
  • I know the secret to a long life (not what you think)
    Apr 22 2022
    When I hear talking about slow living I can immediately relate to it.

    I grew up in Sardinia, a magical land in the middle of the Mediterranean sea - by the way, Sardinia is part of Italy but it seems like an independent continent.

    Geographically, culturally, socially: we experience the beauty of being an island that is far enough from everyone around.

    Typical colours and atmospheres are never forgotten by the lucky visitors that come around; easy to remember the heat, the sea, the blue sky.

    People come to discover Sardinia as travellers but then they fall in love, every time they come back they discover new stories, traditions and beauties.

    But I started talking about slow living, and Sardinia has a lot to do with it.

    Everything here is slow, everyone has plenty of time to do what they like and enjoy. This is found in life expectancy as well.

    The Blue Zone areas

    In the last 20 years or so, scientists have started to talk about Blue Zone areas… Sardinia is part of it.

    According to Wikipedia, Blue zones are regions of the world thought to have a higher than usual number of people who live much longer than average. They are:

    Okinawa (Japan); Sardinia (Italy); Nicoya (Costa Rica); Icaria (Greece); and Loma Linda (California, USA)

    As far as Sardinia is concerned, this might come from the rare genetic M26 marker, being an Island it has been easier to preserve it and keep it in the territory.

    Clearly there is no single answer and we can’t simplify or generalise.

    Most of our people run a very traditional healthy lifestyle. Times are changing of course, but sardinians still hunt, fish and harvest the food they eat.

    We stay close with friends and family throughout our lives, we laugh and drink wine together. Every day there is a good occasion to celebrate.

    Key elements for a long lasting life


    The classic Sardinian diet consists of whole-grain bread, beans, garden vegetables and fruits.

    A research found that sardinian centenarians mostly ate whole grains and meat was only consisting of 5% of their diet.

    Put family first

    Sardinia’s strong family values help assure that every member of the family is cared for.

    It is obvious that people who live in strong, healthy families suffer lower rates of depression, suicide, and stress.

    Take a walk

    Sardinians walk and exercise, in general, and this is particularly true for shepherds.
    They stay out all day and work to a great extent.

    Drink a glass or two of red wine daily

    Sardinians drink wine moderately, a glass or two of red wine on a daily basis.

    Laugh with friends

    They gather in the street each afternoon to laugh with and at each other. Laughter reduces stress and makes people happier…

    This is what I could call an escape

    I tried to escape from it, but I now understand that I belong to this place.

    Everything here is slow, I hated it. I could not bear the slow pace everyone had in doing everything, weeks or months to complete a single task.

    Italy is here, but Sardinia is like here.

    I went to the UK, then in Denmark, the system was so much better in many cases, everything was functional and fast.

    But then I came back for good, this is where I’m born and where I live with my family.

    I don’t know if I will one day be a centenarian, the lifestyle is changing for us as well.

    The blue zone area might just be gone with my grand dad generation, even small towns in the middle of nowhere have remained the same.

    Young generations left and moved to the main cities, attracted by job opportunities and better lifestyles.

    But for sure I know that over here there is a secret to a long life, it comes to us to decide whether we want to give it a chance or not.
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    8 mins
  • Tennis Star hosts first Metaverse tennis tournament
    Mar 16 2022
    This is seriously happening: I’m going to compete on a Metaverse tennis tour of tournaments. No bullshit, all 100% true.

    This has become reality thanks to the @ballman project, a collection of digital tennis players who can compete in Metaverse tournaments and let owners earn money while they play.

    And the man behind all of this is… Stan The Man! Of course, together with a wonderful team of experts that have made possible for the technology to give birth to this project.

    The NFT open series is a series of virtual tennis tournaments designed for the ballman community.

    On Opensea there are plenty of Ballman NFTs still on the market and I truly believe there will be a lot going on, that’s why I decided to purchase one.

    Obviously this is not to be seen as my advice, you must carry out your own due diligence and carefully consider your situation before doing anything about it.

    But in all cases, let me know your thoughts in the comments below, have you bought one? Why did you do it? What are your expectations?
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    9 mins
  • Metaverse explained: the future of the internet.
    Mar 5 2022
    You might not believe this but this word isn't yet in most of the dictionaries we use.

    How do you define a word that isn't even in the dictionary? We are talking about the word Metaverse.

    What exactly is the Metaverse? Well, there is no single answer, it basically depends on who you ask.

    For someone, the Metaverse is the convergence of the digital and the physical, for others it represents a desire to go into a new world that's like the real world in every way, but somewhat better.

    We agree on one thing: the Metaverse is a powerful mix of different immersive experiences that humans can breathe on a multilevel space.

    Let’s be honest, many of us were amazed at the news that Zuckerberg announced at the end of 2021: Facebook has started transitioning to a Metaverse company.

