
  • Episode 261 Billie Sol Estes Part 10 RFK And The World Comes Crashing Down On Estes
    Mar 10 2025

    This is Part 10 in the series that covers the story of Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker and other members of Johnson's Texas inner circle. Part 10 accelerates the story of Billy Sol Estes as his world begins to fall apart. His high profile play on cotton allotments now exposed and the fraud of his fictitious storage containers about to bust wide open, RFK seizes on the opportunity to pressure Estes into spilling the beans, about Lyndon Johnson. But Estes is is sworn to secrecy by Johnson himself, and ultimately threatened with his life, so he demures as others around him in the schemes are murdered. Ultimately, RFK pulls the noose tight and Estes is indicted. Estes' trial is bungled by Lyndon's lawyer, but it obtains its ultimate objective for Johnson which is to keeping Billie Sol silent. As Lyndon betrays him, Estes makes the break from the Vice President, but then an attempt on his life is made. A burning cross and a shot narrowly missing. As a result, he goes silent once again as he enters federal prison. The years in prison and the betrayal by Johnson even after his incarceration would sew the seeds of revenge. All of these men who were quite intertwined around Johnson at the time of the assassination. They were involved in circumstances that were closing in on Johnson too and that provided him great motive in the killing of the President. The story is extraordinary.

    Rumors of Johnson's involvement began to swirl almost immediately after the President's assassination and there is a defined school of thought within the JFK assassination research community that staunchly believes in Johnson's involvement. His involvement in both the assassination and its cover up. Join us in one of the most fascinating story tells of the Kennedy assassination and stick around as we will be returning to the Mexico City series right after we complete this min-series that was spawned by the recent release of the Billy Sol Estes and Cliff Carter tape that the two recorded in 1971. Folks, you just can't write this stuff.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it, were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This real-life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    41 mins
  • Episode 260 Billie Sol Estes Part 9 Things Start to Get Real In Billie Sol's World
    Mar 9 2025

    This is Part 9 in the series that covers the story of Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker and other members of Johnson's Texas inner circle. Part 9 continues the rewind of the tape for Billy Sol Estes. This episode continues to cover events during the 1950's which were key to the growth of Billie Sol Estes' financial empire and his business dealings and general association with Cliff Carter and Lyndon Johnson as they continued to expand and strengthen. Estes really revs up his support for Johnson as the 1960 election bid begins. A period of great expansion by Estes that was fueled by his relationship with Carter and with Johnson and which saw an ever increasing alleged investment through Carter and others, by the Senator and soon to be Vice President. Business associations that were in the early stages of being exposed even before the 1960 election took place. All of these men who were quite intertwined around Johnson at the time of the assassination. They were involved in circumstances that were closing in on Johnson too and that provided him great motive in the killing of the President. The story is extraordinary.

    Rumors of Johnson's involvement began to swirl almost immediately after the President's assassination and there is a defined school of thought within the JFK assassination research community that staunchly believes in Johnson's involvement. His involvement in both the assassination and its cover up. Join us in one of the most fascinating story tells of the Kennedy assassination and stick around as we will be returning to the Mexico City series right after we complete this min-series that was spawned by the recent release of the Billy Sol Estes and Cliff Carter tape that the two recorded in 1971. Folks, you just can't write this stuff.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it, were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This real-life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    34 mins
  • Episode 259 Billie Sol Estes Part 8 The Mid Fifties And The Foundations of A Financial Empire
    Mar 9 2025

    This is Part 8 in the series that covers the story of Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker and other members of Johnson's Texas inner circle. Part 8 continues the rewind of the tape, and tells the story of the early years of Billy Sol Estes. This time covering the mid 50's and the foundations of his financial empire. Today is a continuation of the story of the business dealings between Cliff Carter and Billie Sol and how it progressed from its beginnings told in episode 7 to the mid fifties covered in this episode 8. A period of great expansion by Estes that was fueled by his relationship with Carter and with Johnson and which saw an ever increasing alleged investment through Carter and others, by the Senator and soon to be Vice President. All of these men who were quite intertwined around Johnson at the time of the assassination. They were involved in circumstances that were closing in on Johnson too and that provided him great motive in the killing of the President. The story is extraordinary.

