and plant deeper roots. The new position has spurred excitement in the revitalization of our budding downtown and we are elated to be a part of it. Ashton shares what is on the pipeline for organization, promotion design, and economic vitality of the Downtown Lebanon District AND highlights Lebanon's Route 66 Festival and Downtown Cruise happening Father's Day weekend.

    You will also learn more about us, hosts Jamie Johansen and Joanna Wilkinson, owners of Honey Creek Media, where we work in the world of storytelling…marketing with a purpose. Since we moved to Lebanon, we have felt a calling to do more with our community. That passion led to us recently purchasing a building in Downtown Lebanon we are calling, The Hive by Honey Creek. Hence the name of our podcast, From The Hive. As entrepreneurs in a rural community, we are passionate about opening our doors and creating a home, a place for people to gather, a space to cultivate ideas and secure dreams, a site to celebrate, a destination. That is what we want this podcast to be.

    Downtown Lebanon
    Instagram: @downtownlebanonmo
    Lebanon-Laclede County Route 66 Society
    Route 66 Festival Downtown Cruise
    Route 66 Festival Downtown Cruise Interactive Map
    Downtown Lebanon District Survey

    Honey Creek Media
    Facebook: @HoneyCreekMedia
    Facebook: @TheHivebyHoneyCreek
    Instagram: @The HivebyHoneyCreek

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    27 mins