• The New Independents Movement - We the People vs. the Uniparty
    Sep 25 2024
    A Front and Center Conversation with Steve Bhaerman and Michael Maxsenti“We have a two-faced one-party system – and we the people haven’t been invited to the party.” – Swami BeyondanandaWhen RFK, Jr. announced he was suspending his campaign to throw his support behind Donald Trump, I had mixed feelings. I had supported Bobby because he represented the “independent” movement, which I recognized as the politics of the future. As most Americans don’t know, 51% of American voters now identify as “independent.”While I could understand his move as a Hail Mary pass to get his agenda noticed by mainstream media, supporting Trump was for me a bridge too far. Re Trump, I could not un-remember conservative Jonah Goldman’s assessment in 2016: Character is destiny.Yes, we have a sociopathic system, but is the answer replacing it with a sociopathic individual, particularly one who seems accountable to no one?I noticed one thing immediately. When Bobby Jr. addressed a Trump rally the day after making his announcement, and when he presented the platform he asked Donald Trump to adopt – curbing governmental censorship, ending the forever wars and shifting funds to domestic needs, and “making America healthy again” by promoting clean food (including new regulations!) and clean soil -- he got a bigger ovation than Trump did. Regardless of whether Trump keeps his promises, Bobby’s message landed with the MAGA crowd. Then something else happened, seemingly insignificant, that flipped my switch.Kamala got endorsed by Dick Cheney.OK, so what? Obviously Donald Trump is such a clear and present danger, such an evil character, that parties from both parties are aligned against him. But then I asked a question. Since when is Dick Cheney such a great judge of character? And then, another. Who or what is Kamala accountable to?My take is she is a Wolfowitz in Sheepowitz’s clothing– a kinder, gentler, more “joyful” face promoting Dick Cheney’s neocon policies of forever wars, and the domestic repression that goes with it.And that brings us to the “uniparty” – a two-faced monster that uses culture wars issues to divide us, left and right. The result is that we the people have been unable to unite and hold our system accountable to the standards that the 90% of us who are not sociopaths would agree on.This two-faced monster has also betrayed us, left and right.Until now, each side has been mobilized against the evils of the other side. To progressives, corporations are the villains. To conservatives, it's the government.Actually the true “dark power” is the two of them intertwined, working together. Mussolini said the more accurate name for fascism is corporatism. That’s what we have now. We have an interlocking directorate – an Everything Industrial Complex if you will – where “regulatory” agencies are captured, and in bed with the industries they are supposedly regulating. This is not Democrat or Republican. It’s the system.There is no political savior or techno-fix that will move the dial – only an organized, coherent movement of independent voters. Regardless of who you plan to pull the lever for – or against – in November, I urge you to become part of this movement.Educate yourself. The people who’ve left the Democratic Party corral haven’t left because they know less. They have had the courage to learn more, and then look the heart of darkness in the face.Allow yourself to see beyond what you’ve been told and begin thinking for yourself. It’s the only way we can “overgrow” the system. We are the leaders we’ve been waiting for.Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KViP4LNJpZUhttps://www.independentnationalcoalition.com/Here is a short list of recommended podcasts:A Call for Unity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xf-0hMjxmlwRescue the Republic Rally and the rise of totalitarianism - https://www.mahanow.org/weinstein-podcastCensorship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF76Z6tqo1gNeed for deescalation of wars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wVZ5Az3BvUHow RFK Jr. will fix agency capture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMshg5rguq4A vote for Trump is a vote for Kennedy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wl8T1pwSU8Understanding the UNITY approach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obQXMIpWDBkA Political Science Experiment: Navy Veteran, Mechanic, & Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlzXp_yCRGwAnd a highly recommended article: https://thehill.com/opinion/4856451-trump-kennedy-alliance-unity/Watch this enlightening conversation with economist and sustainable development expert Jeffrey Sachs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0qFuH4UfKw&t=16sTo get a flavor of how it’s the Republican constituency who are the new peaceniks and environmentalists, watch this conversation with Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard as part of their Reclaim America tour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