    Rumors of Johnson's involvement began to swirl almost immediately after the President's assassination and there is a defined school of thought within the JFK assassination research community that staunchly believes in Johnson's involvement. His involvement in both the assassination and its cover up. Join us in one of the most fascinating story tells of the Kennedy assassination and stick around as we will be returning to the Mexico City series right after we complete this min-series that was spawned by the recent release of the Billy Sol Estes and Cliff Carter tape that the two recorded in 1971. Folks, you just can't write this stuff.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it, were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This real-life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    37 mins
  • Episode 258 Billie Sol Estes Part 7 Cliff Carter Meets Billie Sol
    Mar 5 2025

    This is Part 7 in the series that covers the story of Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker and other members of Johnson's Texas inner circle. Part 7 continues the rewind of the tape, and tells the story of the early years of Billy Sol Estes. Today is a focus on how Cliff Carter and Billie Sol got together in the early years. All of these men who were quite intertwined around Johnson at the time of the assassination. They were involved in circumstances that were closing in on Johnson too and that provided him great motive in the killing of the President. Today's episode continues the story of Billy Sol Estes and his years getting started as a young adult in rural Texas and how it shaped what he became. The story is extraordinary.

    Rumors of Johnson's involvement began to swirl almost immediately after the President's assassination and there is a defined school of thought within the JFK assassination research community that staunchly believes in Johnson's involvement. His involvement in both the assassination and its cover up. Join us in one of the most fascinating story tells of the Kennedy assassination and stick around as we will be returning to the Mexico City series right after we complete this min-series that was spawned by the recent release of the Billy Sol Estes and Cliff Carter tape that the two recorded in 1971. Folks, you just can't write this stuff.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it, were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This real-life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    31 mins
  • Episode 257 Billie Sol Estes Part 6 The Early Years
    Feb 27 2025

    This is Part 6 in the series that covers the story of Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker and other members of Johnson's Texas inner circle. Part 6 rewinds the tape a bit, and tells the story of the early years of Billy Sol Estes. All of these men who were quite intertwined around Johnson at the time of the assassination. They were involved in circumstances that were closing in on Johnson too and that provided him great motive in the killing of the President. Today's episode continues with the story of Billy Sol Estes as we present the story of his early years growing up in rural Texas and how it shaped what he became. The story itself is extraordinary.

    Rumors of Johnson's involvement began to swirl almost immediately after the President's assassination and there is a defined school of thought within the JFK assassination research community that staunchly believes in Johnson's involvement. His involvement in both the assassination and its cover up. Join us in one of the most fascinating story tells of the Kennedy assassination and stick around as we will be returning to the Mexico City series right after we complete this min-series that was spawned by the recent release of the Billy Sol Estes and Cliff Carter tape that the two recorded in 1971. Folks, you just can't write this stuff.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it, were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This real-life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    18 mins
  • Episode 256 A Tribute To Secret Service Agent Clint Hill Who Passed Away This Week at 93
    Feb 27 2025

    Former Secret Service Agent Clint Hill died at his home in Belvedere California just a few days ago on February 21st, 2025. He was 93. He’s the Secret Service man that will forever be remembered for his own courageous moment in Dealey Plaza. On November 22 1963, starting from one car behind, he would dash and land on the trunk of the presidential limousine….just moments after the fatal shot hit president Kennedy. As the famous films of that moment so vividly depict, and as the presidential limousine accelerated, he held on... and he gently nudged Mrs. Kennedy back into her seat. He did so after she had climbed onto the trunk of the limousine, Mrs. Kennedy herself at that moment in shock and desperately lunging to retrieve a part of her husbands brain and skull. Agent Hill would hold on tightly and continue to shield the president and Mrs. Kennedy as the limousine accelerated to speeds of up to 60 and 70 miles per hour during the ride to Parkland Hospital.

    His heritage was Norwegian. and he was from North Dakota. He was drafted into the United States Army, and wound up being trained as a counter intelligence officer. After the military, Hill would join the Secret Service and served on the presidential details beginning with Dwight Eisenhower. During the Kennedy years, he was assigned to guard the first lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

    We are reminded that he was the only Secret Service agent to take the dash. He was the only agent to offer his body as a human shield for the President and Mrs. Kennedy in those moments where there was still uncertainty. Uncertainty as to whether more shots would be forthcoming. It was too late for the President and it was Clint Hill's acknowledgment of that...with a thumbs down... to those in the Secret Service car just behind...and that would be the first moment of consciousness that our nation had lost its President…

    There is no doubt that the Secret Service deficiencies in Dallas contributed to the President's death. But, there is also no doubt that Hills courageous acts that day were exemplary. Just days after that moment in Dealey plaza, Agent Hill was honored for his bravery…a moment that he himself took little comfort in...

