
  • Build Your Bible Habit-Proverbs Chapter 27
    Sep 27 2024

    Welcome back to Build Your Bible Habit, where listening to a chapter of Proverbs helps you to develop the habit of daily Bible reading. To build a Bible habit, simply begin and keep it up. Over time, Bible reading leads to Bible study, and God does the rest. With an audio Bible, you only need to press "play" and listen. Simple.

    Soon, your life is improved by increased wisdom and understanding. A trouble-free life was never promised by God, but instead He give us the "peace of God that passeth understanding" when we learn how to keep our hearts and minds on Him.

    Here's a great reminder verse from this chapter:

    "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." (Proverbs 27:17)

    You will become spiritually sharpened as you Build Your Bible Habit. God will transform you by the renewing of your mind, and you will be the kind of friend that "sharpens" others with godly wisdom.

    Want more help with building your Bible habit? Get your copy of "Apply: Living What We Learn" HERE.

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    4 mins
  • You Talk Too Much-Bible Application Moment
    Sep 23 2024

    Welcome to BAM: Your Bible Application Moment. Today's application comes from Proverbs 23:9, which tells us what not to do:

    "Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words." (Proverbs 23:9)

    So why do we disobey this scripture so often and so boldly? Did you know that when we're disregarding scripture while trying to correct someone else, we will be totally ineffective because of our own disobedience?

    "Speak not" means "don't speak." So don't.

    More Bible Application Here: Apply: Living What We Learn by Francie Taylor

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    3 mins
  • Replay Thursday-Blind Spots in Life
    Sep 19 2024

    Welcome to Replay Thursday, where we play the most popular episodes from the previous season.

    Have you ever almost side-swiped a car because they were in your blind spot? We often "side swipe" people in our daily lives for the same reason: they were in our blind spot.

    When new cars added the Blind Spot Warning System to vehicles, it really helped drivers to know when someone was in that zone. The system detects vehicles in the blind spot and notifies the driver of their presence, often with a light in the sideview mirror and an audible warning ping.

    It's great that there's a warning system to help us avoid car crashes. Too bad there’s not a Blind Spot Warning System to keep us from human clashes.

    This episode covers three common blind spots, and what we can do to avoid side-swiping other people in our lives.

    Apply: Living What We Learn--Daily Devotional by Francie Taylor

    NEW! Far Above Rubies: A 31-Day Devotional by Melissa Hedrick

    NEW! Encouragement for Young Women: A 30-Day Devotional for Teens by Charity Berkey & Team

    What Do I Have to Lose: Losing My Way and Finding God's by Janice Wolfe

    Sister Friends by Francie Taylor--Same book NEW LOOK

    Minerals for the Mind: A Study of Romans 12 by Kathy Ashley

    The Mirror of God's Word: A Biblical View of Physical Beauty by Robin Parton

    Fret Not: Peace of Mind in Perilous Times by Tim Zacharias

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    10 mins
  • Build Your Bible Habit-Proverbs Chapter 12
    Sep 12 2024

    Welcome back to Build Your Bible Habit, where you can listen to a chapter of Proverbs in about five minutes! "Little is much, when God is in it." If you need a way to develop a daily Bible reading habit, this will help. Invite a friend to do the same, and you can compare notes on what you've learned from each chapter.

    Why does it seem like people are becoming cruder, ruder, and lacking in basic courtesy? This is a result of living for self while disregarding God and His "Instruction Manual" for how to walk in this world. You'll open the chapter with a verse that explains it well:

    "Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish." (Proverbs 12:1)

    Embrace the instructions from the Word of God. Apply them to your life, and you'll learn how to live a genuine "best life."

    Remember to visit the shop at Keep the Heart for helpful books, Bible studies, and more! Links below.

    Apply: Living What We Learn by Francie Taylor

    NEW! What Do I Have to Lose: Losing My Way and Finding God's by Janice Wolfe

    NEW! Far Above Rubies: A 31-Day Devotional by Melissa Hedrick

    NEW! Encouragement for Young Women: A 30-Day Devotional for Teens by Charity Berkey & Team

    Sister Friends by Francie Taylor--Same book NEW LOOK

    Minerals for the Mind: A Study of Romans 12 by Kathy Ashley

    The Mirror of God's Word: A Biblical View of Physical Beauty by Robin Parton

    Fret Not: Peace of Mind in Perilous Times by Tim Zacharias

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    4 mins
  • Managing Our Thoughts
    Sep 6 2024

    Have you ever had negative thoughts replaying in your mind, and you felt powerless to stop them? This merry-go-round that you never asked to get on is taking you in circles inside your head. And what’s worse about it, is these thoughts are indicators of the condition of our hearts. Why is that? Because thoughts come from the heart.

    This episode title, “Managing Our Thoughts” is carefully worded. Notice that I didn’t say “Controlling Our Thoughts,” because clearly, we are not in control. If we were, we’d all be enjoying so much peace and abundant quiet, because thoughts are noisy! We can’t control our thoughts, but God can teach us how to manage them, and as we continue to yield this area to God, He can even teach us to discipline our thinking so that we become masterful at managing our thoughts.