    Right, but what exactly is the Metaverse Facebook is referring to?

    According to him, “It's a virtual environment. We can be present with people in digital spaces, and you can kind of think about this as an embodied internet that you're inside of, rather than just looking at.”

    Defining a new term and this new scenario ahead is not easy to explain, but let’s try this way.

    In Web 1.0, we had the Internet, which connected us to information at unprecedented speeds and scale.

    Web 2.0 connected people through the Internet, which gave us the social media platforms we all know.

    Web 3.0 is about connecting people, places and things. Sometimes these people, places and things can be fully virtual or synthetic, while at other times they can be in the physical world with a level of augmentation.

    The term was coined by Sci-Fi writer Neil Stephenson in his 1992 novel Snow Crash, the Metaverse as an escape from reality. But does it have to be an escape, or can it be more than that?

    The Metaverse represents this desire to go into a new world that's like the real world in every way, but better, where we're powerful or free or whatever else.

    But to get there we need technologies that make it possible to empower this vision, whether that's the computing that is required or the blockchain to provide an economic backbone and give us the ability to buy and sell and trade.

    But let's talk about the underlying technology for a moment, because even though it's not the same thing as the Metaverse, it's important to understand how we get there.

    When most people think of the Metaverse, they think of virtual reality.

    Headsets like those produced by Oculus have become less heavy and cheaper over the years.

    VR is an entry point in one of the enabling technologies, but it's not the only one.

    Things like VR, AR, 5G are getting faster. Computing power is getting faster.

    But the pandemic has poured gasoline on anything and everything digital. And what we saw through this is that people were not only just spending more time online, but spending time in these new worlds that were also emerging at this point in time.

    While it's important to understand the hardware, as I mentioned before, the hardware isn't the whole story. It's the vehicle that gets us there.

    But where exactly is there?

    We're living in unprecedented times and we are somewhat pioneers, leading the way for the birth of future developments that will become ordinary life for our growing children.

    This is the future of the internet.

    If you love the channel, please subscribe and join the community!
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    11 mins
  • Content strategy for Personal Branding
    Feb 21 2022
    Contents fuel your Personal Brand

    Content Marketing is fuel for your Personal Brand, this means that we can use quality content to convey our identity precisely to the target audience we want to reach - our potential customers.

    Working on your personal branding allows you to grow your authority, increase your business opportunities and boost revenues.

    Content marketing is the backbone of your personal branding.

    And if you follow the channel already you know we talked about Personal Branding before.

    If not, subscribe now so you are not going to miss any more videos: you can immediately watch a 10+ minutes of extremely deep - but still easy to understand - video entirely focused on Personal Branding.

    It is through content that you can convey valuable information about your professionalism and skills.

    Having a content marketing strategy helps you in particular to:

    Give evidence of your knowledge: by reading what you publish, people will be able to understand who you are, how you work, what subjects you are particularly knowledgeable about. This will help you make yourself known and be identified as an authority in your field for certain niches;

    Increase visibility through a good SEO strategy: building content that is optimised so that it is recognised by Google. This allows you to reach the top of the search engine and be found by users. This will also increase your brand visibility.

    Get new customers: The more positively your brand is known, the more consumers will want to rely on you. Also, if you can provide the information users need and communicate it in a way they understand, your conversion rate will increase.

    To achieve these results you need to start working systematically on creating a content marketing strategy that will help you to build a strong network of relationships.

    Content marketing is a major opportunity for your personal brand.

    Your identity, your authenticity and your work are elements that can set you apart from the competition and help you achieve new business goals.

    If you don't see results at first, don't beat yourself up. Results need time to come!
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    6 mins
  • How to build your Personal Branding: marketing tips and strategies
    Feb 16 2022
    What is personal branding? How is personal branding done? How do you build a successful personal brand?

    In this video I've tried to clarify and make an understanding of the dynamics that lead to the birth of a successful personal brand!

    In the world of today, we have all the circumstances to make it and there is no excuse: personal branding is not just for celebrities.

    Anyone can build a personal brand and use it at their own advantage, for instance to maximise their online presence and increase their revenues and popularity.

    Let's find out more on this subject, shall we?

    We all have a Personal Brand.

    According to Neil Patel, a major digital marketing expert in the space:

    “Personal branding is the process of intentionally creating and influencing your public perception. This is done by positioning you as an authority in an industry or differentiating yourself from the competition and increasing your reputation.”

    Personal branding is by far the best way to show your uniqueness and your specialties.

    And it’s no longer something related just to celebrities, you can benefit from this powerful marketing strategy right away.

    These days, anyone can gain recognition online by growing a personal brand.

    And listen carefully: a personal brand exists whether or not you create it for yourself.