    With all of the controversy about the exact nature of the President’s head wounds, there was likely no one that had more of an unfettered view of them then Clint Hill. He would hover over the top of the President…as they raced to Parkland, his view unimpeded by others for over five minutes, as they sped toward Parkland…with the rear of the President's head in plain view as it rested on Mrs. Kennedy.

    Clint Hill would remain as the Secret Service agent assigned to guard Jacqueline Kennedy until after the 1964 election. And then he was assigned to President Johnson, back at the White House. In 1967, Hill was named as the Special Agent In Charge (SAIC) at the White House. When Richard Nixon was elected, he became the SAIC for the vice president Spiro Agnew.

    Agent Hill retired from the Secret Service in 1975, but he lived with the horror of that moment in Dallas for the rest of his life. Like the Secret Service in general, he steadfastly believed that it was Lee Harvey Oswald and Oswald alone that fired the shots that day in Dallas. And he steadfastly maintained that three shots... and only three shots... were fired. It can safely be said that Clint Hill was one of the good guys. Rest in peace, Clint Hill.

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    18 mins
  • Episode 255 Billy Sol Estes Part 5 The Henry Marshall Murder Part 3
    Feb 17 2025

    This is Part 5 in the series that covers the story of Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker and other members of Johnson's Texas inner circle. Men who were quite intertwined around Johnson at the time of the assassination. These men were involved in circumstances that were closing in on Johnson too and that provided him great motive in the killing of the president. Today's episode continues with the story of Billy Sol Estes as we present the third mini episode wander into the story of the Henry Marshall murder. Today's episode goes deeper and covers the final portion of the story tell as it appeared in the 1986 Texas Observer article by Bill Adler. Marshall, who worked for the agriculture department, dared to step in front of Billy Sol Este's cotton allotment scheme and he paid the price for it with his life. The case was originally ruled a suicide until larger forces prevailed. According to Estes, this murder is but one of many that can be tied back to Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace. It also involves Cliff Carter and Estes himself.

    Rumors of Johnson's involvement began to swirl almost immediately after the assassination and there is a defined school of thought within the JFK assassination research community that staunchly believes in Johnson's involvement. His involvement in both the assassination and its cover up. Join us in one of the most fascinating story tells of the Kennedy assassination and stick around as we will be returning to the Mexico City series right after we complete this min-series that was spawned by the recent release of the Billy Sol Estes and Cliff Carter tape that the two recorded in 1971. Folks, you just can't write this stuff.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it, were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This real-life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    31 mins
  • Episode 254 Billy Sol Estes Part 4 The Henry Marshall Story Part 2
    Feb 15 2025

    This is Part 4 in the series that covers the story of Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker and other members of Johnson's Texas inner circle. Men who were quite intertwined around Johnson at the time of the assassination. These men were involved in circumstances that were closing in on Johnson too and that provided him great motive in the killing of the president. Today's episode continues with the story of Billy Sol Estes as we present the second mini episode wander into the story of the Henry Marshall murder. Today's episode goes deeper and covers the exhumation of Marshall's body and the tug of war that involved the Robertson county grand jury as they grappled with the question of whether Marshall' death was a suicide or a murder. Marshall, who worked for the agriculture department, dared to step in front of Billy Sol Este's cotton allotment scheme and he paid the price for it with his life. The case was originally ruled a suicide until larger forces prevailed. According to Estes, this murder is but one of many that can be tied back to Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace. It also involves Cliff Carter and Estes himself.

    Rumors of Johnson's involvement began to swirl almost immediately after the assassination and there is a defined school of thought within the JFK assassination research community that staunchly believes in Johnson's involvement. His involvement in both the assassination and its cover up. Join us in one of the most fascinating story tells of the Kennedy assassination and stick around as we will be returning to the Mexico City series right after we complete this min-series that was spawned by the recent release of the Billy Sol Estes and Cliff Carter tape that the two recorded in 1971. Folks, you just can't write this stuff.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it, were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This real-life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    38 mins