
    Sep 4 2024

    Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

    Do you realize that Adam was not made a foetus or a new-born? He was brought into existence as a fully-grown man with years already in him. He did not need to go through periods of adolescence or puberty, waiting to become what God intended Him to be or to possess what God wanted him to have. Instead, God, in His sovereignty, condensed time so that Adam would not need to go through stages to get all that God had provided for him. The same is true for you.

    This year of Milk and Honey is loaded with abundance that God has provided for His people. Like Adam, God is ready for you to experience His provision now! So do not make the mistake of thinking that you have to wait for your prosperity. God can make you a millionaire tomorrow; He doesn’t have to wait. At the start of this new month, tell yourself, “As a rich person, my time to collect is here!”


    I am a creation of divine acceleration, formed in fullness and completeness. In this year of Milk and Honey, I recognize the abundance that God has already provided for me. I do not need to wait for prosperity; I declare that God's provision is ready for me, and my time to collect is now!


    Numbers 23:20

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    3 mins
    Sep 2 2024

    1 Timothy 1:18 (KJV)

    This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare.

    Prophecy is a dangerous weapon! When you hear a prophetic word, it is not a statement that you receive passively and expect to work automatically. It’s a weapon that you are commanded to use to wage warfare. That means you are on active duty and ought to be ready to wield that prophetic word in your mouth and contend for what God has ordained for your life.

    God has declared this to be your year of Milk and Honey! That was not just a word: it was a bomb you can use to destroy every plan the enemy devises against your success. It is a ballistic missile, following a predetermined trajectory to carry you for days, months, years, and for generations to come! Boldly declare the provision of God over your life and all that concerns you. Everything in your life shall be sweet like honey and flowing like milk. Use your weapon: pray and declare it to be so!


    I am the Lord’s battle axe! I’m on active duty and ready to contend for all God has given me! I place an embargo on the enemy, and no demon has access to my wealth or will not touch me in any way, in Jesus' Mighty Name!


    Job 22:28

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    3 mins
    Sep 1 2024

    Numbers 13:33 (KJV)

    And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

    Imagine standing before the gleaming counter of a fast-food restaurant. The aroma of sizzling fries wafts through the air, and the vibrant menu board overhead promises an array of mouth-watering delights. Suddenly, the attendant leans over and asks, "Would you like to super-size that?" This offer is a metaphor for the divine invitation that God extends to you this year.

    God's menu of prosperity is not limited; it is vast, abundant, and overflowing. But to partake of these super-sized blessings, you must exercise your faith. Believe that He has done infinitely beyond your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams, then act on that belief.

    Refuse to stand on the threshold of your promised land gripped by fear because of giants you perceive too formidable to overcome! The only giants in your promised land are mere indicators – just a hint – of the magnitude of your blessings. So, step up, super-size your faith, and receive all that God has laid up for you!


    I am a recipient of God's super-sized blessings. Faith is my currency, and I receive abundant prosperity. Any challenge is only an indicator of the magnitude of my blessings. I take over the Promised Land with unwavering faith, knowing that God has done infinitely beyond my highest hopes or dreams.


    Ephesians 3:20

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    3 mins
    Aug 31 2024

    Psalm 127:4-5 (KJV)

    As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

    Picture this. An expert archer stands tall and poised. His feet are shoulder-width apart; an arrow is carefully nocked on the bowstring, held in position with a firm yet relaxed grip. He skillfully draws back the string to his anchor point near his mouth. His focus narrows as he sights his target and takes a deep breath. Then, with the precision of years of practice, he releases. The arrow soars through the air, headed straight for the target. There’s a brief pause as he calmly observes the flight of his arrow, then the satisfying sound of impact.

    You, too, have been perfectly positioned, an arrow in the palm of an expert Bowman. You’ve been aimed with purpose and precision, and with the right amount of tension, you are propelled toward your target. The path may not always be straight, and the wind may try to sway you, yet remember, even obstacles play a role in refining your trajectory. Your success is guaranteed because you are guided by the Master Archer, who has never missed a mark!


