• SEASON 2 FINALE! Tolerance for failure and normalizing a nonlinear pathway with JaeRan Kim.
    Jun 15 2024

    Last season we were so fortunate to welcome JaeRan Kim to the podcast. We knew right away we wanted to record a part 2 -- and what better way to wrap our second season than this lovely convo with one of our favorites. Enjoy!

    We only exist because of the support of our many communities, and so appreciate you listening, engaging, and supporting the show. Thank you!!!

    Connect with JaeRan on IG: @harlows_monkey

    Connect with the show on IG: ⁠@humanregardspod⁠

    Connect with Carolyn on IG: ⁠@coachingkapwa⁠

    Connect with Shanta on IG: ⁠@7525impact

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    54 mins
  • ‘You have to name it to change it,’ Black-Asian solidarity, and art as a moral compass with Rohan Zhou-Lee.
    Feb 12 2024

    Back in December, we were so fortunate to sit down with the fantastic Rohan Zhou-Lee. Rohan is a dancer, writer, organizer, and the founder of the Blasian March, a Black-Asian-Blasian grassroots solidarity organization that has within three years established chapters all over the country. Rohan has a degree in Ethnomusicology from Northwestern University, and honestly is just a TOTAL joy to share space with. We talk about everything from art as a moral compass, how prison abolition relates to Asian liberation, why and how the Blasian March came to be, and of course -- how we're reclaiming our peace these days.

    They have been featured on CNN, NBC Chicago, USA Today, WNYC, and more. Blasian March has received several awards, including a certificate from the New York City Public Advocate. Zhou-Lee has spoken on organizing, human rights, and other subjects at Northwestern University, New York University, The University of Tokyo, the 2022 Unite and Enough Festivals in Zürich, Switzerland, Harvard University, and more.

    Please remember to click that listener supporter link in the show notes after you listen. We only exist because of the support of our many communities, and so appreciate you listening, engaging, and supporting the show. Enjoy!

    For more details about the extent of Rohan’s work, please head to www.diaryofafirebird.com and www.blasianmarch.org.

    Connect with Rohan on IG: @diaryofafirebird

    Connect with the hosts on IG: ⁠@humanregardspod⁠

    Connect with Carolyn on IG: ⁠@coachingkapwa⁠

    Connect with Shanta on IG: ⁠@7525impact

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Breaking Down 'You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment' with Carolyn and Rosalyn.
    Jan 15 2024

    This week’s episode is such a fun one! Human Regards co-host Carolyn and her twin sister Ros were recently featured in the new hit Netflix series, You Are What You Eat. Join us, as we break down their experience both in the research study and in front of the camera for the documentary. More behind-the-scenes coming your way all week on our social channels — listen to the episode out today, and then be sure to tune in for all the piping hot tea and more exclusive BTS from these hilarious and insightful twin sisters.

    Guest Bios:

    Carolyn Sideco is a Sports Relationship Coach and founder of Coaching Kapwa Sports Consultants. She makes a daily ritual of crafting and emerging her Filipinx American identities through relationship-building with people and energies of this world. She's a professionally trained kinesiologist, physical educator, and athletic administrator. Always confident in her Filipina American identity, Carolyn enjoys amplifying the experiences of Filipinx/a/o-identified people, and is proud to shine light on their constant contributions to our societies. She understands the special value identical twins have to scientific research, and leverages this privilege to encourage folks of color to participate in and be critical of research and data in their own lives. Participating in the Stanford Study helps make Carolyn an interesting person to chat with at parties, as she brings no karaoke-singing or other performative value to the scene. The Food 2.0 series also gave Carolyn a reason to beg her friends and family to help in grocery shopping and cooking, as she doesn't do either of those things regularly or with much skill. She hopes that folks who watch the series feel empowered to join in on the Food 2.0 conversation.

    Rosalyn Sideco Moorhouse was born one minute after her twin in Tarlac, Philippines to Linda and Tony Sideco. She was raised in San Francisco following the family’s immigration to the United States. Rosalyn has three siblings and enjoys her brood of nephews and nieces. She earned a Masters Degree in Pastoral Ministry with an emphasis in Catechetics (Religious Education). Having worked with adolescents in various ministry settings since college, Rosalyn has been on faculty in the Religious Studies department at a Catholic high school for over 20 years. She takes her commitment to students seriously and considers the vocation of teaching an extension of her faith. Rosalyn and her monozygotic twin have been “Citizen Scientists” for over 30 years with Stanford’s National Twin Registry. They have proudly taken part in a range of studies to advance health and medicine. The plant-based vs. omnivore study was the most involved to date. Rosalyn found the fitness and biometric components most interesting and loved interacting with everyone involved in the project. Friends describe Rosalyn as fiercely loyal and adept at anticipating what they enjoy. Rosalyn lives with her husband, enjoying an empty nest while their son is in college.

