Arizona: home of the magnificent Grand Canyon and my favorite basketball team, the Phoenix Suns. It’s considered as one of the Four Corner states where it shares a border with neighboring New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. Arizona is home to a desert climate, and beautiful landscape full of mountain ranges and forests. While many associate Arizona with national parks such as the previously mentioned Grand Canyon, the state also has its share of dark tales. This story takes place in Kingman, AZ where the locals visit an eerie location known as the Slaughterhouse Canyon. Consider joining our Patreon ! RESOURCES 1. A. (2020, October 29). The creepiest urban legend from every state. Teen Kids News. 2. Dean, C. (2019, July 4). Scary Carrie’s 💀Slaughterhouse Canyon – Kingman AZ. Scary Carrie’s. 3. Ferguson, J. (2018, August 12). Luana’s Canyon/Slaughterhouse Canyon. Echoes of the Southwest. 4. J. (2018a, August 2). Slaughterhouse Canyon - Juleana. Medium. 5. Jarvis, R. (2018, August 1). A Visit To This Haunted Canyon In Arizona Will Make Your Hair Stand On End. OnlyInYourState. 6. P. (2019, September 5). 10 of the Spookiest Urban Legends in California & Arizona. The Local Advantage | Personal Express Insurance. 7. Shadows, K. (2018, October 8). The Ghost of Slaughterhouse Canyon. Wattpad. 8. T. (2018b, May 18). The ghosts of Slaughterhouse Canyon (Arizona). Urban Legends & Cryptids | Aminoapps.Com. 9. Wikipedia contributors. (2021, December 25). Kingman, Arizona. Wikipedia.,_Arizona 10. Young, J. (2021, March 11). Terrifying Tale of Slaughterhouse Canyon. HubPages. Patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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