
  • Episode 13: Outliers
    Jul 21 2024

    This episode is a discussion on the extremities of Celtic Culture. The first half is a discussion of the Celts in Ukraine and how they affected the Bosporan Greeks in Ukraine and Moldova. The second half is a discussion of the Celitberians and the Celts in Iberia. There is also a discussion of the differences between the two. The migration period of Celtic History has also finished as of this episode.

    Email: historyoftheceltspodcast@gmail.com

    Website: hocpod.wordpress.com

    X (Twitter): @histofthecelts

    Intro: Skye Cuillin by Kevin Macleod

    Outro: Celtic Heart by Kira Daly

    Primary Sources:

    Diodorus Siculus: Bibliotheka 5.33, 12.31

    Herodotus: The Histories, 2.33.3 Description of the Celts’ homeland

    Strabo: Geography 3.4.12

    Secondary Sources:

    Cunliffe, Barry: The Ancient Celts, ISBN 978–0–19–875292–9

    Freeman, Philip: The Philosopher and the Druids: A Journey Among the Ancient Celts. ISBN: 978-1-4165-8523-7

    Lorrio Alberto J., Ruiz-Zapatero Gonzalo, ‘The Celts in Iberia: An Overview’, E-Keltoi, Volume 6 The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula.

    Maier, Bernhard: The Celts: A History from Earliest Times to the Present. ISBN 978-1-4744-2620-3

    Mozota, Francisco Burillo, ‘Celtiberians: Problems and Debates’, E-Keltoi, Volume 6: The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula.

    Shchukin M. B., Tchebotarenko G. F., and Shcherbakova T. A., ‘Two Finds Belonging to La Tène and Roman Periods from the Moldavian Republic’, Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 12 (1993)

    Shchukin M., ‘The Celts in Eastern Europe’, Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 14 (1995), 201–27;

    Treister M. J., ‘The Celts in the North Pontic Area: A Reassessment’, Antiquity, 67 (1993), 789–804

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    32 mins
  • Interview Episode: Cambrian Chronicles
    Jun 14 2024

    This episode I interview the host of the Cambrian Chronicles YouTube channel. The Cambrian Chronicles YouTube Channel presents Welsh and Brythonic History so our conversation centers on the study of history generally. While less formal than the previous interview with Dr. Philip Freeman I hope this is as informative as the last interview.

    Cambrian Chronicles YouTube Channel

    Mad Dogs of Cambria

    Website Link: hocpod.wordpress.com

    Email: historyoftheceltspodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter (X): @histofthecelts

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    48 mins
  • Episode 12: the Galatians
    May 10 2024

    This episode details the arrival of the Celts into Asia Minor and their transformation into the Galatians of biblical fame. While we are centuries away from Paul’s epistle to the Galatians it is important I outline how the Celtic people of central Anatolia made it there. I also outline the Gauls' initial movement into Galatia and eventual involvement with the Hellenistic Kings of Asia Minor.

    Website Link: hocpod.wordpress.com

    Email: historyoftheceltspodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter (X): @histofthecelts

    Primary Sources:

    Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus. 25.1

    Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, 38.16

    Memnon, History of Heracleia Ch. 11

    Pausanias, Description of Greece. 15.15.3

    Polybius, Histories. 4.46

    Strabo, Geography. 12.15.1

    Secondary Sources:

    Cunliffe, Barry: The Ancient Celts, ISBN 978–0–19–875292–9

    Freeman, Philip: The Philosopher and the Druids: A Journey Among the Ancient Celts. ISBN: 978-1-4165-8523-7

    Grainger, John: The Galatians: Celtic Invaders of Greece and Asia Minor ISBN; 978-1526770684

    Maier, Bernhard: The Celts: A History from Earliest Times to the Present. ISBN 978-1-4744-2620-3

    Rankin, David: The Celts and the Classical World. ISBN 0-415-15090-6


    The Dying Gaul: Image from Wikippedia

    The Ludovisi Gaul: Image from Wikipedia

    Cavarus Coin from Tylis: cngcoins.com, Kings of Thrace, Celtic, Tylis, Cavarus

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    33 mins
  • Episode 11: the Raid on Delphi
    Apr 28 2024

    This episode I discuss the invasion of the Balkans by the Celts. Led by multiple leaders but most famously Brennus, the Gauls/Celts invaded Macedon and continued into Greece proper making it all the way to Delphi. From the accounts of our Classical authors, we see echoes of the Greek belief in the barbarity of the Celts. If you want to hear some of these accounts, then join me in this episode on the Celtic Invasion of Greece.

