
  • What I Learned from Lifemancy
    Jan 3 2022

    A goodbye from Rachel as the show goes on indefinite hiatus to make room for new projects.


    Keep up with Rachel at:

    Website: www.racheljwilkinson.com

    YouTune: www.youtube.com/channel/UCROMNMZCyjg_-Aysub38ZNg

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/raejwilkinson

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/rachelj.wilkinson/

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@racheljwilkinson


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    6 mins
  • The Baseball Episode 3
    Oct 8 2021

    Jonathan Anderson and Jonas Bull join Lifemancy to talk about superstitions in sports. They, along with former Baltimore Ravens star, Mark Clayton, are hosts of the Noonish Live Sports & Tech Show where they talk about the current events in sports. Jonas also hosts Education is Painful where he interviews people about hard lessons learned. And Jonathan Anderson had an up-close and personal view of the rituals of baseball after his experience being drafted into the Chicago Cubs. 

    Learn more and follow Rachel online at:  Website: www.lifemancy.com Twitter @lifemancypod or @raejwilkinson Instagram: @rachelj.wilkinson TikTok: @racheljwilkinson Facebook: @lifemancy

    Learn more and follow Noonish online at:  Website: www.noonishpodcast.com

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    30 mins
  • How to Start Doing Shadow Work
    Sep 20 2021

    Shadow work is our ability to turn toward, process, and accept the parts of ourselves that we consider flawed, shameful, and embarrassing. Find out how to get started doing shadow work, why it’s called Shadow Season, and what Mabon has to do with Carl Jung and Disco.

    Learn more and follow Rachel online at:  Website: www.lifemancy.com Twitter @lifemancypod or @raejwilkinson Instagram: @rachelj.wilkinson TikTok: @racheljwilkinson Facebook: @lifemancy

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    29 mins
  • What Are the Akashic Records? with April Leman
    Sep 7 2021

    April Leman is an intuitive business coach who offers Astrology, Tarot, and Akashic Record Readings. As an Akashic Records reader, she acts as a bridge to channel for other people who want to open their records and learn more about their past and future lives. Find out what happens when she opens Rachel’s record. 


    Learn more and follow Rachel online at: 

    Website: www.lifemancy.com

    Twitter @lifemancypod or @raejwilkinson

    Instagram: @rachelj.wilkinson

    TikTok: @racheljwilkinson

    Facebook: @lifemancy


    Learn more and follow April online at: 

    Website: wiseskiesadvice.com


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    45 mins
  • Starship Therapise with Larisa A. Garski, LMFT and Justine Mastin, LMFT
    Aug 22 2021

    Licensed marriage and family therapists Larisa A. Garski and Justine Mastin are research partners, co-authors, and podcast hosts who pair psychology with the powers of fanfiction and modern mythology. They help nerds, gamers, cosplayers, and members of all fandoms boldly go into therapy and argue that stories aren't frivolous distractions but a way to engage creatively with the world.

    Their newest book, Starship Therapise, is a self-help guide to the mental health galaxy that explores the benefits of narrative therapy.

    Learn more and follow Rachel online at:  Website: www.lifemancy.com Twitter @lifemancypod or @raejwilkinson Instagram: @rachelj.wilkinson TikTok: @racheljwilkinson Facebook: @lifemancy

    Learn more and follow Justine and Larisa online at:  Website: www.starshiptherapise.com Twitter: @PodcastStarship Instagram: starship_therapise Facebook: @starshiptherapise 

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    45 mins
  • (#28-Rebroadcast-Part 2) Your Future in Dreams with Eric Wargo
    Jul 23 2021

    Apologies for the unexpected rebroadcast, but I explain in the opening of Part 1 and tacked a new message onto this episode, too. I also reedited to cut out all the housekeeping and non-relevant info so you can revisit the episode uninterrupted. 

    Discover a new way to look at your own life through precognitive dreams, time loops, and Block Universe Theory. Eric Wargo, a science writer, and blogger, talks about his experience with precognitive dreamwork and shares how you can do it, too. With a Ph.D. in anthropology from Emory University, Eric has worked with government institutes conducting archaeology, psychology, and neuroscience research. He wrote the book, Time Loops, which dives into ESP and is currently working on a new project he believes will show that all of time already exists and how we can use our dreams as a gateway to discovery. 

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    40 mins
  • (#23-Rebroadcast-Part 1) Near Death Experiences with Jeffrey J. Kripal
    Jul 23 2021

    Apologies for the unexpected rebroadcast, but I explain in the opening. I also reedited to cut out all the housekeeping and non-relevant info so you can revisit the episode uninterrupted. 

    Elizabeth Krohn was struck by lightning, died, and came back to life outside a Houston Synagogue. However, she didn't just come back. She came back with psychic superpowers and the ability to see the dead. She wrote about her story with Jeffrey J. Kripal, Associate Dean of the School of Humanities at Rice University in the book, Changed in a Flash. Together they have combined spirituality and science to place Elizabeth’s near-death experience and psychic awakening into context.

    Part 2 follows with an episode on Block Universe Theory and psychic dreams with Eric Wargo.


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    43 mins
  • Who Are the Freemasons? with Christian Møller Christensen
    Jul 10 2021

    Are the Freemasons secretly pulling the strings of the world? Is there some grand plan only known to them? Rachel interrogates Christian Møller Christensen about what goes on behind Masonic temple doors. They talk about the history of Freemasonry, its mission, and what King Solomon and the First Temple have to do with it. 

    Christian Møller Christensen is a Master Mason, Past Master of Ralph K. Howell Lodge in Houston, 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite, and 9th degree Enlightened Brother of the St. John Lodge under the Grand Lodge of Denmark.

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    38 mins