
  • Creative Exercise 04: Write an Original Movie Summary
    May 24 2022

    Do you ever sit down to find a movie to watch, and by the time a film would be ending, you still haven't found anything? You're craving a certain vibe, and somehow a movie called, GhostLusters, isn't doing it for you. Sorry to disappoint you if you were looking for a steamy ghost movie...it's not a real film. However, Ghost, starring Patrick Swayze is, so just watch that! For this creative exercise, we're going to write an original movie summary for a film you would love to watch.


    Please share your best and/or worst movie summaries for this creative exercise! I’d love to know what you came up with! You can share your ideas on the Creative Exercise Discord, YouTube, Instagram, Get CreaTuff website, or you can ramp a motorcycle out of a helicopter, crash through my window, and hand-deliver your movie summary to me!

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    4 mins
  • Creative Exercise 03 | Conceive A New Social Media App
    May 16 2022

    Oh hey, you want to come to my birthday party? Just kidding. I'm an introvert, so I'm not having a party. We can hang out online though from the comfort of our own homes. That's fine with me. Let's do that. Happy birthday! If you're also an introvert or even an extrovert, many of your social interactions probably involve texting or an app. And that's fine. That's how I like it. So this exercise is for all those who prefer to be social while wearing sweatpants. I'm Jer Bear, and this is Get CreaTuff Exercise Number 03.


    Please share your best and/or worst ideas for this creative exercise! I’d love to know what you came up with! You can share your ideas on the Creative Exercise Discord, YouTube, Instagram, Get CreaTuff website, or write a letter by candlelight with a quill!

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    5 mins
  • Creative Exercise | Make Your Life Easier With A Robot
    May 10 2022

    I'm sorry, robots, this one's for humans only, but don't be mad because we're going to use our uniquely human ability called creative thinking to come up with more robots. So get lost bots, we got some thinking to do. I'm Jer Bear and this is Get Creatuff Exercise Number Two!


    Please share your best and/or worst ideas for this creative exercise! I’d love to know what you came up with! You can share your ideas on the Creative Exercise Discord, YouTube, Instagram, Get CreaTuff website, or send it via pigeon carrier!

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    4 mins
  • Creative Exercise | Dream Up A Better Toilet
    May 4 2022

    Our first creative exercise is about the most undervalued sculpture ever created…the toilet. Not only is it a piece of art, but it’s extremely functional. Even if it stops working, no worries, you now have yourself a chair. So take a seat on the porcelain throne and get ready to give your brain a workout.


    Thanks for giving your brain a workout with this creative exercise. Please share your best and/or worst ideas for this creative exercise! I’d love to know what you came up with! You can share your ideas on the Creative Exercise Discord, YouTube, Instagram, Get CreaTuff website, or put it on a billboard!

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    5 mins