    My success is guaranteed! I’m set on course to hit every mark. Like an arrow in the hands of a warrior, I am launched to succeed. My win isn’t a maybe; it’s a certainty! Amen.


    Romans 8:37

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    3 mins
    Aug 30 2024

    Philippians 4:6 (KJV)

    Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

    When you're faced with bills, court cases or any challenge that you might think of, remember that God is more than able to handle it. The heavens and the earth all belong to Him. He is more than able to turn your situation around. Our scripture for today says to make your request known, which means be specific about what you want from Him. This is a blank cheque from your heavenly Father.

    Specific requests are not just uttered but timed. Mention when you want that ministry to change, or that marriage or money to come. There's no need to beat around the bush about your request. Mention it by name and God will see you through. Give God your bills; He can afford them. If there's something giving you sleepless nights or stealing your joy, let your Father know.

    Today take time to pray and let Him know what you desire. Remember, He is the One who said come, let’s reason together. God is waiting for you to come and reason with Him in prayer. Talk to Him and your requests shall be granted.


    My God is more than able to handle all my cases. I surrender all my needs unto Him and He will solve them, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.


    Psalm 24:1

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    3 mins
    Aug 29 2024

    Joel 3:10 (KJV)

    Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.

    The devil is a spiritual being who's spiritually dead because of his disengagement with the Giver of Life. There are things he'll never know about you unless you update him on your own. From the days of Adam, his approach was to find out information from men and pervert it for his own advantage. He can only tell that you are really sick or struggling by what you do or say. He takes notes and plots a graph from the coordinates you give him through your words and actions.

    When negativity is spoken or any form of discontent is expressed, he'll use that as a gateway to attack. That’s why your Bible says, "Let the weak say I’m strong," not because they are strong already. Whilst they're still weak, discouraged or broke, they should say I am rich and blessed.

    Don’t wait for the money to come; just declare that your money is coming and confuse the enemy. Write it all over that you're living a life of milk and honey. Every channel of blessing is producing to its maximum capacity for you in the Name of Jesus.


    I am blessed beyond measure. My riches cannot be measured because everything is overflowing. I live a life of milk and honey in the Name of Jesus. Amen.


    2 Peter 1:3-4

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    3 mins
    Aug 29 2024

    2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)

    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    It’s unscriptural for us to believe we're the cause of Jesus Christ's death. I understand it when the church tries to buy into that idea because that’s a generic understanding of scripture. Do you know you never existed before, according to the scripture? You emerged as an end product of Jesus' death and resurrection.

    The word 'new in today's scripture is the Greek 'kainos,' which means something that never existed. You are a product which never existed before. The one who caused Christ to die is not you but the old you. Since, as new creatures, we never existed before, we have no connection with the old man who caused Christ to be crucified. Rise up today and enjoy all the benefits of your salvation in the Name of Jesus. Your past is totally over - nonexistent! Not only are you forgiven, but you don’t have a sin committed. You are totally new!


    I am a new creature in Jesus Christ. The righteousness of Christ is upon me. There is no condemnation for me in the Name of Jesus! Amen.


    2 Corinthians 5:21

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    3 mins
    Aug 27 2024

    Isaiah 12:3 (KJV)

    Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

    A balanced diet is a meal or feeding schedule comprising all the required nutrients for your body. When something lacks or is given in excess, symptoms appear in the form of stunted growth, diseases, etc. The same applies in the spiritual realm.

    You need all the components or benefits of salvation to be active in your life. When you're enjoying one part and lacking in another, it distorts the glory of God. God wants to reveal His glory through you, which only happen if you have a spiritually balanced diet.

    Prophet Isaiah reveals that inside salvation, there are many "wells:" wells of health, prosperity, education, and all. For example, when you see someone very rich but sick, it’s because they drew water from the well of prosperity but missed the well of divine health.

    Apportion the Word equally for each area of your life. Don’t allow any area to lag behind. When you get light regarding a certain area, you gain access to that well. As you read this Word, I command every well to open up for you.


    My salvation is a complete package. I draw water from every well of my salvation. Money, health, long life and excellence are coming to me in the Name of Jesus! Amen.


    Ecclesiastes 9:7

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    3 mins