• Friday Affirmations for Kids: Rest and Joy, Daily Affirmations for Kids
    Feb 12 2025
    Daily Affirmations for Kids: Encouraging Truths from God’s Word Start your child’s day with faith-filled confidence. These Daily Affirmations for Kids help children speak God’s truth over their lives with easy-to-repeat statements and Bible verses. Each episode is short, uplifting, and designed to build faith, courage, kindness, and trust in God. What’s Inside Each Episode? • 10 simple, biblically-based affirmations for kids • A matching Scripture for each truth • A short closing prayer to help kids connect with God Perfect for: • Morning routines before school • Bedtime reflections • Teaching kids to trust God in every season Themes by Day: • Monday: Identity in Christ • Tuesday: Strength and Confidence • Wednesday: Peace and Trust • Thursday: Obedience and Gratitude • Friday: Rest and Joy Listen daily to help kids grow in faith and start their day with God’s love. #ChristianParenting #DailyAffirmations #FaithForKids #BibleForKids #MorningRoutine #RaisingGodlyKids #HearingJesusPodcast Do you have a question for Rachael? Maybe you have questions about God, the Bible, or something you heard on the podcast. Go ahead and leave me a message! And who knows, you may even hear yourself on a future episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/HearingJesusforKids The Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast is a companion to the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Learn more at shehears.org
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    4 mins
  • Thursday Affirmations for Kids: Obedience and Gratitude, Daily Affirmations for Kids
    Feb 12 2025
    Daily Affirmations for Kids: Encouraging Truths from God’s Word Start your child’s day with faith-filled confidence. These Daily Affirmations for Kids help children speak God’s truth over their lives with easy-to-repeat statements and Bible verses. Each episode is short, uplifting, and designed to build faith, courage, kindness, and trust in God. What’s Inside Each Episode? • 10 simple, biblically-based affirmations for kids • A matching Scripture for each truth • A short closing prayer to help kids connect with God Perfect for: • Morning routines before school • Bedtime reflections • Teaching kids to trust God in every season Themes by Day: • Monday: Identity in Christ • Tuesday: Strength and Confidence • Wednesday: Peace and Trust • Thursday: Obedience and Gratitude • Friday: Rest and Joy Listen daily to help kids grow in faith and start their day with God’s love. #ChristianParenting #DailyAffirmations #FaithForKids #BibleForKids #MorningRoutine #RaisingGodlyKids #HearingJesusPodcast Do you have a question for Rachael? Maybe you have questions about God, the Bible, or something you heard on the podcast. Go ahead and leave me a message! And who knows, you may even hear yourself on a future episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/HearingJesusforKids The Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast is a companion to the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Learn more at shehears.org
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    4 mins
  • Wednesday Affirmations for Kids: Peace and Trust, Daily Affirmations for Kids
    Feb 12 2025
    Daily Affirmations for Kids: Encouraging Truths from God’s Word Start your child’s day with faith-filled confidence. These Daily Affirmations for Kids help children speak God’s truth over their lives with easy-to-repeat statements and Bible verses. Each episode is short, uplifting, and designed to build faith, courage, kindness, and trust in God. What’s Inside Each Episode? • 10 simple, biblically-based affirmations for kids • A matching Scripture for each truth • A short closing prayer to help kids connect with God Perfect for: • Morning routines before school • Bedtime reflections • Teaching kids to trust God in every season Themes by Day: • Monday: Identity in Christ • Tuesday: Strength and Confidence • Wednesday: Peace and Trust • Thursday: Obedience and Gratitude • Friday: Rest and Joy Listen daily to help kids grow in faith and start their day with God’s love. #ChristianParenting #DailyAffirmations #FaithForKids #BibleForKids #MorningRoutine #RaisingGodlyKids #HearingJesusPodcast Do you have a question for Rachael? Maybe you have questions about God, the Bible, or something you heard on the podcast. Go ahead and leave me a message! And who knows, you may even hear yourself on a future episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/HearingJesusforKids The Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast is a companion to the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Learn more at shehears.org
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    4 mins
  • Tuesday Affirmations for Kids: Strength and Confidence, Daily Affirmations for Kids
    Feb 12 2025
