EP-4 Interview with Rickey Roark of Horizontal Bees
Todays guest is Rickey Roark of "HORIZONTAL BEES"
Today we are talking about how Rickey got into beekeeping. How Rickey got into building horiztontal hives for friends and family and how that turned into a business.
How going to Honey Bee conferences can help you to gain knowledge. The knowledge that you can get from some YouTube videos.
We talk about upcoming honey bee conferences.
If you would like to find more information on, Rickey Roark and "Horizontal Bees", you can visit his website or find him on YouTube.
Horizontal Bees Website www.horizontalbees.com
YouTube www.youtube.com/@horizontalbees3480
Honey Bee Conferences:
Sllidell, Louisiana Honey Bee Conference brought to you by "THE BEE COMMANDER"
Bee Alive Conference https://beealiveconference.com/
North American Honey Bee EXPO-
You can also find Kodiak Farm Bees on youtube- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/KodiakFarmBeesLee
Kodiak Farm Bees Mech Store- https://streamlabs.com/kodiakfarm/merch
$$ If you would like to support the podcast $$- https://streamlabs.com/kodiakfarm/tip
If you would like to be a guest on the show or have some good information that you would like to share with other beekeepers, please Email me:
KODIAK FARM BEES, Beekeeping, Honeybees, Farmers Markets,
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