• "Greater Peace of Mind" is #137 of CONQUERING ANXIETY, Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 19 2024

    Studying Sha’ar HaBitachon, Rabbeinu Bachaya's "Gate of Trust" ~ the Timeless Torah Tome that can teach US ALL How to Conquer Anxiety and Live with Tranquility! ___________________________ This segment about Trust Differences features an in-depth analysis of the second of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions. Episode Two of the Fifth Chapter, entitled "GREATER PEACE OF MIND" continues to illustrate the difference between people possessing Bitachon and those who don’t. Rabbeinu Bachaya will clearly demonstrate how those who mindfully place their Trusts in G-d enjoy a vastly enhanced quality of Life; uniquely achieved by successfully nurturing real Bitachon in their hearts. Investing in this quantum attitudinal shift successfully yields inner peace, bringing enormous differences in real time living experiences. Gone forever are natural worries. Fears and frustrations are replaced by a profound calmness, joy, and perpetual good cheer! In take two of this seven-headed discovery, the next level of difference brought about by Bitachon in Hashem lucidly spelled out. This second segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 137th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • "The Difference Between Us" #136 of CONQUERING ANXIETY, Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 19 2024

    This Episode opens the study of Chapter Five that focuses of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions. Part One of this new chapter, aptly entitled "THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US" will begin to illustrate the practical differences between the person possessing Bitachon and the person who doesn’t by highlighted who remains calm, and maintains equilibrium in time good, and bad alike! For although, everyone is required to invest in making a sincere effort either way, Rabbeinu Bachaya will nonetheless demonstrate how people who truly place their Trusts in G-d live and function in an entirely different fashion. In this inaugural lesson, we embark on a seven-headed discovery of the sharp lines of distinction that emerge in real time living when we have Bitachon in Hashem. This first segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" has been sponsored by Betty Fluss and Susan Burger to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of their father Zvi Hersh Ben Yecheskel and Pearl. It comprises the 136th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • "We Can Be Heroes" is #135 of CONQUERING ANXIETY - The Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 19 2024

    After demonstrating that relying on Hashem regarding Heaven is a necessary component in Faithful Bitachon, we continued to explore the concept of Trusting in Heavenly Rewards. "WE CAN BE HEROES" concludes our study of the seventh and climatic category of Bitachon, and the longest Chapter of the Gate of Trust! Uniquely focusing on Modeling Behavior -- learning about past spiritual greatness; we should be moved to try to emulate and replicate their outstanding examples! Here's the context: after delineating the seventh climatic category of Bitachon -- which is about the ultimate in Divine Remuneration -- Rabbeinu Bachaya moves to highlight several historic figures who embody the ideals and ideals spoken of. Not in academic fashion, but because they can be an example for us all to follow. The challenge he puts forth is to see ourselves in the sweep of our storied history. To choose to be inspired by the heroism of our yesteryear to reach higher in our own living. Today. Because only then do we earn the right and ability to attain the highest level of Trust in G-d’s Grace and Goodness! In final lesson, we will be ushered into the fullness of understand why Living with Certainty in ‘This World’ is attained by virtue of Certainty in the ‘Next World.' Which is ultimately an elemental ingredient in the development of our Trust in Hashem. This 62nd segment concludes the Fourth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon." It is the 135th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • "Beyond the Heavens" #134 of CONQUERING ANXIETY - The Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 19 2024

    Studying Sha’ar HaBitachon, Rabbeinu Bachaya's "Gate of Trust" ~ the Timeless Torah Tome that can teach US ALL How to Conquer Anxiety and Live with Tranquility! ___________________________ After demonstrating that relying on Hashem regarding Heaven is a necessary component in Faithful Bitachon, we continued to explore the concept of Trusting in Heavenly Rewards. In this new Episode entitled: "BEYOND THE HEAVENS" we will shatter glass ceilings as we shift our focus to the Supreme Goodness of the World to Come! Having completed our thesis on Trust in Hashem regarding Heavenly Rewards that are "commensurate" with our efforts, Rabbeinu Bachaya now moves us into the apex: the seventh climatic category of Bitachon in the ultimate Divine Remuneration. We will learn how applying our Trust in G-d’s Grace, Goodness and Gratuitous Kindness that are the purest gift of love, entirely beyond reciprocity! In completing this lesson, we will understand the why Living with Certainty in ‘This World’ is linked to being Certain of The Afterlife in the ‘Next World.' And why that is a critical component in building our Trust in Hashem. This 61st study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 134th consecutive video on nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • "Paycheck" is Episode #133 of CONQUERING ANXIETY - The Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 19 2024