    Official Netflix Trailer

    Order Your “Donut let your goals slip away” Shirt

    Please remember to click that listener supporter link in the show notes or our linktree after you listen!

    Human Regards offers a curious, critical, and joyful container that unapologetically centers (and celebrates!) the experiences of women, femmes, and gender expansive folks of the Global Majority. Join us as we collaborate with extraordinary humans and rewrite the so-called American narrative, placing the complex fragmentation of the Asian Diaspora front and center.

    Music and production by Shanta Loecker.

    Human Regards on IG: ⁠@humanregardspod⁠

    Connect with Carolyn on IG: ⁠@coachingkapwa⁠

    Connect with Shanta on IG: ⁠@7525impact

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Expansive microaggressions research, modeling wholeness, and 'Dad jokes' with Kevin Nadal, Ph.D.
    Jan 4 2024

    Hello friends! We’re so excited to bring you our very first guest of season 2 today – Dr. Kevin Nadal. He’s a Professor of Psychology and his research over the last 30 plus years focuses on the intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, as well as microagressions as they relate to all of these communities and identities. He specializes in Filipino American identity and experience. He is the author of 10 books including, "That's So Gay! Microaggressions and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community”. Kevin is experienced in multicultural consulting, primarily leading trainings in corporate and non-profit organizations. And fun fact – in 2006, he was named one of People Magazine's hottest bachelors and in 2018, he was named one of NBC’s Pride 30. Please remember to click that listener supporter link in the show notes after you listen – we are entirely community driven and appreciate your support.

    For more details about the extent of Kevin’s work, or for contact information and inquiries, please head to https://www.kevinnadal.com/.

    Connect with Kevin on IG: @kevinnadal

    Connect with Human Regards on IG: ⁠@humanregardspod⁠

    Connect with Carolyn on IG: ⁠@coachingkapwa⁠

    Connect with Shanta on IG: ⁠@7525impact

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    50 mins
  • Human Regards Presents: The Call by The Empress Han
    Dec 18 2023

    We have a special treat for you this week! You may remember Mila’s guest episode from season 1! Carolyn and I had her on Human Regards to discuss her upcoming book, Everything You Think You Know About Adoption is A Lie. Well, lucky for us, she decided to release the book in audio form, and we have the introductory episode cued up for you here! Please enjoy this intro, The Call, and then head to the link below for all five episodes available now from this incredible writer, poet, and artist.

    Everything You Think You Know About Adoption is A Lie, Podcast Description:

    As Adoption Survivors, our Voices are too often suppressed, ignored, and erased. This podcast is a declaration that we deserve to be seen, heard, and believed. Through a collection of insights, truths, personal anecdotes, poetry, and reflections, this podcast seeks to deconstruct common myths used in popular society to uphold and perpetuate the larger Adoption Myth. I hope by sharing what I have learned, we can continue to build abolitionist communities as we envision and create a future that allows us all to know love, belonging, and liberation.

    The Call, Episode Description:

    Welcome to Everything You Think You Know About Adoption is a Lie: Affirming and Centering Lived Experiences in the Deconstruction of the Adoption Myth.

    In this introduction episode titled "The Call," I share about the the moment I received a phone call that my Korean parents had been located, and what unfolded in the aftermath. I also explore the reasons and purpose for creating this space. Every You Think You Know About Adoption is a Lie is a collection of insights, truths, personal anecdotes, poetry, reflections, and thoughts intended to provide a more complex counter narrative to the dominant and overly sanitized and romanticized adoption narrative. The content is a step toward deconstructing common myths used in popular society to uphold and perpetuate the larger Adoption Myth. It is also a call to know the truth about the systems underlying not only the circumstances of my adoption but the historical and geopolitical circumstances of oppression of which adoption is an extension. I hope by sharing what I have learned that together we can continue to tear down the curtain of lies, so that the truth may thrive and grow within our hearts and our communities as we envision and create a future that allows us all to know love, safety, and liberation.


    Connect with The Empress Han on IG: @the_empress_han

    Listen to more episodes of Everything You Think You Know About Adoption is A Lie on Apple or Spotify.