    The Bible has a lot to say about our thoughts, and it helps us if we know these truths. Let’s consider three ways that God’s Word gives us for managing our thoughts.

    Be sure to visit the Shop at Keep the Heart for helpful devotional books, Bible studies and more! Links below.

    Apply: Living What We Learn by Francie Taylor

    NEW! What Do I Have to Lose: Losing My Way and Finding God's by Janice Wolfe

    NEW! Far Above Rubies: A 31-Day Devotional by Melissa Hedrick

    NEW! Encouragement for Young Women: A 30-Day Devotional for Teens by Charity Berkey & Team

    Sister Friends by Francie Taylor--Same book NEW LOOK

    Minerals for the Mind: A Study of Romans 12 by Kathy Ashley

    The Mirror of God's Word: A Biblical View of Physical Beauty by Robin Parton

    Fret Not: Peace of Mind in Perilous Times by Tim Zacharias

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    11 mins
  • Build Your Bible Habit-Proverbs Chapter 31
    Aug 31 2024

    Welcome back to Build Your Bible Habit, a series designed to help you develop a habit of daily Bible reading. Proverbs 31 is where we read about the "Proverbs 31 woman," also known as the "virtuous woman," but this chapter has wisdom for men and women.

    Here's a verse that is good for all of us:

    "She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness." (Proverbs 31:26)

    Words spoken in "the law of kindness" are easier to receive than words spoken in harshness. There are many opportunities to say the wrong thing, but if we'll open our mouths with wisdom, we'll avoid the messy cleanup that comes with ill-spoken words.

    Apply: Living What We Learn by Francie Taylor

    NEW! What Do I Have to Lose: Losing My Way and Finding God's by Janice Wolfe

    NEW! Far Above Rubies: A 31-Day Devotional by Melissa Hedrick

    NEW! Encouragement for Young Women: A 30-Day Devotional for Teens by Charity Berkey & Team

    Sister Friends by Francie Taylor--Same book NEW LOOK

    Minerals for the Mind: A Study of Romans 12 by Kathy Ashley

    The Mirror of God's Word: A Biblical View of Physical Beauty by Robin Parton

    Fret Not: Peace of Mind in Perilous Times by Tim Zacharias

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    5 mins
  • Gracious Ways to Disagree
    Aug 22 2024

    Disagreements with people are nothing new, but we are seeing an increase in the contentious nature of the disagreements. This is mainly because our culture is promoting a mentality that you must agree with only one line of thinking or you are automatically wrong and therefore intolerant. That’s a two-way street.

    Expecting people to agree with us 100% of the time is unrealistic. How did we get here? The answer is as old as the Old Testament. Listen to this verse from Judges 21:25: "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes."

    This verse is our clue. We are facing a reenactment of Judges 21:25. This results in people making up things and then insisting that their way is right.

    How can we disagree without the mudslinging and labeling? Let’s consider three suggestions for walking in wisdom when handling disagreements.

    Apply: Living What We Learn by Francie Taylor

    NEW! What Do I Have to Lose: Losing My Way and Finding God's by Janice Wolfe

    NEW! Far Above Rubies: A 31-Day Devotional by Melissa Hedrick

    NEW! Encouragement for Young Women: A 30-Day Devotional for Teens by Charity Berkey & Team

    Sister Friends by Francie Taylor--Same book NEW LOOK

    Minerals for the Mind: A Study of Romans 12 by Kathy Ashley

    The Mirror of God's Word: A Biblical View of Physical Beauty by Robin Parton

    Fret Not: Peace of Mind in Perilous Times by Tim Zacharias

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    8 mins
  • Build Your Bible Habit-Proverbs Chapter 15
    Aug 15 2024

    Welcome back to Proverbs Chapter 15 on Build Your Bible Habit.

    This chapter, like the rest of Proverbs, is filled with relationship verses. When we apply the verses to our daily interactions, we have better outcomes, but when we disregard the Word, we have more messes.

    Here's an example from Proverbs 15:1:

    "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."

    Application: We can tell when a conversation is becoming tense, so instead of increasing our volume or using a harsher tone to make our point, we turn down the volume and reduce the heat. Anyone can argue, but it takes godly character to master the art of the "soft answer."

    Even the practical takes practice.

    Apply: Living What We Learn by Francie Taylor

    NEW! What Do I Have to Lose: Losing My Way and Finding God's by Janice Wolfe

    NEW! Far Above Rubies: A 31-Day Devotional by Melissa Hedrick

    Sister Friends by Francie Taylor--Same book NEW LOOK

    Minerals for the Mind: A Study of Romans 12 by Kathy Ashley

    The Mirror of God's Word: A Biblical View of Physical Beauty by Robin Parton

    Fret Not: Peace of Mind in Perilous Times by Tim Zacharias

    Follow Keep the Heart on Instagram

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    5 mins