• Stewarding the Supernatural w/ Tommy & Miriam Evans
    May 6 2024

    Revivalists Tommy and Miriam Evans join Liz Wright to share their powerful God stories and their journey of encountering Holy Spirit and learning to depend on Him. Be encouraged that you can invite Holy Spirit into the busyness and chaos of your day and He will meet you there. He is your best friend and wants to do life with you! Tommy explains how they learnt to shift atmospheres and steward what God gave them to see it grow. Miriam is the author of ‘Glory Miracles: Creating Atmospheres for the Power of God to Flow’, and she shares how to challenge dead atmospheres to bring life. Be inspired today to go deeper still in your relationship with God and partner with Him to see transformation in every context of your life.

    Related Materials:

    As a follower of Jesus, you have been anointed and commissioned to move in the same kind of miraculous power as Him! Whether you are a teacher, doctor, lawyer, government official, pastor, or a homemaker; as a child of God, it is your inheritance to live in supernatural healing and bring it to those who need it! In Glory Miracles, author and healing evangelist, Miriam Evans shows you how.

    By creating atmospheres that welcome God's glory, you can personally heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and operate in the miraculous. You don't need a minister, church, or special healing evangelist to do this! This is God's will for you.

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    34 mins
  • Freedom From Addiction w/ Aaron Zint
    Sep 30 2024

    Aaron Zint of The Whole Man Project and author of Numb to Known: The Surprising Path Away From Porn joins Liz for a vitally important conversation on freedom from sexual addiction. Aaron vulnerably shares his powerful story of getting free from porn-use and he unpacks the internal world of men who have this struggle. Aaron gives insight into what is really going on and that sexual addiction is really a ‘check engine light’ for deep underlying areas that need attention. Compassion heals and shame does not. Shame is a tactic from the enemy that tells us to isolate and that we will be rejected if we bring our whole selves into the light. Jesus always healed with compassion, it is the love and acceptance of God and others that bring freedom! If you’re struggling, get connected to trustworthy people and be vulnerable, and see that you are accepted and loved no matter what.

    Related Materials:

    Numb to Known breaks down the mystery behind compulsive porn-use whether it's a daily struggle or just happens a couple times a year. Help with porn is available and attainable. The problems behind porn are broken down in a relatable and understandable way, creating an addiction recovery path that doesn’t just lead to stopping the behavior, but a life of wholeness. Get your hope up because there is a path to freedom!


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    35 mins
  • Discover Your Destiny w/ Susan Partridge
    Sep 23 2024

    Co-Founder and CEO of Live Free Foundation, Susan Partridge, joins Liz today to share a profound experience she had in Heaven. When our vision collides with Jesus’ vision, all of Heaven explodes! Sometimes we can chase the things of the earth, but nothing compares to the things of Heaven. He is the Master Potter and we each have a holy calling. Susan talks about the role of passion in identifying our calling. Become focused again today on why you’re here, and press into intentionality in your relationship with Jesus.

    Related Materials:

    Discovering Your God Given Purpose Live Zoom Course which starts October 7th https://www.livefreefoundation.org.uk/courses

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    32 mins
  • How To Live in Rest w/ Liz Wright
    Sep 17 2024

    : Shift from reaction to rest, no matter what drama might be going on in life, you can live centred on the inside in Divine rest. Liz Wright powerfully shares practical keys in this episode and activates the experience of rest. This enables the Prince of Peace to move through you, so you live from the inside out, setting the atmosphere around you. When we try to live in our own strength, instead of leaning on Christ within, it leads to burn out! We are designed to live from His supernatural capacity inside us, regardless of what circumstances are going on in our lives and the lives of those we love!

    Related Materials:

    Join the International Mentoring Community IMC, to facilitate a safe environment where like-minded people at any stage of their walk can enter into a deeper experience of Jesus. Liz Wright will mentor you each week through revelatory teaching, powerful testimonies and the grace to step into life-changing encounters with Jesus.


