• Donald Trump, Project 2025, Energy and Environmental Policy
    Jul 17 2024

    Episode Description: In this episode of Green Tea Party Radio, Zach and Katie delve into the controversial Project 2025, a plan spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation. They explore the project's potential impacts on environmental policy, economic growth, and regulatory reforms. The discussion covers the broader implications of these policies on climate change, public health, and biodiversity. Additionally, they analyze the role of former President Trump in this context and his stance on the initiative.

    Trump: I know nothing about Project 2025

    Key Topics Covered:

    • Project 2025 Overview: A detailed look at the 900-page plan by the Heritage Foundation aimed at rolling back environmental regulations and promoting economic growth and energy independence.
    • Heritage Foundation Background: Understanding the mission and influence of this conservative think tank, including its history and notable achievements.
    • Energy Policy: Emphasis on expanding domestic energy production, particularly fossil fuels, and reducing government intervention.
    • Regulatory Reform: Proposals to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and eliminate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
    • Climate Policy: The plan's skepticism towards anthropogenic climate change and its impact on international climate agreements.
    • Public Lands and Wildlife Management: Increasing access to public lands for commercial use and reforming the Endangered Species Act.
    • Personnel and Policy: The importance of personnel in implementing Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation's training program for future administration officials.

    Energy Imports have been dropping since 2005, according to the IEA

    US was the leading LNG exporter in 2023 according to Reuters

    Quotes from the Episode:

    1. Zach: "Project 2025 represents a significant shift in environmental policy towards deregulation and economic growth, but it also poses considerable risks to environmental protection and public health."
    2. Katie: "Ignoring or downplaying the impacts of climate change will only exacerbate global warming, leading to more severe weather events and other long-term environmental issues."
    3. Zach: "They don't view Trump as the controller or the one in charge; they just view him as a vessel to get their policies through."
    4. Katie: "This almost feels to me like the environmental equivalent of trickle-down economics, relying on good faith efforts without sufficient accountability measures."

    Call to Action:

    • Engage: Listeners are encouraged to read Project 2025, form their own opinions, and contact their members of Congress to express their views.
    • Stay Informed: Make sure your voter registration is up to date, especially if you've recently moved.
    • Share: Spread the word by sharing this episode on social media and discussing the topic with friends and family.

    Contact Information:

    • Email: info@greenteapartyradio.com
    • Website: Green Tea Party Radio
    • Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

    Support Us: If you enjoy our content and want to support our work, consider becoming a patron for early access to episodes and exclusive merchandise. Visit our website for more details.

    Disclaimer: Green Tea Party Radio is an independent project and does not represent the views of the Diocese of Little Rock, Catholic Climate Covenant, or any of our employers.

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    46 mins
  • OK Doomer! Climate Doomism is the New Denial
    May 29 2024

    In our latest episode of the Green Tea Party podcast, we explore a growing concern within the environmental movement: climate doomers. Unlike climate denialism, which outright rejects the existence of climate change, climate doomers acknowledge the problem but fall into a state of paralysis, believing that nothing can be done to mitigate the impending disaster. This mindset is counterproductive and dangerous, as it discourages the necessary actions to combat climate change.

    Our hosts, Zach and Katie, explore the roots of climate doomerism and how it contrasts with previous waves of climate denialism. They argue that while climate denialism at least engages with the issue, albeit misguidedly, climate doomerism leads to a sense of hopelessness and inaction. This is particularly concerning given the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for immediate, collective action.

    The episode discusses the generational divide in attitudes towards climate action. Zach and Katie point out that younger generations, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, often fall into the trap of doomerism. This is partly due to the overwhelming amount of negative news and the portrayal of climate change as an insurmountable challenge. However, they emphasize that this mindset is a luxury of those who are not yet feeling the most severe impacts of climate change.

    One of the key takeaways from the episode is the importance of taking actionable steps, no matter how small they may seem. Zach and Katie highlight the role of conservative activism in environmental issues, arguing that every individual has the power to make a difference. They call on listeners to engage in activities such as writing to their members of Congress, reducing their carbon footprint, and supporting policies that promote sustainability.

    The hosts also discuss the impact of media on public perception of climate change. They caution against taking alarmist headlines at face value and encourage listeners to seek out credible sources of information. By staying informed and proactive, individuals can combat the paralysis induced by climate doomerism and contribute to meaningful change.