    Daily Affirmations for Kids: Encouraging Truths from God’s Word Start your child’s day with faith-filled confidence. These Daily Affirmations for Kids help children speak God’s truth over their lives with easy-to-repeat statements and Bible verses. Each episode is short, uplifting, and designed to build faith, courage, kindness, and trust in God. What’s Inside Each Episode? • 10 simple, biblically-based affirmations for kids • A matching Scripture for each truth • A short closing prayer to help kids connect with God Perfect for: • Morning routines before school • Bedtime reflections • Teaching kids to trust God in every season Themes by Day: • Monday: Identity in Christ • Tuesday: Strength and Confidence • Wednesday: Peace and Trust • Thursday: Obedience and Gratitude • Friday: Rest and Joy Listen daily to help kids grow in faith and start their day with God’s love. #ChristianParenting #DailyAffirmations #FaithForKids #BibleForKids #MorningRoutine #RaisingGodlyKids #HearingJesusPodcast Do you have a question for Rachael? Maybe you have questions about God, the Bible, or something you heard on the podcast. Go ahead and leave me a message! And who knows, you may even hear yourself on a future episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/HearingJesusforKids The Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast is a companion to the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Learn more at shehears.org
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    4 mins
  • Monday Affirmations for Kids: Identity in Christ, Daily Affirmations for Kids
    Feb 12 2025
    Daily Affirmations for Kids: Encouraging Truths from God’s Word Start your child’s day with faith-filled confidence. These Daily Affirmations for Kids help children speak God’s truth over their lives with easy-to-repeat statements and Bible verses. Each episode is short, uplifting, and designed to build faith, courage, kindness, and trust in God. What’s Inside Each Episode? • 10 simple, biblically-based affirmations for kids • A matching Scripture for each truth • A short closing prayer to help kids connect with God Perfect for: • Morning routines before school • Bedtime reflections • Teaching kids to trust God in every season Themes by Day: • Monday: Identity in Christ • Tuesday: Strength and Confidence • Wednesday: Peace and Trust • Thursday: Obedience and Gratitude • Friday: Rest and Joy Listen daily to help kids grow in faith and start their day with God’s love. #ChristianParenting #DailyAffirmations #FaithForKids #BibleForKids #MorningRoutine #RaisingGodlyKids #HearingJesusPodcast Do you have a question for Rachael? Maybe you have questions about God, the Bible, or something you heard on the podcast. Go ahead and leave me a message! And who knows, you may even hear yourself on a future episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/HearingJesusforKids The Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast is a companion to the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Learn more at shehears.org
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    4 mins
  • 110// The Best News Ever: Jesus Lives! Mark 16
    Oct 30 2024
    110// The Best News Ever: Jesus Lives! Mark 16 In this episode, we wrap up the Mark series with the miraculous story of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Jesus’ rising from the grave is the ultimate victory over sin and death, giving us hope and the promise of eternal life. We explore how the women at the tomb reacted, the angel’s message of hope, and what it means for us today. This episode invites us to celebrate the joy of Jesus' victory and live with confidence, knowing that we are loved by a risen Savior who will one day return. Key Points for Kids: - Jesus' resurrection means that death is not the end—it’s a new beginning. - The empty tomb shows that Jesus is alive, just like He promised. - The angel told the women not to be afraid, reminding us to trust God even when we’re scared. - Jesus' resurrection assures us that we can have eternal life with Him. - Because Jesus is alive, we can live with joy and hope every day. Do you have a question for Rachael? Maybe you have questions about God, the Bible, or something you heard on the podcast. Go ahead and leave me a message! And who knows, you may even hear yourself on a future episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/HearingJesusforKids You can find the Family Discussion Guide that covers today’s content on our Patreon: patreon.com/HearingJesus The Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast is a companion to the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Learn more at shehears.org Hey friends, welcome to the Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast! Do you ever feel like you want to know more about the Bible but that it’s kind of hard to understand? Do you want to share your faith with your friends but have a hard time figuring out how to do that? Do you want to learn how to connect the Bible to your real life? Well then, this is the show for you. My name is Rachael, and I am your host. I have been a Children’s Pastor for a long time, and one of my favorite things is helping kids learn how to understand the Bible. I think that sometimes people think that the Bible is just for adults, but God actually really wants kids to know about Him. So, on this podcast, we are going to learn all about God’s Big Story and how he shows Himself to us through the Bible. As we learn together what the stories in the Bible mean, we can learn how to live out our faith in our everyday lives.