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    53 mins
  • A Conversation with INC Convener Christopher Life
    Jul 24 2024
    The Second Great Independence Movement is the Politics of the Future – If We Are to Have OneA Conversation with INC Convener Christopher Life“Independents of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your Cheneys …and Bidens …and Trumps.” – Swami BeyondanandaThere’s a Buckminster Fuller quote that is perhaps more pertinent today than ever before:“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”So, while the mainstream conversation is focused strictly on the horse race (or is it hearse race?) between Donald Trump and whoever replaces Joe Biden, there is a significant conversation brewing that has the potential to change American politics forever and for better.Polls show that more than 50% of Americans have given up on the two major parties, and now identify as “independents.” The question is, is there anything that can organize these diverse threads and interests into a unified force?This week’s guest on Front and Center, Christopher Life, founder of – oxymoron alert – United Independents, and convener of the upcoming Independent National Conference (https://www.inc24.us/) thinks so, and we think he is on to something. Here is the stated mission of the organization and conference:At the core of our mission is a commitment to catalyze a transformative shift in American politics—away from the divisiveness of party lines and towards a future where governance is truly of, by, and for the people.United Independents envisions a political landscape liberated from partisan constraints, echoing the founding fathers' warnings against factionalism. We aim to foster a United Independent Movement that champions transparency, accountability, and citizen participation, ensuring government effectiveness and authentic public service for the benefit of all.For nearly two decades, Christopher has been involved in bringing forth a “third wave” so that we can grow beyond the two tired and contradictory narratives that have kept Americans from uniting around the virtues and values the 90% of us who are not sociopaths share. After several years he realized that just about every “third party” had some ideological ax to grind that would limit its appeal and ability to unite the American people. “And as soon as I got that,” he says, “I realized what we need right now is not another third party. What we need is a coordination system for these existing political parties.”“And this is the moment for coalition building. This is the moment for a United Independent movement. This is a moment to break the mold and form alliances between the far right and the far left, because we all have the common interest of ending the two party duopoly controlling this country.”Far right and far left?Well, Michael and I attended the 2023 INC event in Austin, where we were heartened to meet Angela McArdle, chairman of the American Libertarian Party and Nick Brana, head of the progressive People’s Party – who had already collaborated to create a peace march to end the war in Ukraine.At this September’s convention, the keynote speaker will be Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – whom Christopher believes is the current space-holder for that which can unify independents. Kennedy’s platform is non-ideological, and instead promises to be radically-inclusive of political viewpoints across the spectrum. As you will hear, Christopher and his team have already initiated a conversation to bring independents from all sides – from Greens to Libertarians – together to support RFK, Jr.“The two major parties run primaries to determine the best candidate,” Christopher reasons. “And … if there were an ‘independent party’ primary, Bobby Kennedy wins that hands-down. While people may or may not like him personally, I think it will become apparent that he is the standard-bearer for the independents movement we call for in our mission statement.”So …regardless of which candidate or party you plan to vote against this November, here is an opportunity to find out about a movement that is gaining traction, particularly in the under-40 crowd – those who want to make sure they and their children still have access to the REAL American Dream – individual freedom in the context of collective wellbeing, where we bring all perspectives into conversation, and find our way together.As Swami Beyondananda tells us, “There are no sides, only angles. And when we see it from the right angle, we’re all on the same side.”Prepare yourself for a heartening, if provocative conversation.Will we continue to be divided and conquered? Or will we unite and thrive?We have a choice.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zggUMCTIfWMIndependent National Convention - https://www.inc24.us/Independents Win - https://www.independents.win/Robert F. Kennedy for President - https://www.kennedy24.com/American Independent Party of ...
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • The America That Almost Was …And May Yet Be - Charles Eisenstein Speaks Out About Healing America and Why He Has Joined the RFK, Jr. Campaign