    Contact Us

    email: info @ greenteapartyradio.com

    website: https://www.greenteapartyradio.com/

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GreenTeaPartyRadio/

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    36 mins
  • Benji Backer’s Call to Action: Why Young Conservatives Care About Climate
    May 22 2024

    In this episode, we delve into an op-ed by Benji Backer, a unique voice in the climate change discourse as the founder and executive chairman of the American Conservation Coalition. His piece, titled "I'm a Young Conservative, and I Want My Party to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change," Offers a fresh perspective on conservatives' historical and current roles in environmental protection. Join us as we read and dissect this compelling op-ed.

    "Young people and the future of our country care about this issue, and it is motivating people to vote against the Republican Party. If you want to be a growing and continuing force in getting your political agenda through, you need to have some kind of climate policy."

    Our producer sent us an op-ed published in the New York Times by Benji Backer of the American Conservation Coalition. As fans of their work, we discuss Backer's piece, "I'm a Young Conservative, and I Want My Party to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change." This episode features an in-depth reading and analysis of the op-ed, highlighting the Republican Party's past environmental achievements and the need for renewed conservative engagement in climate issues.

    Katie reads the op-ed in segments, allowing for a thorough discussion with Zach on each point. We address the shift from historical Republican environmentalism to current disengagement, and the impact of this change on recent elections. The conversation covers the Inflation Reduction Act, the elitist tone in some liberal climate solutions, and the necessity for inclusive, conservative-led climate action.

    "The fact of the matter is, we cannot address climate change or solve any other environmental issue without the buy-in and leadership of conservative America. And there are clear opportunities for climate action that conservatives can champion without sacrificing core values."

    Hannah joins the conversation to share her perspective as a conservative environmentalist. We explore the importance of bridging the political divide on climate issues and the need for conservatives to step up with pragmatic solutions. The episode concludes with a call for redefining environmentalism to include the many conservatives who care about the environment but don't fit the stereotypical image of an environmentalist.

    Tune in to hear a lively discussion on how conservatives can and should lead in the fight against climate change, featuring insights from across the political spectrum.

    Key Points:

    - Historical role of Republicans in environmental protection - Current political climate and its impact on climate policy - Critique of the Inflation Reduction Act and its costs - Elitism in liberal climate solutions and the need for inclusive approaches - Importance of conservative voices in the climate movement - Redefining environmentalism to be more inclusive

    Listen now to gain a deeper understanding of the conservative approach to climate action and the urgent need for bipartisan solutions.

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    email: info @ greenteapartyradio.com

    website: https://www.greenteapartyradio.com/

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    42 mins
  • China's Decline: How Demographics Favor America's Future
    May 15 2024

    In this episode, hosts Zach and Katie delve into demographics' critical role in shaping a country's geopolitical power. With insightful analysis and engaging discussions, they explore how population size influences economic strength and political influence globally. They highlight critical examples from China, India, Nigeria, Brazil, Germany, and the U.S., examining how demographic shifts impact regional and global dynamics. The episode also touches on the challenges faced by countries with declining populations and low fertility rates, particularly in East Asia.

    Zach: "Demographics can shape geopolitical power. It's important we understand how these global changes will impact the environment and the future of the U.S."

    Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of how immigration can bolster the U.S. economy and why it's crucial for young conservatives to engage with their local representatives about these issues. Zach and Katie emphasize the importance of planning for demographic changes to ensure America's stable and prosperous future. Please tune in to learn more about how population trends shape our world and what actions can be taken to navigate these changes effectively.

    Oh, and they don't have a lot of nice things to say about China

    Zach: "China might be missing that mark and becoming old before it gets rich, making it extremely difficult to support its population."

    Katie: "A lot of people think it's safe because it's government-backed, but when you find out they're just fudging numbers for the sake of looking better, you realize you're being used."

    This episodes features promos for Citizens Climate Conservatives and RepublicEn's EcoRight Speaks podcast.

    Contact Us

    email: info @ greenteapartyradio.com

    website: https://www.greenteapartyradio.com/

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GreenTeaPartyRadio/

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    33 mins
  • Demographics, Geopolitics, Overpopulation, and Conservatives
    May 8 2024

    Join hosts Zach and Katie as hey delve into the intricate relationship between geopolitics and demographics, exploring how population trends impact global economies and resources. From China's 'let it rot' movement to the legacy of the green revolution, this conversation uncovers the challenges and triumphs of managing our planet's future. Listen in for an insightful analysis of population dynamics, resource consumption, and the evolving geopolitical landscape—all through a conservative lens.