    In our previous Episode we presented clear biblical proof that relying on Hashem regarding Heaven is a necessary component in Faithful Bitachon. Now, in "PAYCHECK: Remember the Future!" we will continue to explore the meaning of Trusting in Heavenly Rewards. Our newfound understanding will enable the application of Bitachon with regard to Mitzvot (G-d's Commandments) and the Rewards (and consequences) for their observance. To best grasp Rabbeinu Bachaya's novel theological philosophy on this unique dimension of Bitachon, we will frame his teachings with copious kindred sources. Here we will discover how Trust in Mitzvah Rewards and Punishments doesn’t mean we think He owes us anything. Rather, it's an appreciation of G-d’s Kindness and Benevolence! With this profound new insight, we continue to learn how Living with Certainty in ‘This World’ is linked to being Certain of The Afterlife in the ‘Next World' as a part of building our Trust in Hashem. This 60th study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" has been sponsored in honour of the Shloshim of Elizabeth bat David. This Episode comprises the 133rd consecutive video on nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • "A Matter of Trust" Episode #132 of CONQUERING ANXIETY Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 19 2024

    Studying Sha’ar HaBitachon, Rabbeinu Bachaya's "Gate of Trust" ~ the Timeless Torah Tome that can teach US ALL How to Conquer Anxiety and Live with Tranquility! ___________________________ Having completed a profound and multi-dimensional explanation as to why Olam Haba (the Afterlife) is not described, or even mentioned (explicitly) in our Tanach (Jewish Bible), we are now finally ready to return to the subject of Trust regarding the G-dly guarantee on Reward and Punishment. A MATTER OF TRUST opens the conversation on Bitachon regarding Hashem's Mitzvot (holy Commandments) and the consequences of their observance must necessarily, and naturally engender. Here, we begin by emphasizing just how important the nurturing of this kind of Faithful Bitachon is! This will lead us into a complete a full articulation of Rabbeinu Bachaya's unique theological philosophy on this unique dimension of Bitachon. As we learn to appreciate why Living with Certainty in ‘This World’ necessitates being Certain of The Afterlife in the ‘Next World' we become best positioned to continue meaningfully and efficaciously building our Trust in Hashem. This 59th study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 132nd consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • "The Ultimate Gift" Episode #131 of CONQUERING ANXIETY Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 19 2024

    THE ULTIMATE GIFT is the Final Word on the surprising omission of Heavenly Reward from the Tanach, our Jewish Bible. Here, we will complete the development and full articulation of Rabbeinu Bachaya's unique and wide-ranging theological rational behind the biblical blackout on on Gan Eden and Gehinnom that has already spanned 12 (!) Episodes -- spelling it out six separate dimensions. Bitachon Preamble XIII completes the circle by clarifying G-d’s greatest gift and the ultimate reward; to cleave to G-d and be absorbed into His proverbial "light" -- a euphemism for the eternal bliss available only in the afterlife! Yet, beyond the Soul basking in the G-d's Glory and Radiance -- here we will once emphasize that Heavenly Remuneration is resultant of Divine Grace and Favor, rather than a simple Quid Pro Quo type equation. With the completion of these "Bitachon Preambles" we have formed the theological foundation upon which we can now effectively build our edifice of Trust in Hashem. This 58th study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 131st consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • "The Sixth Sense" is Episode #130 of CONQUERING ANXIETY Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 19 2024

    Now that we've finished presenting the proof on "Pleading the Fifth," in Bitachon Preamble XII - entitled THE SIXTH SENSE - we present a Motion to Close the Case! After no less than five detailed explanations for the Biblical Gag Order on Gan Eden and Gehinnom we now move to Close the Case by highlighting a Sixth Sense about Life in the 'Here and Now' in sharp contrast with the 'Afterlife in Heaven.' We will, please G-d, also learn how Prophets Speak and the Ultimate meaning of Radiant Reward! We must continue to emphasize that while the "Bitachon Preambles" don't directly deliver direction on Bitachon itself, they form the theological foundation upon which a verdict can ultimately be drawn on how and when to properly Build our Trust in Hashem. This 57th study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 130th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 13 mins