    Apr 30 2024
    “The two-potty shit-show has been detrimental to us all, and now we have a chance to bring it down in one swell poop.”– Swami Beyondanandahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_qrlIb7pCQHere is the paradox of our current “bi-polar insanity” and “two-potty” political system.The two political sides seem more intractably polarized than ever, and yet there is a political movement emerging from what Charles Eisenstein calls “the Transcendent Center”, a great “upwising” if you will, that seeks to bring us together around “the common moral agreements, and basic human impulses that actually could unite our country.”You may know Charles as the spiritual-political philosopher whose books The Ascent of Humanity, Sacred Economics, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, and Climate—A New Story are about transforming our civilization’s obsolete and “obsolethal” (i.e., both obsolete and deadly) story of separation, into a unifying “story of interbeing.”We’re calling our in-depth Front and Center conversation with Charles “The America That Almost Was …And May Yet Be”, after an essay he wrote calling on us to collectively heal the trauma of John F. Kennedy’s “interrupted dream” https://bohemian.com/a-dream-interrupted-1/, acknowledge we were lied to, and then pick up where JFK left off to bring about that “more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”Charles calls the JFK assassination a “mythic event”, where the official narrative is based on a lie, and that has over the past sixty years, “normalized deception.”“If you pretend to believe a lie, and you act as if it’s true,” says Charles, “then everything begins to disintegrate, and you will accept one lie after another after another.”That’s the “shituation” we find ourselves in.His mission is “healing America” so we can metabolize this trauma and begin to restore trust in our institutions by making them trustworthy. At the forefront of this mission, he says, is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential campaign, which he has joined as Communications Director and speech writer. This has been a risky and controversial move, so you’ll want to find out why Charles made it.Until now, Charles contends, we have passively allowed our political choices to be dictated to us – dividing us into “opinion tribes” that serve the current power structure.We have been diverted by “identity issues” based on our differences, so that we fail to focus on the “identical issues” that unite us – for example, the chronic illness epidemic that of all the candidates, only RFK, Jr. is willing to address.“We don't have to accept the way the politics has been,” Charles says. “We don't have to accept the choices that are being offered to us. We don't have to accept the menu that we are given, we can write a new item on the menu, or we can discard the menu entirely – and offer a new set of choices.”Regardless of who you plan to vote for – or not vote for – in November, find out why it’s ESSENTIAL for Robert Kennedy Jr. to be on the ballot in every state, and to have his voice heard on the debate stage as well.As for the question, “Can he win?” Charles substitutes a more pertinent question: “Are we the people READY for him to win?”Are we ready to disrupt politics as usual, and take command of our own political destiny?We can give Swami Beyondananda the final word: “Now is the time because it is too late to do it sooner.”LINKSKENNEDY Featured Videos covering his policy positions and much more;https://www.kennedy24.com/news-videosRobert F. Kennedy for President https://www.kennedy24.com/___________________________California voters, please click on this link for instructions on how to update your voter registration to help us get Bobby on the ballot: We the People Party https://www.kennedy24.com/ca-ballotWe The People: California Party Registration FAQhttps://www.kennedy24.com/we-the-people-faq ______________________________“Can RFK Jr. Really Change the World?”The Future Of The World Depends On Us with Charles Eisensteinhttps://youtu.be/k8hmvkMtwDg?si=HtdDxIMcoJ10j6SZRFK Jr. Advisor Charles Eisenstein on PeaceThe term "American interests" doesn't mean what the elites think it does. They cast it in terms of a global struggle for supremacy. But our real interest lies in peace, health, and broad prosperity.https://youtu.be/FVOSN9-aFN4?si=35hPoBqS3KiSKai8Charles Eisensteinhttps://charleseisenstein.org/Charles Eisenstein on Substackhttps://charleseisenstein.substack.com/_________________________________RFK Jr.’s ‘How I See The State of Our Union’ (9 min)https://youtu.be/A0yvc2Qhn5E?si=RsKheyH3NTwe3_ZwMeet the REAL RFK, Jr. Documentary FREE linkhttps://www.youtube.com/live/hfJR4DF_MYU?si=dFXYIf6tyO8XXvelRFK JR PodcastIRS: Pro-Pharma Anti-HealthHow the government, particularly the IRS, looks at exercise and diet versus weight loss drugs and other ...
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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • A New Transpartisan Movement to Break the Partisan Trance – And a Candidate to Heal America