    🗣️ Quotes from Katie Zakresky

    "According to the UN, world population is expected to peak at 10.4 billion in the mid-2080s."

    "It's everywhere right now. I think we're seeing that increase in older populations and decrease in younger populations, which is not only bad for older people, but it's really bad for your workforce and your economy."

    🗣️ Quotes from Zach Torpy

    "The world avoided catastrophe thanks to these advancements."

    "It's sort of like understanding how these countries need to develop and like, can we assist them in developing more environmentally friendly, more green?"

    The episode opens with a candid discussion about the 'let it rot' movement in China, a stark example of how demographic shifts can lead to significant socio-economic changes. The hosts delve into the one-child policy's long-term effects and its impact on the younger generation's reluctance to contribute to an economy that seems to have failed them.

    As the conversation progresses, the hosts reflect on the green revolution's legacy, highlighting Norman Borlaug's pioneering work in developing high-yield, disease-resistant crops. This historical context sets the stage for a broader discussion on resource consumption and sustainability.

    The concept of overshoot day is introduced, marking the point in the year when humanity has consumed more resources than the Earth can regenerate. It's a sobering reminder of our environmental footprint and the urgent need for sustainable practices.

    Katie and Zach don't shy away from the challenging questions: How can we balance economic growth with environmental stewardship? What role do fertility rates and population booms play in shaping our future societies? And how can developed countries assist emerging economies in adopting green technologies?

    The episode is not only thought-provoking but also timely, as it touches upon the UN's projection that the world population will peak in the mid-2080s. The hosts ponder the implications of this trend for retirement systems, healthcare, and the global workforce.

    The Green Tea Party podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of conservative ideology and environmentalism. It offers a fresh perspective on the challenges we face and the innovative solutions that can guide us toward a more sustainable future.

    Whether you're a seasoned environmentalist or new to the conversation, this episode provides valuable insights into the demographic forces shaping our world. Tune in, learn, and join the party that's making a difference.

    This episodes features promos for Citizens Climate Conservatives and RepublicEn's EcoRight Speaks podcast.

    Contact Us

    email: info @ greenteapartyradio.com

    website: https://www.greenteapartyradio.com/

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GreenTeaPartyRadio/

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    30 mins
  • Republicans, Climate Change, and Naked Beach Concealed Carry
    May 1 2024

    In their latest episode, hosts Hannah, Zach, and Katie embark on a virtual summer road trip, inviting listeners to ponder a series of "would you rather" questions that are anything but trivial. These questions aren't just idle chatter—they're a springboard for deeper discussions about the impact of our choices on the environment and how we can navigate them without compromising our conservative principles.

    The episode kicks off with a light-hearted yet revealing debate on the merits of visiting a nude beach. As the conversation unfolds, it becomes a metaphor for the vulnerability we face when confronting environmental issues. The hosts aren't afraid to bare it all, discussing the complexities of eco-friendly living with a refreshing blend of humor and sincerity.

    From there, the discussion shifts gears to more pressing topics, such as the advantages of public transportation over personal electric vehicles. The hosts don't shy away from the tough questions, like whether it's better to invest in eco-friendly electric vehicles for personal use or advocate for improved public transportation systems. They weigh the pros and cons, considering factors like cost, convenience, and the broader impact on society and the environment.

    The conversation takes a turn to the practical when the hosts discuss the choice between cloth diapers and sustainably sourced disposable diapers. It's a real-life dilemma that many young parents face, and the hosts delve into the environmental, ethical, and personal factors that influence such decisions.

    Perhaps the most contentious topic of the episode is the debate on trophy hunting versus the protection of endangered species. The hosts tackle this complex issue with nuance, exploring the economic, ecological, and moral dimensions of wildlife conservation.

    Throughout the episode, the Green Tea.Party podcast does more than entertain—it educates and empowers. The hosts encourage listeners to engage with their representatives, participate in political discussions, and take actionable steps toward a more sustainable future.

    🗣️ Quotes from Hannah

    "We've become very reliant and very dependent on these systems of plastic water bottle and filtered water coming out of your sink, that, like, we've completely forgotten how to be self sufficient without those things."

    🗣️ Quotes from Zach

    "I would rather keep the plastic water bottles because those are easier to deliver in natural disasters and in times of crisis to people who might not have clean drinking water at that time."

