• The (Enemy) Love of God
    Sep 15 2024

    We are accustomed to loving those who love us and agreeing with those who are agreeable. What about loving those who disagree with or even hate us? That’s far less common. But the story of God shows a love for enemy. This is outlandish when set beside one of our current cultural half-truths—To love me, you must agree with me. How does the love of Christ speak a better word to us? Listen to find out!

    Reflection Amidst this noisy world of half-truths, are you hearing the clear love of Jesus for you?

    Half Truths Cor Chmieleski Hope Community Church - Downtown Minneapolis

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    41 mins
  • Sweet Little Lies | Genesis 3:1-5
    Sep 8 2024

    What are half-truths, and why do they hold such power over us? From the garden of Eden to everyday life, these subtle distortions of reality sneak in — often unnoticed — creating doubt and confusion toward our understanding of God, our relationship with others, and our place in the world around us. Join us as we kickoff this series unpacking the insidious and destructive nature of half-truths while discovering how the gospel offers a better, fuller story that brings clarity and freedom.

    Half Truths Davis Johnson Hope Community Church - Downtown Minneapolis

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    For more resources or to learn more about Hope Community Church, visit hopecc.com.

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    44 mins
  • Dark Am I, But Lovely | Song of Solomon 1:5
    Sep 1 2024

    Martin Luther in the 16th Century coined a latin phrase that has changed the way many people think of themselves. The phrase is Simul Justus et Peccator – “Simultaneously Saint and Sinner”. In other words, even though we are a sinful people, we are also deeply, deeply loved by God, so much so that he sent Jesus Christ to die for us. We see this even in the Old Testament passage we are studying this week – Song of Solomon 1:5.

    Gospel Mixtape | Wisdom & Songs Steve Treichler Hope Community Church - Downtown Minneapolis

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    For more resources or to learn more about Hope Community Church, visit hopecc.com.

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    45 mins
  • Everything is Accelerating | Psalm 46:10
    Aug 25 2024

    The theory of social acceleration explains how the pace of modern life continues to speed up, often leaving us feeling overwhelmed, empty, and disconnected. Within the relentless rush and constant itch to keep up, we’re given a seemingly absurd command to be still and rest in God. What does it mean to be still in an accelerating world and how do we hear the gentle whisper of God in a world full of constant demands?

    Gospel Mixtape | Wisdom & Songs Davis Johnson Hope Community Church - Downtown Minneapolis

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    For more resources or to learn more about Hope Community Church, visit hopecc.com.

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    43 mins
  • Life is a Wilderness | Psalm 81
    Aug 18 2024

    This psalm remembers God’s divine intervention in the wilderness so his people might live. The wilderness, or desert, cannot support human life. Similarly, this world in which we live cannot fulfill our deepest longings. So just like God’s people needed divine intervention, we too need divine intervention. It comes in the form of a struck rock (Christ!) who gives us life-giving water for our souls.


    1. How have you mistakenly sought satisfaction in this desert life for your deepest needs?
    2. Are you hearing God that you might be saved and satisfied through his life-giving rock?

    Gospel Mixtape | Wisdom & Psalms Cor Chmieleski Hope Community Church - Downtown Minneapolis

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    For more resources or to learn more about Hope Community Church, visit hopecc.com.

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    46 mins
  • How to Develop a Demanding Spirit | Job 4-37
    Aug 11 2024

    Our suffering can be fertile ground for God to transform us, or it can also lead to incredible bitterness of soul, or something Dr. Larry Crabb has called a “demanding spirit”. This week we will talk about how Job developed a demanding spirit and how the gospel sets us free not to live a life of this dark bitterness.

    Gospel Mixtape | Wisdom & Songs Steve Treichler Hope Community Church - Downtown Minneapolis

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    For more resources or to learn more about Hope Community Church, visit hopecc.com.

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    43 mins
  • Is This All Meaningless? | Ecclesiastes
    Aug 4 2024

    The book of Ecclesiastes to see how we can trust in the stability and meaningfulness of the gospel in the midst of life’s difficulties.

    Gospel Mixtape | Wisdom & Songs Jordan Anderson Hope Community Church - Downtown Minneapolis

    For more resources or to learn more about Hope Community Church, visit hopecc.com.

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    45 mins
  • Jesus Protects Us From the Scary Stuff | Psalm 77
    Jul 28 2024

    In the hit movie Inside Out 2, we follow the life of Riley, a teenager in the throes of puberty. As she navigates life, we observe her internal processing through personified emotions like Joy, Sadness, and Anger. One such emotion, Anxiety, floods Riley’s mind with all the scary stuff that could happen. In one scene, this results in Riley experiecning a full-blown panic attack. If you’ve ever battled anxiety or cried aloud to the Lord amidst despair, this message on Psalm 77 is for you.

    Reflection The exodus of Jesus is proclaimed to provide you hope amidst your trouble. Should you find your soul refusing to be comforted, how will you remember that it is Jesus’s job to protect you from the scary stuff you can’t see? Through his exodus (i.e. death and resurrection), he has planned for your future.

    Gospel Mixtape | Wisdom & Songs Cor Chmieleski Hope Community Church - Downtown Minneapolis

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    For more resources or to learn more about Hope Community Church, visit hopecc.com.

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    44 mins