    Apr 8 2024
    “There are no sides, only angles, and when we see it from the right angle, we’re all on the same side.” – Swami BeyondanandaAs we find ourselves in the midst of another toxically-divisive electoral campaign (that’s where we spend $14 billion to elect a candidate nearly half the people despise and the rest merely dislike), don’t you think it’s time to put an end to this bi-polar insanity?We think so.We – Steve Bhaerman and Michael Maxsenti – are rededicating our Front and Center podcast and platform to bringing America together around the virtues, values, and principles the 90% of us who are not sociopaths share, and from this new sensibility, call forth a “sane and sacred center” so that Americans from all sides can come together and hold our system accountable – and work together for what we DO want.We playfully call our newly-honed focus “a transpartisan movement to break the partisan trance.” That is, we need to break the trance of separation that is destroying our nation and disempowering the American people, by bringing people together around a truly unifying and healing campaign.Check out our exciting “rededication” podcast here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmSj9mWtS6gSupport Front and Center and our transpartisan mission to end the partisan trance.http://frontandcenter.locals.comhttps://rumble.com/c/c-1458064___________________________FiveThirtyEight https://fivethirtyeight.com/videos/the-ross-perot-myth/Forward Party https://www.forwardparty.com/We the People Party https://www.kennedy24.com/californiaRobert F. Kennedy for President https://www.kennedy24.com/RFK Jr.’s ‘How I See The State of Our Union’ (9 min)“Let's rebuild our nation and fulfill America's promise. Join me in the journey of restoration to end forever foreign wars, clean out corrupt Washington, and turn towards a future of peace, freedom, health, and prosperity.”https://youtu.be/A0yvc2Qhn5E?si=RsKheyH3NTwe3_Zw_________________________Meet the REAL RFK, Jr. Documentary FREE linkhttps://www.youtube.com/live/hfJR4DF_MYU?si=dFXYIf6tyO8XXvel________________________RFK JR PodcastIRS: Pro-Pharma Anti-HealthHow the government, particularly the IRS, looks at exercise and diet versus weight loss drugs and other pharmaceuticals is discussed in this episode with Calley Means and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rfk-jr-podcast/id1552000243?i=1000649109153_____________________We The People: California Party Registration FAQhttps://www.kennedy24.com/we-the-people-faq______________________Ross Perot and the ‘Spoiler Effect’ (10 min documentary FiveThirtyEight show)‘The Ross Perot Myth’Deep voodoo, chicken feathers and the 1992 election.https://fivethirtyeight.com/videos/the-ross-perot-myth/_________________________Why Biden and Trump Supporters Should Vote For RFK Jr.4:31 videohttps://youtu.be/S0EZQaXp2U0?si=z_iL_BsiIhyf0kx1Listen to RFK Jr.’s pitch to Trump voters on @RealAmericasVoice with @RealCharlieKirk . If you want a president who can stand up to bureaucracy and who will reform the Federal Reserve and big banks, corporate influence, and the CIA—if you want to get back the America we all envision—vote for RFK Jr., not Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Also, please consider these examples and do they have any impact on your thinking? ⁃ Trump and Biden’s support for the extradition of Julian Assange and how that impacts our 1st Amendment right of Free Speech and has a chilling effect on journalists. ⁃ Trump rolled out ’Warp Speed’ for the vaccines while not allowing the use of the 33 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine and, the use of Ivermectin. Biden then tried to make it mandatory for everyone including children, to get vaccinated while forcing many people to lose their jobs. ⁃ Trump got NATO nations to increase their military budgets which feeds our military industrial complex. That also better prepared those nations for war and played into the neocons war strategy. Biden has gotten us into wars and funded them with Trillions of our dollars. ⁃ Neither made any meaningful changes to the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) thus allowing the medical and pharmaceutical industries to continue dramatically growing their profits while our nation’s health continues deteriorating at alarming rates. All good points to ponder.Also, while as president, Trump recognized Jerusalem as the sole exclusive capital of Israel and moved the American Embassy there. A move no other president made prior to and which was tantamount to crossing a red-line and giving Israel unprecedented momentum to ignore the rest of the world. Biden has now given only lip service, while standing by and acquiescing to the hard line approach of the current Israel regime.Please consider these actions. Do they have any impact on your thinking?
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    49 mins
  • Birthing the Symbiotic Age - Interview with Author Richard Flyer
    Jan 11 2024

