
  • 100th Episode, Full-Cast, Shootin’-The-Shinola Shebang!
    Jan 1 2022
    In this EPIC, 5-hour, be-all-to-end-all 100th episode extravaganza, we laugh… we cry… we argue about Star Wars! We pull out all the stops and bring on all the guests. This is the ultimate Long Walk Short Drink experience. (Recorded December 4, 2021) Watch the full video version on YouTube - https://youtu.be/pZ_WHN09VYY Email the show: lwsdpod@gmail.com Join the conversation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lwsdpod #LWSD100 https://lwsdpod.com for the show archive and links to other related media. ### Subscribe, rate, and review using your favorite podcast app: iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/long-walk-short-drink/id1184182879?mt=2 Stitcher -https://www.stitcher.com/show/long-walk-short-drink Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2P12taMW2rmcL1L5X2VPhA?si=6cnnqG5vRGu5IdTrKK4DMw Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI3MTg3MTA4OS9zb3VuZHMucnNz Amazon / Audible - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/4150510e-559d-4382-bc90-130c8e27f8be/long-walk-short-drink YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/longwalkshortdrink
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    5 hrs and 19 mins
  • LWSD Ep. 96 - Artsy A**holery & Hollywood Hubris
    Oct 30 2021
    Twinkie joins Palmer & Dave to discuss VAL and LOST SOUL: THE DOOMED JOURNEY OF RICHARD STANELY'S ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU, a pair of documentaries teeming with pretension, privilege, and Tinsel-Town-intrigue. (Recorded September 29, 2021) Watch the full video version on YouTube - https://youtu.be/pz82pa5pRFg Email the show: lwsdpod@gmail.com Join the conversation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lwsdpod #LWSD96 https://lwsdpod.com for the show archive and links to other related media. ****31 DAYS OF LWSD HALLOWEEN HORROR**** YouTube Playlist link - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5DkVNaxB4DpF0ATM4NpwDYT2whPG2PMO ****DREAMING OUT LOUD OUTRO**** "Prison Cell of Circumstance" (1996) Angsty short-film Dave made as part of a high-school independent-study art project. ### Subscribe, rate, and review using your favorite podcast app: iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/long-walk-short-drink/id1184182879?mt=2 Stitcher -https://www.stitcher.com/show/long-walk-short-drink Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2P12taMW2rmcL1L5X2VPhA?si=6cnnqG5vRGu5IdTrKK4DMw Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI3MTg3MTA4OS9zb3VuZHMucnNz Amazon / Audible - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/4150510e-559d-4382-bc90-130c8e27f8be/long-walk-short-drink YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/longwalkshortdrink
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    1 hr and 51 mins
  • LWSD Ep. 95 - Charm, Whimsy, & Innocence
    Sep 29 2021
    Palmer & Dave discuss the difficulty of staying off streaming services like Disney+ when faced with images of a bearded Ewan McGregor back as Obi-Wan Kenobi and of getting new projects off the ground. Plus, “Dave Digs” the new Halsey album (a lot!), discovers a Pearl Jam podcast, touches on the new season of TED LASSO, and tells of the time he sh*t his pants from eating too many Combos. Palmer gears up for a new pinball project, weighs in on the latest Bill & Ted sequel, the enduring appeal of BEETLEJUICE, and the guys talk through the 80’s cult classic, HOWARD THE DUCK. (Recorded on September 1 & 15, 2021). Watch the full video version on YouTube - https://youtu.be/iUTlzyjUGrs Email the show: lwsdpod@gmail.com Join the conversation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lwsdpod #LWSD95 https://lwsdpod.com for the show archive and links to other related media. ### Subscribe, rate, and review using your favorite podcast app: iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/long-walk-short-drink/id1184182879?mt=2 Stitcher -https://www.stitcher.com/show/long-walk-short-drink Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2P12taMW2rmcL1L5X2VPhA?si=6cnnqG5vRGu5IdTrKK4DMw Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI3MTg3MTA4OS9zb3VuZHMucnNz Amazon / Audible - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/4150510e-559d-4382-bc90-130c8e27f8be/long-walk-short-drink YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/longwalkshortdrink
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    2 hrs and 30 mins
  • LWSD Ep. 94 - The Blade Runner Films
    Sep 8 2021