    🗣️ Quotes from Katie

    "If you can feed multiple birds with one big old bird seed scone, if you invest in improved public transportation systems. That's my take on that."

    Contact Us

    email: info @ greenteapartyradio.com

    website: https://www.greenteapartyradio.com/

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GreenTeaPartyRadio/

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    40 mins
  • Young Conservatives and Old Climate Science
    Apr 24 2024

    Dive into a world where conservatism meets environmentalism!🌸 Spring is in the air, and so is our new podcast episode! 🎙️ Hannah shares with Zach and Katie the history of climate science. 🌍 Learn about the pioneers who paved the way for our understanding of climate change.

    It's easy to assume that the complexities of climate science are reserved for the academic elite, but this episode breaks down that misconception. You'll hear about Eunice Foote, a woman whose early experiments with greenhouse gases in the 1850s were groundbreaking yet overlooked due to her gender and nationality. Guy Stewart Callender and Charles Keeling, two more pioneers in the field, are also celebrated for their dedication and discoveries that laid the foundation for modern climate research.

    🗣️ Quotes from Hannah Rogers

    "Understanding earth systems is an enormous undertaking, because the earth is enormous, and it's also changing very fast."

    🗣️ Quotes from Katie Zakresky

    "Not everybody can be a scientist, okay? But I think everybody can follow the scientific method."

    🗣️ Quotes from Zach Torpy

    "I know they have very strong bonds. They're hard to break. Carbon dioxide, so long. That's why they last so long in the atmosphere."

    Contact Us

    email: info @ greenteapartyradio.com

    website: https://www.greenteapartyradio.com/

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GreenTeaPartyRadio/

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    43 mins
  • Charlotte the Stingray and a Ray of Hope for Climate Change
    Apr 17 2024

    This week on our podcast, we dive deep into how conservative action is making real strides in environmental protection. From Brazil's remarkable reduction in tropical forest logging to France's bold legislation against fast fashion, we're showcasing how conservative solutions are paving the way for a greener future. Plus, don't miss the extraordinary story of Charlotte the stingray and her contribution to marine science.

    🗣️ Quote from Zach Torpie

    "This is the difference between literally electing someone who hates the environment and, like, somebody who's like, okay, we gotta protect it."

    Our hosts, Zach and Katie , kick off the discussion with some heartening news from Brazil and Colombia, where a staggering 39% decline in tropical forest logging showcases the tangible results of political commitment to the environment. The message is clear: our choices at the ballot box have direct consequences for our planet. It's a testament to the power of political action and a call to conservatives everywhere to prioritize environmental stewardship in their political agenda.

    But that's not all. The episode takes a critical look at the fashion industry with France's groundbreaking proposal to penalize low-cost clothing retailers for their environmental impact. This move by the French Parliament could set a precedent for other nations to follow, sparking a global crackdown on fast fashion and its contribution to environmental degradation.

    And then there's Charlotte the stingray, who's making a splash in marine biology with her unprecedented asexual pregnancy. Charlotte's story isn't just fascinating—it's a reminder of the miracles of nature that we are fighting to protect.

    Our hosts also delve into the synergy between wind power and heat pumps, a combination that could slash energy bills and emissions in one fell swoop. This kind of innovative thinking is exactly what the conservative environmental movement is all about—solutions that don't sacrifice economic growth for ecological gain.

    The Green Tea Party isn't just a podcast; it's a rallying cry for young conservatives who believe that their voice matters in the climate conversation. It's about breaking stereotypes and showing the world that conservative environmentalism isn't an oxymoron but a vital perspective in the fight against climate change.

    Galapagos Conservation Trust




    🗣️ Quote from Chelsea Henderson

    "As conservatives, we're passionate about the environment, the free market, and our faith."

    Catholic Climate Covenant


    Contact Us

    email: info @ greenteapartyradio.com

    website: https://www.greenteapartyradio.com/

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GreenTeaPartyRadio/

    Green Tea Party, Conservative Environmentalism, Tropical Forest Logging, Brazil Deforestation, France Fashion Bill, Political Action Environment, Bolsonaro Vs Lula, Climate Change Solutions, Heat Pumps And Wind Power, Ecological Restoration Galapagos, Darwin'S Finches, Stingray Asexual Reproduction, Charlotte The Stingray, Fuel Poverty, Citizens Climate Lobby, Conservative Climate Advocacy, Energy Independence, Clean Energy Jobs, Young Conservatives, Environmental Podcast

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    23 mins