    “The idea of bringing heaven to earth for me, is not metaphoric. It's not a story. And I believe -- from my own experience -- that you can actually connect to the Transcendent as a power and it can be embodied within us.” -- Richard Flyer

    Greetings and welcome to what we hope will be a truly NEW New Year!

    Front and Center launches a new year of podcasts with a conversation with Richard Flyer, whose life work has been all about lifting us off the old battlefield of what he calls “the culture of separation” and onto a new playing field that he calls “Symbiotic Culture”.

    In the wake of an out-of-this-world life changing experience at the age of 12, Richard dedicated his life and work to bringing about “heaven on earth”.

    Huh? Heaven on earth?

    As Richard explains in this eye-opening interview, this is no pie-in-the-sky ideal, but a feet-on-the-ground real deal – reality tested by his work building a local living economy network that transformed Reno, Nevada, and the work of his mentor Dr. Ariyaratne via the Sarvodaya movement in Sri Lanka.

    A biologist by training, Richard says, “Symbiosis occurs in nature when organisms come together for mutual benefit over a period of time.” Symbiotic Culture, he explains, is a society where mutually-beneficial interactions are the norm, happening at every scale – from individual to family to community to nation to world. “It’s a kind of ‘fractal empowerment’ that can happen simultaneously in communities around the world.”

    And – the “secret sauce” is a Sacred Source that he calls an “ancient blueprint” -- universal principles like the Golden Rule at the foundation of every spiritual, religious, and secular ethical system. It harkens back to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and expresses itself through Gandhi’s “village awakening movement”, and Dr. Ariyaratne’s Buddhist-based Sarvodaya movement – a network of 5,000 villages in Sri Lanka dedicated to bringing this ancient blueprint to daily life.

    Influenced by Dr. Ari, Richard was able to bring the Reno, Nevada community together above and beyond tribes and silos, around a “common purpose to connect the good.”

    The good news is, what Martin Luther King Jr., has called “beloved community” has been created in the real world, in ordinary communities involving ordinary people – using the extraordinary power of what he calls “multi-siloed, distributed networks.” That is, instead of creating one more organization to address a problem – like hunger or homelessness – this network becomes the “scaffolding” that allows already-existing organizations to be more effective and more efficient.

    Richard’s work now is to weave together the “threads” of siloed networks, to build a parallel society from the grassroots up, as our current “culture of separation” falters.  

    Please join us for an enlightening “Newer Year” conversation that will help us bring about a “newer world order” of intentional mutual benefit.

    Watch here on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEmb2kie0yE&t=190s

    To find out more about Richard Flyer’s book, please go here: https://richardflyer.substack.com/

    About “Courage” Our Front and Center Theme Song

    When I heard “Courage” performed live by Luke Anderson with Aea Luz and Jakob Pek at a gathering this past fall, I immediately recognized it as our theme song for Front and Center. ~Steve

    Courage, courage, courage like a lion

    Strength of the heart, strength of the spirit to rely on

    To truly lift ourselves above the political battlefields so we can populate and animate the new cooperative playing fields requires strength of heart, and strength of spirit. It takes courage to rise above tribal beliefs, to venture beyond the familiar habits of separation to see the bigger picture. And our courage will encourage others to do the same.

    You can find out more about Luke Anderson’s music here:


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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • From Divide-and-Conquer to Unite and Thrive Using the “Adjacent Possible” to Get Us from the Ideal to the Real Deal - Interview with “Thrive” Producer Foster Gamble
    Jul 25 2023
    “The best way to overgrow the ‘deep state’ is by cultivating a deeper state.” -- Swami BeyondanandaHere is the oxymoronic political contradiction of our times. We seem more polarized than ever, and yet the vast majority of us long to work together for mutual benefit. Perhaps the resolution of this seemingly impossible “shituation” can be found in the “real” American dream of our founders: individual freedom AND collective wellbeing.The accentuated polarization of our times has put these two universal aspirations in conflict with one another. But what if they need to co-evolve together? Is there a way to transform these dueling dualities into dynamic-duo dance partners?Our guest this week on Front and Center, Foster Gamble (https://www.freetothrive.com/), has spent his adult lifetime seeking what he calls a “universal morality” that is not imposed from the top down, but realized from the individual on up. Growing up in privilege – he’s a Gamble as in Proctor & Gamble – Foster’s journey to extend political and economic wellbeing to all has led him to the “consciousness” movement and through the “truth movement”, to exo-politics and suppressed inventions. He and his wife Kimberly Carter Gamble have produced two hugely successful Thrive movies, and created a worldwide Thrive platform that has informed millions of people. And today, his work boils down to just one idea – the Non-Aggression Principle, which states simply that no one is allowed to defraud another, or initiate force, except in true self-defense.As the Swami has said, he is proposing a sane world – he must be crazy!Seriously, is there a way to turn that ideal into the real deal?This freewheeling Front and Center “conversation for possibility” leads us to some surprisingly practical ways to use the “adjacent possible” to bridge us, step-by-step from where we are now to where we want to go.It’s been said that the truth will set us free – but more accurately, it will UPSET us free first. In producing the outside-the-official-narrative Thrive movies, Foster has confronted the challenge of presenting inconvenient truths when people would much rather believe convenient lies. He is heartened however, with how the consciousness movement and the various “truth” movements have interacted in recent years to “transcend the fake polarity of political rulership, and actually come together on truth and freedom and harmonious collaboration.”And while his notion of a noncoercive universal morality may seem out there in some distant future, Foster’s approach is eminently practical. It involves activating truly independent forces in our political system – like the Common Sense and Forward Parties – to slow the spread of what he calls “turn-key totalitarianism”, where what used to be called the military-industrial complex has now metastasized into the military-industrial-pharmaceutical-media-tech complex with the unchecked, unbalanced power to monitor and control every aspect of our lives.In keeping with the Swam’s prescription for sanity, “turn off your TV and tell-a-vision instead,” Foster shared his vision of the prize he has his eye on:  "It’s a planet where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, and no one is authorized to encroach on anyone else's person, or property. It's a planet of truly voluntary exchange, where people can feel happy in their pursuit of happiness and also feel secure that that their community has their back, where they can be productive through the unleashing of the creative their natural creativity. That would happen as people know that their individual freedom is the key to liberating all of us. And as we master love of ourselves, of one another, and our environment, we can be welcomed into the cosmic community.”Can we step off the political battlefield and cultivate a cooperative playing field together? Can we confront the true evils facing us, rather than project them onto some convenient “other”? Can a critical mass of the heretofore uncritical masses unite to “overgrow” a global domination agenda? As the great philosopher / centerfielder Willie Mays said, “That’s what we’re going to play the season to find out.”Watch this heartening conversation on YouTube here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opeoteXCBuI&t=9sAnd, if you appreciate OUR work at Front and Center to help lift us all off the political battlefield, seek the whole truth together, and put government on the side of the people, we encourage you to support our work, or as Swami says, “If you prefer getting real news digitally, put your money where your mouse is.” https://frontandcenter.locals.com/support
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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • Healthy Food, Healthy People, Healthy Communities: A Conversation with Food Safety Advocate Zen Honeycutt and Former California Secretary of Agriculture A. G. Kawamura
    Jun 14 2023
    “There are no sides, only angles and when we see it from the right angle, we’re all on the same side.” -- Swami BeyondanandaWe have three founding principles at Front and Center:From political battlefields to cooperative playing fields.Seeking the whole truth together.Putting the government on the side of the people.Each one is a challenge, to be sure, in these politically polarized times. Number two is particularly challenging because most political “discussions” devolve into dueling narratives.  So, in this “conversation for possibilities” we brought together two passionate advocates for abundant, healthy, nutritionally-dense food. On one hand, we have A.G. Kawamura, a third-generation produce farmer in California who served as Secretary of Agriculture under Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger from 2003-2010, who advocates “big agriculture” as necessary to feed 8 billion people worldwide.On the other hand, Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, has seen how switching her family to an organic, non-GMO diet transformed her children’s health, and she has built a formidable organization to promote regenerative agriculture that heals the soil, and doesn’t cause the kinds of health conditions she observed in her children.In “seeking the whole truth together”, we had three goals. First, a “humanizing” format that acknowledged good intentions, personal passion, and mutual respect. Second, an opportunity for both Zen and A.G. to share their viewpoints and expertise into a “listening” instead of a debate, so that participants and listeners would emerge with a broader and deeper perspective. Third, we were looking for areas of agreement, and even opportunities for collaboration.And …we succeeded on all counts!You’ll have to watch the full interview to experience this for yourself, but we ended up with a vigorous, impassioned and ultimately kind conversation that might have turned “opponents” into agreeable colleagues who disagreed on certain points. A.G.’s focus was on preventing the worst food disaster of all – starvation. A century ago, the world’s population was “just” 2 billion; today, we have four times as many people, meaning we need to insure we have four times as much food.Zen pointed out that while food scarcity is a disaster we all want to avoid, another burgeoning disaster is a society that cannot function because there are too many sick people. She points out that during the growth phase of industrial agriculture, “there’s been an explosion of sickness”. GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers have led to not just the health problems her children experienced (severe allergies and early autism symptoms, all of which disappeared when she went organic and GMO-free), but problems like infertility. “A young man today,” she says, “has 50% less sperm than his grandfather.”Both A.G. and Zen agreed that the food industrial complex was NOT providing nutrient-dense foods, and that increasing locally-grown food is essential for our health and wellbeing. (In fact, years ago, A.G. sparked one of the early “food gleaning” programs in California, bringing food that would normally be thrown away to feed the hungry. He is also an advocate of neighborhood and urban gardens.)As someone whose entire life has been spent growing food, and then helping to manage the distribution of that food, A.G. prefers seeing the glass as “half full” – that we give proper credit to a system that has in his view prevented worldwide hunger. Zen, on the other hand, points out the “shadow side” of this industrial food system. She says, “Syngenta makes the largest amount of pesticides and agrochemicals in the world and their sister company is AstraZeneca, which produces 400 pharmaceutical products that treat the very same symptoms that their pesticides and chemicals cause!” We hope you will tune in, listen to the conversation, and hopefully come up with a more nuanced view, regardless of which “side” – or angle – you identify with.Watch on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsbGj17El74&t=1sYou can find out more about A.G.’s work here: https://www.solutionsfromtheland.org/about/name/ag-kawamura/You can find out more about Zen’s work here: https://www.zenhoneycutt.com/And, if you appreciate OUR work at Front and Center to help lift us all off the political battlefield, seek the whole truth together, and put government on the side of the people, we encourage you to support our work, or as Swami says, “If you prefer getting real news digitally, put your money where your mouse is.”https://frontandcenter.locals.com/supportYours in the “great up-wising”,Steve Bhaerman and Michael Maxsenti
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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Interview with Zen Honeycutt: Healthy Communities, Healthy Food – Makes Uncommon Common Sense
    May 26 2023