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    28 mins
  • God’s Perspective Over Chaos w/ Shawn Bolz
    Sep 9 2024

    Returning guest, Shawn Bolz, joins Liz to bring important insights and divine perspective in our current time. He shares what Heaven is doing right now, because where your attention goes, your affection grows. When we see chaos and enemy activity exposed, we can actually be encouraged that God is about to do something because it means the light is shining. The enemy would love us to stay focused on the drama, it is far better to focus on God and what He is doing. Allow yourself to be present with gratitude for what is good in your life and what He has already done. Though you may have many unknowns in your life, you know Him. And He is the One who has seen the beginning from the end.

    Related Materials:

    Join the International Mentoring Community IMC, to facilitate a safe environment where like-minded people at any stage of their walk can enter into a deeper experience of Jesus. Liz Wright will mentor you each week through revelatory teaching, powerful testimonies and the grace to step into life-changing encounters with Jesus.


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    29 mins
  • The Science of Biblical Meditation w/ Jareb Nott
    Sep 2 2024

    Author, teacher, and president of Engage Deliverance & Training, Jareb Nott, unpacks Biblical meditation in a powerful conversation with Liz Wright. He shares how we can align our minds to the reality of His Presence and the realm of glory, and receive healing and transformation. This is the place of the renewing of our minds, where Holy Spirit tangibly shifts our thought life. Biblical meditation isn’t pushing away our thoughts and becoming empty, it’s bringing our minds into alignment with His thoughts and Scripture. Being still and knowing He is God is the key! When we come into rest and partner with the glory Presence of God, our minds and bodies begin to focus on areas that need healing, and we can receive healing from stress, anxiety and depression. Jareb received his own verified healing from Type 2 Diabetes from the practice of Biblical meditation over the course of 3 months! Be encouraged as you listen to today’s episode.

    Related Materials:

    Is your mind clouded with thoughts of depression or anxiety, even anger or bitterness? Have you tried to rise up and renew your mind only to be weighed down by exhaustion or laid low by hopelessness? The truth is that what you think controls who has access to your mind.

    Jareb Nott shows how you can seal off the powers of darkness from your mind and tear down their strongholds, empowering you to think thoughts that host the peace, presence, and power of God. Through scientific and biblical research, he offers a step-by-step process to help you transform your mind into a supernaturally impenetrable fortress of hope and joy! Get your copy today of The Science of Supernatural Thinking!

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    27 mins
  • Surrendering to Holy Spirit w/ Simon Braker
    Aug 26 2024

    Simon Braker joins Liz in this week’s episode to discuss the vital importance of our yieldedness to Holy Spirit. It’s possible to have Spirit filled language without Spirit filled experience. Recently, the Lord spoke three phrases to Simon that drastically shifted his perspective:“Many have a Charismatic theology with a cessationist experience”, “Many people know about the Holy Spirit without actually knowing the Holy Spirit”, and “Many have a business relationship with the Holy Spirit”. Anything that we put our confidence in other than God, is an idol. God has already given us everything, and we can access more of what God has given by our surrender and dependency on Him.

    Related Materials: https://legacyministriesint.org/

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    32 mins
  • Breaking the Power of Division w/ Liz Wright
    Aug 19 2024

    Liz shares a timely word that there has been an assault on the Body of Christ to cause division and the house to collapse. A house divided cannot stand. The house of relationships, of marriages, of families, of ministries, of churches, and so on. But no more! Heaven is on assignment to break the oppression of division and enable us to step into the culture of the Kingdom. Our destiny is to have supernatural relationships as this is our new creation nature. Step into this invitation today and get free from jealousy, insecurity, comparison, bitterness and accusation!

    Related Materials: The Supernatural Relationships online course is available for free with IMC membership. Visit jointheimc.com to try a 14 day free trial and access this special Member Course!

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    31 mins