    Connect with the hosts on IG: ⁠@humanregardspod⁠

    Connect with Carolyn on IG: ⁠@coachingkapwa⁠

    Connect with Shanta on IG: ⁠@7525impact

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    14 mins
  • Season Two Premiere! The language of jazz, National Adoptee Awareness Month, and lighting up personal power.
    Dec 4 2023

    Welcome back to Human Regards, where we invite you to reinvent space, diffuse power, and reclaim your peace.

    Today we get back to our roots! The two of us sit down and chat about what’s on our minds as we kick off season 2 – everything from the transcendence of jazz in New Orleans to National Adoptee Awareness Month, and finding ways to light up our personal and spiritual power in the face of global violence.

    We also get into so-called online activism, shadow bans on the gram, and the collective influence of speaking out against oppression.

    While you’re here, please consider leaving a quick review or signing up as a listener supporter, for as little as $1 a month. Hope you like the episode!

    Connect with us on IG: ⁠@humanregardspod⁠

    Connect with Carolyn on IG: ⁠@coachingkapwa⁠

    Connect with Shanta on IG: ⁠@7525impact

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    49 mins
  • Welcome Back to Human Regards! (Trailer 2)
    Oct 3 2023

    Welcome back to Human Regards!

    Together, we invite you to reinvent space, diffuse power, and reclaim your peace. Like many of you, we have spent decades surviving systems, structures, and institutions that weren’t designed for us -- this show is about changing that.

    Join us, as we expand and rewrite the so-called American narrative in a space designed for ALL of us to thrive.

    Connect with the hosts on IG: ⁠@humanregardspod⁠

    Connect with Carolyn on IG: ⁠@coachingkapwa⁠

    Connect with Shanta on IG: ⁠@7525impact

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    3 mins
  • RE-AIR! What is Human Regards? Season 1 Pilot with NEW intro.
    Oct 2 2023

    Welcome back to Human Regards, where we invite you to reinvent space, diffuse power, and reclaim your peace. We met on Instagram, and then subsequently on Zoom, phone calls, and all the ways were able to connect safely at the time. Fast forward to 2023 – we’ve produced an entire season of this show, and we are so proud of the stories, incredible personalities, and all the complex humanity we’ve been able to share with you thus far. Human Regards asks necessary questions directly, even if those discussions aren’t always “popular” in the mainstream. Season 1 featured a slew of wonderful guests that asked questions like:

    • Why aren’t there more Asian American identified folks playing and coaching organized sports?

    • What happens when we center People of the Global Majority? When we center Queerness? When we center art?

    • Why is communicating about our mental health so damn hard sometimes?

    • Is, in fact, everything you know about international adoption a lie?

    • What would you throw on a list of cis white guy red flags?

    • How does five-star food become the perfect vehicle for telling a nuanced, personal story about reclaiming ethnic identity?

    • What does it mean to document our existence as immigrant families in a country that has historically erased it?

    • Music can be a life-long grounding force – can it also be activism?

    • Why is it so important to push back on monolithic thinking, particularly in the context of academic research?

    • And I mean, how is it that we can laugh and support each other though such deep, sometimes emotional conversations?

    Well, that's just what we do, and we want you to be a part of it! It may have been anti-oppression work in sports that introduced us, but it’s ALL of these questions that have kept us curious, engaged, and interested in sharing collaborations with like-hearted souls like you.

    We, like many of us, have spent decades surviving systems, structures, and institutions that weren’t designed for us – Human Regards changes that. Join us, as we expand and rewrite the so-called American narrative, in a space designed for ALL of us to thrive.

    Original Pilot Notes: It's not every day you meet another self-proclaimed sub-5-foot "Brown Asian" who grew up playing basketball, let me tell you. Our pilot episode is an invitation to laugh, ponder, and sure, sometimes put on your serious face. We start out season 1 with our collective take on what it looks like to restore healthy space, share power, and reclaim peace as two women of the Global Majority who each spent over a decade in an industry built for, well, cis white dudes... *shrugs 'cause it's true*. Join us as we discuss the Human Regards “origin story”, and examine our collective experiences as self-identified women of the Global Majority at the intersection of anti-oppression work and, yup, youth basketball lol.

    Connect with the show on Instagram: @humanregardspod or Twitter: @humanregards

    Hosted By: Shanta Loecker and Carolyn Sideco

    Production & Music By: Shanta Loecker

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    1 hr and 5 mins