    “Why should corporations pay taxes, when they can simply pay the legislators directly and eliminate the middle man?”

    -- Swami Beyondananda

    In case you haven’t noticed, there has been a key missing element in government of, by, and for the people – the PEOPLE!

    So … it’s up to the people on the outside to stir and move those on the inside.  

    Zen Honeycutt, our guest on Front and Center this week, is one of those “inciteful outsiders”. Her organization Moms Across America, has led a highly-successful campaign to educate moms – and everyone else – about organic, GMO-free food. Her journey began when her own children developed food allergies, and early autism symptoms. She started educating herself – “a worried mom does more research than the FBI” she says – and when she switched her children’s diets to organic non-GMO foods, their health conditions cleared up.

    The next thing she noticed is how many other parents were having the same issues show up in their kids. After educating herself about GMOs, and glyphosate (the major ingredient in Round-Up), she began to educate and enroll others. Launching in February 2013, Moms Across America scaled to reaching 300,000 people a week on Facebook.  “Moms buy 85% of the food and make 90% of the buying choices in America,” she said.  

    “Legislators and government officials are more scared of moms than any other group of voters,” says Zen. “That’s because moms are passionate, dedicated … and unstoppable when it comes to safeguarding the wellbeing of their children.”

    In fact, Zen has authored a book about her campaign called … Unstoppable.

    If you’ve wondered how it is that the USA spends more on “health care” per capita than any other country in the world, yet ranks next to the bottom in “industrial nations” in healthy outcomes, maybe it’s the “unhealthy incomes” of those who provide us with industrialized food. Chalk it up to a “regulatory system” controlled by the industries they are supposedly regulating. Oh, and here is the elephant and donkey in the living room – BOTH major political parties are indebted to corporate interests who instead of paying their way, are paying to have their own way. 

    Says Zen, “Any political candidate who is receiving money from big ag, Big Pharma, big tech or big oil is working for them. They are not working for you.”

    She isn’t waiting for the system to change. Moms Across America launched a campaign called Toxin-Free Town campaign, and more than 100,000 people have downloaded their document offering ten alternatives to Round Up, so we can get it out of streets, parks, and playgrounds – not to mention our food. 280 million pounds of this toxic chemical are used each year in agriculture, 20 million pounds in other public places.

    What makes this conversation even more interesting is that our very own Michael Maxsenti is working with the California Common Sense Party in alliance with the national Forward Party to lift us beyond the two-party divide to work together. And Michael brings up an interesting point – wouldn’t it be common sense to have a national party move past the identity issues that keep us separate and focus on the “identical” issues we all face, like clean and healthy food?

    Join us for this lively conversation and find out how YOU can join the upwising – to bring us clean and healthy food, and clean and healthy government.

    Watch the video on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evcj4Ml2RrY

    Find out more about Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America here: https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/

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    58 mins