    When you publish a blog post, for example, you are revealing aspects of your personality to the people who will come across that at some point.

    Your personal brand develops around the content you post, either on social media or anything else you are involved with.

    Personal Branding is nothing more than the ability to 'sell ourselves' and create empathy with others.

    Yes, empathy: that's what marketing is all about.

    Personal Branding is nothing more than the effect of effective marketing applied to our own person.

    It is us with our values, our history, our choices, our ambitions, our skills and competences.
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    8 mins
  • How to stop Overthinking and feel immediately better.
    Feb 10 2022
    Wondering how to deal with overthinking and what to do about it? Well, it might not be easy at all, but here are a few thoughts.

    If you look for the word overthinking in the dictionary, this is what it comes up: think about (something) too much or for too long.

    Some people can’t seem to turn their concerns off.

    They worry about the future, they make catastrophic predictions about events that haven’t even happened yet.

    They also ruminate about the past, beating themselves up about “should haves” and “could haves.”

    How crazy is that? Raise your hand if this sounds familiar.

    But there’s nothing to be afraid of, overthinking has become somewhat normal.

    Everything happens for a reason but sometimes we don’t believe it’s true or we simply don’t know it.

    Yes, and in fact we tend to look for connections between life's happenings.

    We are constantly looking for an explanation in what happens to us, we look for a logic that explains past events and people we randomly met during our lives.

    Oddly, we always remember hows and whys and are inclined to wonder why we couldn't do better than what we did.

    What have I made wrong? Why did I not see this coming? Where should have I gone instead?

    We are literally obsessed with controlling whatever happens around us, we demand an explanation for every single event in life as we are looking for something to keep us safe from future suffering.

    But what can we do to feel better?

    I recently ended up watching some content from an Italian psychologist, Roberto Ruga. I was hooked, if you speak Italian, check it out…

    This video is genuinely inspired by his thoughts on the matter, he said that:

    “True artists jump from one metaphor to another, they have an artistic approach to pain and existence in general, they strive to grasp the world through their heart.”

    “And to be able to do what they are able to do, we must learn to observe with our hearts. This means we should slow down, observe things with the attention they deserve.”

    If a person comes into our life we should assume that he or she is the right person to meet with us at that specific time and event.

    He assumes that nothing happens by chance and every person who crosses our life does it to teach us something, for better or for worse, and finally to support our evolution as better individuals.

    Everything that happens to us has a meaning and an ultimate purpose that is very important to understand.

    Anytime we start something new, we are in the best possible circumstances to leave behind what has just finished… and by the way, possibly we have not loved it at all.

    We should always carry on thinking about what has enriched us, we should be thankful for the experience we lived and what we learned from it.

    If I met a person along my path, that is probably because I have chosen to walk that path in the first place. I did it because I wanted it and at that time I thought it was the right choice for me.

    So, there is no point in overthinking on why certain decisions have led us away from the main route. I only learned what would work for me and what would not.

    Thanks to this I became even more aware of where I want to go and what I want, and this should be where our thoughts and energies should be focused on.
    To sum up, the past can no longer be changed. Period.

    It's not possible to feel well if we haven't first learned what made us feel bad in the first place, and only if we know how to get the best out of our experiences we will be able to feel fine.

    Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

    If you love the channel, please subscribe and join the community!
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    8 mins
  • Has this ruined Novak Djokovic for ever? The Australian Visa Saga.
    Jan 26 2022
    Is Novak Djokovic an anti vax Hero? Is he an example we should follow? Has he acted at his best during this whole situation? Could things be handled differently? Is he right, is he wrong?

    Well, I’m not going to answer these questions, it’s not up to me, however I do feel he went a little over what could be perceived as sensible.

    “Personally I am opposed to vaccination and I wouldn’t want to be forced by someone to take a vaccine in order to be able to travel,” Djokovic said at some point in the middle of the first Coronavirus wave in 2020.

    “But if it becomes compulsory, what will happen? I will have to make a decision. I have my own thoughts about the matter and whether those thoughts will change at some point, I don’t know.”

    As Rafa Nadal at some point said, “everybody is free to take their own decisions, but then there are consequences.”

    If you love the channel, please subscribe and join the community!

    Start investing in Cripto using BitPanda: 👉🏻 https://www.bitpanda.com/?ref=7965856410058974341

    🔥 - - - - - - - -

    This is the youtube channel for those who speak english and are keen to learn Italian, want to feel themselves a little bit more Italians and be part of a community of Italian culture lovers. 🇮🇹

    In this channel, I vlog about my passions and whatever I find interesting. Lifestyle, business, tech, digital, tennis, music and so on...

    Everything started quite randomly, I was looking for a way to continue practicing my english, at the same time I came to know that Italian was the fourth most studied language around the world.