    Website: https://hocpod.wordpress.com/

    Email: historyoftheceltspodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter (X): @histofthecelts

    Primary Sources:

    Diodorus Siculus: Library of History, Book 22.9

    Justin: Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 24.5-25.2

    Pausanias: Description of Greece, Book 10.19-23

    Secondary Sources:

    Cunliffe, Barry: The Ancient Celts, ISBN 978–0–19–875292–9

    Dizdar, Marko: Late La Tène Settlements in the Vinkovci Region (Eastern Slavonia, Croatia): Centres of Trade and Exchange. https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv8d5tb6.7

    Freeman, Philip: The Philosopher and the Druids: A Journey Among the Ancient Celts. ISBN: 978-1-4165-8523-7

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    37 mins
  • Episode 10: the Sack of Rome
    Mar 9 2024

    In this episode I go over the Celtic advance further into Italy. I go over their run-ins with both the Etruscans and the Romans. Finally, I focus on Livy’s account of the Celtic sack of Rome and the cementation of the Celts as the ultimate barbarians to the Romans for the centuries to come.

    Primary Sources

    Livy: History of Rome, Book 5 perseus.tufts.edu

    Secondary Sources

    Cunliffe, Barry: The Ancient Celts, ISBN 978–0–19–875292–9

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    24 mins
  • Episode 9: the Celts in Italy
    Feb 10 2024

    This episode is on the initial settlement of the Celts in Italy as well as the reasons for the migration of the Celts out of the Celtic homeland. As always, I go over what our classical authors have to say about these events. I supplement this with what modern scholars have to say about the subject. This episode begins a series on the migration of the Celtic people and their interactions with the people they encroached upon.

    Website: https://hocpod.wordpress.com/

    Email: historyoftheceltspodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter (X): @histofthecelts

    Primary Sources:

    Justin: Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, 24.4 attalus.org

    Livy: History of Rome, 5.34 perseus.tufts.edu

    Pliny the Elder: Natural History perseus.tufts.edu

    Secondary Sources:

    Cunliffe, Barry: The Ancient Celts, ISBN 978–0–19–875292–9

    Maier, Bernhard: The Celts: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present, ISBN: 978-1-4744-2720-3

    Green, Miranda J.: The Celtic World, ISBN: 0-415-05764-7

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    31 mins
  • Episode 8: Philip and (Some-What) Alexander
    Jan 5 2024

    This episode is a short investigation into the lives of two Kings of Macedon, Philip and Alexander. Without going into too much detail this will set up the following episodes on the Celtic migrations into the Mediterranean world. I spend much of the time discussing Philip’s reign as that is not talked about as often. I also go into some anecdotes related to the Celts and Alexander in the historical record, but this episode is not as focused on the Celts as they do not feature much in the stories of Philip and Alexander.

    Email: ⁠historyofthecelts@gmail.com⁠

    Twitter: ⁠@histofthecelts⁠

    Website: ⁠hocpod.wordpress.com⁠

    Primary sources:

    Diodorus Siculus, Library of History Book 16.94

    Strabo, Geography Book 7.3.8

    Secondary Sources:

    Adrian Goldsworthy, Philip and Alexander: Kings and Conquerors ISBN: 9781784978693

    Barry Cunliffe, The Ancient Celts ISBN: 978–0–19–875292–9

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    34 mins
  • Episode 7: Women in the Celtic World
    Aug 27 2023

    This episode we focus on women in the Celtic world. Did they have more power in comparison to their Mediterranean counterparts? What did ancient authors have to say about Ancient Celtic women? Does archaeology back up what they said? All those questions will be answered in this episode.

    Email: historyofthecelts@gmail.com

    Twitter: @histofthecelts

    Website: hocpod.wordpress.com

    Primary Sources:

    Ammianus Marcellinus: Rerum Gestarum Book XV Chapter 12 Perseus Digital Library

    Aristotle: Politics Book 2 Perseus Digital Library

    Diodorus Siculus: Bibliotheka Book V Lacus Curtius Homepage

    Secondary Sources:

    Cunliffe, Barry: The Ancient Celts, ISBN 978–0–19–875292–9

    Freeman, Philip: The Philosopher and the Druids: A Journey Among the Ancient Celts. ISBN: 978-1-4165-8523-7

    Mark Cartwight: Spartan Women from worldhistory.org

    Mark Cartwight: Women in Ancient Greece from worldhistory.org

    Related Images:

    Recreation of the Grave of Vix from worldhistory.org

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    25 mins