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    7 mins
  • 109// The Day Love Won: Jesus’ Sacrifice on the Cross: Mark 15
    Oct 29 2024
    109// The Day Love Won: Jesus’ Sacrifice on the Cross: Mark 15 In this episode, we reflect on the powerful and emotional story of Jesus’ crucifixion. Mark 15 takes us through the events leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross, including His suffering, mockery, and sacrifice. Even in the face of pain, Jesus chose to obey God’s plan for salvation. This episode reminds us that Jesus’ love for us is so deep that He willingly gave His life to forgive our sins and restore our relationship with God. Key Points for Kids: - Jesus suffered greatly to take away our sins and give us new life. - Even though people mocked and hurt Jesus, He chose to love and forgive. - Jesus’ death on the cross shows us how much He loves us and how powerful God’s plan is. - The temple curtain tearing symbolizes that we can now have a close relationship with God. - Because of Jesus, we can live with hope, knowing that sin and death do not have the final say. Memory Verse: “You were dead because of your sins…then God made you alive with Christ, for He forgave all our sins.” —Colossians 2:13-14 (NLT, paraphrased) Do you have a question for Rachael? Maybe you have questions about God, the Bible, or something you heard on the podcast. Go ahead and leave me a message! And who knows, you may even hear yourself on a future episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/HearingJesusforKids You can find the Family Discussion Guide that covers today’s content on our Patreon: patreon.com/HearingJesus The Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast is a companion to the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Learn more at shehears.org Hey friends, welcome to the Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast! Do you ever feel like you want to know more about the Bible but that it’s kind of hard to understand? Do you want to share your faith with your friends but have a hard time figuring out how to do that? Do you want to learn how to connect the Bible to your real life? Well then, this is the show for you. My name is Rachael, and I am your host. I have been a Children’s Pastor for a long time, and one of my favorite things is helping kids learn how to understand the Bible. I think that sometimes people think that the Bible is just for adults, but God actually really wants kids to know about Him. So, on this podcast, we are going to learn all about God’s Big Story and how he shows Himself to us through the Bible. As we learn together what the stories in the Bible mean, we can learn how to live out our faith in our everyday lives.
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    7 mins
  • 108// A Meal to Remember: The Last Time Jesus Ate With His Friends: Mark 14:12-46
    Oct 28 2024
    108// A Meal to Remember: The Last Time Jesus Ate With His Friends: Mark 14:12-46 In this episode, we explore the powerful story of the Last Supper. Jesus shared a special meal with His disciples and gave them the bread and the cup as a way to remember His love and sacrifice. We’ll also learn how Jesus was arrested, starting the events that led to the cross. This lesson helps us understand why we take Communion and how we can remember Jesus every day through prayer and love. Key Points: - The Last Supper reminds us of Jesus' love and sacrifice. - Communion helps us remember Jesus' body and blood. - Jesus was willing to suffer for us because He loves us. - We can remember Jesus every day by praying and loving others. - Jesus is always with us, even during hard times. Tune in to hear the story and find out how you can remember Jesus in your daily life! Do you have a question for Rachael? Maybe you have questions about God, the Bible, or something you heard on the podcast. Go ahead and leave me a message! And who knows, you may even hear yourself on a future episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/HearingJesusforKids You can find the Family Discussion Guide that covers today’s content on our Patreon: patreon.com/HearingJesus The Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast is a companion to the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Learn more at shehears.org Hey friends, welcome to the Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast! Do you ever feel like you want to know more about the Bible but that it’s kind of hard to understand? Do you want to share your faith with your friends but have a hard time figuring out how to do that? Do you want to learn how to connect the Bible to your real life? Well then, this is the show for you. My name is Rachael, and I am your host. I have been a Children’s Pastor for a long time, and one of my favorite things is helping kids learn how to understand the Bible. I think that sometimes people think that the Bible is just for adults, but God actually really wants kids to know about Him. So, on this podcast, we are going to learn all about God’s Big Story and how he shows Himself to us through the Bible. As we learn together what the stories in the Bible mean, we can learn how to live out our faith in our everyday lives.
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    10 mins