    ✅ Instagram - https://instagram.com/micheleschirru
    ✅ TikTok - @micheleschirruit

    WHO AM I:

    I’m Michele, but just call me Mike. Italian, born in 1985 in Cagliari.

    Husband and father of two beautiful children, in my spare time I play tennis and write some music (actually, I used to write).

    I work as a Real Estate Digital Strategist and am the author of two bestselling books in Italian: "Puntare Sugli Immobili A Reddito" and "Trasformazione Digitale Immobiliare".

    If you’d like to talk, I’d love to hear from you: send me an email on wannabeitaliano@gmail.com.

    I try my best to reply to things but there sadly aren't enough hours in the day to respond to everyone.
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    14 mins
  • Are you under Social Media Addiction like me?
    Jan 18 2022
    If you are like me, you wake up every morning and the first thing you do is to grab your smartphone. My ritual is quite straight, I tap on the blue "f" logo to see older friends, relatives, even people I have no idea who they are, get angry and see that they have something to say about pretty much anything.Then, of course, while I’m having breakfast, there is a scroll on Instagram, and then YouTube, then LinkedIn, TikTok, and so on until I’m at my desk ready for work.How crap is this? 0:00 INTRO0:33 YOU ARE THE PRODUCT1:15 WHAT WE DO EVERYDAY1:58 SOCIAL MEDIA NEED CHANGING4:38 HOW ALGOs WORK6:31 MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES8:03 HOW LONG TO USE THEM It is not a secret that social media platforms can get very much addictive to users, profits are prioritized over people.This is a business model where we - people - are exploited and have literally become the product that is feeding the algorithms. The largest social media players are often compared to BigTobacco because their products are addictive and profitable, but ultimately and after all unhealthy for their users. Through their advertising platforms, Facebook and Google, are selling real estate to advertisers for billions of revenues every year.They are always refining and improving their algorithms in order to work effectively to keep us busy for as long as possible and scroll content.Scrolling content means to scroll and click on Ads: Social Media is exposing us to a very high level of advertising.How do the algorithms work? When we scroll through Facebook or Instagram or any other social media, they arrange posts in an order that is customised for us.We are not going to experience the same feed as it is dependent on pertinence rather than distribution time.Social media can cause addictions and harm users' mental health. Some users may become obsessed with following other users and comparing themselves, causing inappropriateness or jealousy. Others develop depression and/or anxiety. For people who use social media for business purposes like myself, the number of hours spent is countless. Then, of course, there is family and kids, but in total honesty I find myself quite often with an iPhone in my hands even though I would be supposed to play with them.This is quite sad.Social media platforms accelerate the intensification and dissemination of conspiracy theories and get the worst out of us, they are able to amplify the most toxic power in our culture. But it’s like chicken and the egg, online rubbish is always on the rise because we consume it, there’s always an audience for it.The Internet is occupied by billions of people and the number can only increase through the digital age.Your thoughts and inflaming expressions are very important for the algorithms, they are fed by that. When we talk about engagement, we talk about just that. How much time should you spend on social media? Some people believe that 5 hours a day on social media won't have negative consequences. However, other experts recognise the importance of spending a reasonable amount of time on social media, but would agree on the fact that more than three hours a day would affect your mental health. But regardless of the number of hours I do agree that less is more and better. Some say that uninstalling social media apps from your phone may be the first step to feel better, in a matter of minutes they say. But I honestly don’t have the courage to do that… and you? Let me know your opinion in the comments below.If you love the channel, please subscribe and join the community!Start investing in Cripto using BitPanda: 👉🏻 https://www.bitpanda.com/?ref=7965856410058974341🔥 - - - - - - - -This is the youtube channel for those who speak english and are keen to learn Italian, want to feel themselves a little bit more Italians and be part of a community of Italian culture lovers. 🇮🇹 In this channel, I vlog about my passions and whatever I find interesting. Lifestyle, business, tech, digital, tennis, music and so on...Everything started quite randomly, I was looking for a way to continue practicing my english, at the same time I came to know that Italian was the fourth most studied language around the world.LET'S CONNECT:✅ Instagram - https://instagram.com/micheleschirru✅ TikTok - @micheleschirruitWHO AM I:I’m Michele, but just call me Mike. Italian, born in 1985 in Cagliari.Husband and father of two beautiful children, in my spare time I play tennis and write some music (actually, I used to write).I work as a Real Estate Digital Strategist and am the author of two bestselling books in Italian: "Puntare Sugli Immobili A Reddito" and "Trasformazione Digitale Immobiliare".If you’d like to talk, I’d love to hear from you: send me an email on wannabeitaliano@gmail.com. I try my best to reply to things but there sadly aren't enough hours in the day to respond to everyone.
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    9 mins