    Twinkie’s back to talk some “slow, hard, sci-fi” with Palmer & Dave. The guys dive into the quandaries presented by androids, replicants, and sentient A.I. in BLADE RUNNER and BLADE RUNNER 2049. "What if you knew right now that your life was going to end in two years?" "What does it mean to be human?" "Could Ryan Gosling best Dave Bautista in a fight?" Plus, Twinkie confesses a betrayal, Palmer ends his Internet feud with Val Kilmer, and Dave's CROW adaptation screens in a Canadian theater. Watch the full video version on YouTube - https://youtu.be/M7XI-JT0ArQ Email the show: lwsdpod@gmail.com Join the conversation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lwsdpod #LWSD94 https://lwsdpod.com for the show archive and links to other related media. ****"25-FOR-25TH" EPISODES**** 25-for-25th Episodes: Reality Bites (LWSD Ep. 67) 8 Seconds (LWSD Ep. 68) Full-Show 1994 Movies: Clerks / Kevin Smith (LWSD Ep. 37) The Crow (LWSD Ep. 57) The Shawshank Redemption (LWSD Ep. 62) The Professional (LWSD Ep. 73) ****LINKS PROMISED**** Dave's full, 46-minute introduction with further commentary on the 1994 media - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CTfsainDy1U/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link "Dreaming Out Loud: Trailer & New Expanded Clips" - https://www.davidullman.net/post/dreaming-out-loud-trailer-new-expanded-clips "Speaking as a Child of the 90's"... (Pearl Jam post) - https://www.davidullman.net/post/speaking-as-a-child-of-the-90-s "LunchmeatVHS + Adjust Tracking present THE CROW" - https://www.davidullman.net/post/lunchmeatvhs-adjust-tracking-present-the-crow ****DREAMING OUT LOUD OUTRO**** Dreaming Out Loud [Extended Opening / Trailer] - This highlight-clip extension of mood-setting sunset scenery and expository introductory interviews combines several key sections from the feature-length documentary Dave made on VHS about "the cabin kids" in 1999. ### Subscribe, rate, and review using your favorite podcast app: iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/long-walk-short-drink/id1184182879?mt=2 Stitcher -https://www.stitcher.com/show/long-walk-short-drink Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2P12taMW2rmcL1L5X2VPhA?si=6cnnqG5vRGu5IdTrKK4DMw Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI3MTg3MTA4OS9zb3VuZHMucnNz YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/longwalkshortdrink
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    2 hrs and 58 mins
  • LWSD Ep. 93 - Cabin Kids Vol. 5: Jackson
    Aug 13 2021
    Twinkie joins Palmer & Dave in welcoming a new “Cabin Kid” to the podcast. Our old pal Jackson surprises the guys by logging on from the Netherlands; and from seven hours in the future, he answers “The Cabin Kid Questionnaire” —reflecting on 23 years in the past. Plus some very real talk about fatherhood! (Recorded July 28, 2021) Email the show: lwsdpod@gmail.com ****VIDEO VAULT MOMENTS**** Be sure to check out these segments on YouTube - https://youtu.be/uLL5lGvcqw0: 1:21:28 - Creating The Dreaming Tree photo book & Cabin Kid Steiner's critical take on the group. 1:27:03 - Jackson, Dave, and fellow Cabin Kids Kramms, Pumps, Bauman, and Marv going to the movies in matching Goodwill leather jackets. 1:39:10 - Footage from the 7/31/1998 Cabin Concert" and Dreaming Out Loud documentary outtakes 1:41:28 - Hartlzer's (one of the "Founding Four" who built The Cabin) unused Dreaming Out Loud interview 2:02:01 - Dave staying up all night with Bauman and Pumps and accepting the dare to drink scalded Dr. Pepper. 2:10:45 - Outtake interview footage of 18-year-old Twinkie, Dave, Palmer, and Jackson from Dreaming Out Loud 2:26:02 - Jackson's 1999 interview clip about his unique way of "Experiencing" music. 2:35:51 -Cabin Kid Logan's thoughts on the cabin from an unused interview segment recorded for the STEVE documentary (Finding Rhythm) 2:39:54 - Jackson's full 1998 "Cabin Documentary" interview answer about his nickname, "Jacko." 2:43:50 -STEVE: FINDING RHYTHM documentary trailer 2:48:35 - Bauman fighting other Cabin Kids 2:50:21 - Clip from Palmer's Picks Ep.2 with Bauman in which Palmer disparages Jennifer Love Hewitt. 2:54:15 - "The One Video." VHS footage from the summer of 1998 of all "The Cabin Kids" set to U2's song, "One"--newly remastered from the original source tapes! ****NEW LINKS**** Dave’s guest appearance on the Jean-Pod Van Dammecast episode devoted to THE LAST MERCENARY - https://youtu.be/9wdSPpgoNrc “Cabin Kid” Kramms’ interview on the #dobetter media podcast https://anchor.fm/dobettermedia/episodes/dobettermedia-Mailbox-e155lho ****ARCHIVE LINKS**** Dave & Jackson’s trio of action (comedy?) flicks from 1993 on the Dreaming Out Loud Vimeo site: https://vimeo.com/showcase/5088855 Password - LWSD93 U2: AUDIENCE INSPIRATION (1999), the school project on influence featuring a host of “Cabin Kid” interviews—including Palmer, Dave, Jackson, and Logan! https://vimeo.com/584355808/8a273baf39 DREAMING OUT LOUD (1999), often referred to as “The Cabin Kid Documentary” on the show. Clips + Full Documentary @ https://vimeo.com/showcase/8791027 Dave’s “20 Years of "Dreaming Out Loud” Blog Post - https://www.davidullman.net/post/20-years-of-dreaming-out-loud THE CROW (Dave & Jackson’s 1990’s VHS Adaptation & Documentary) Vimeo Special Edition—includes the adaptation of the graphic novel, the feature-length making-of documentary, trailer, video commentary from 2003 with Dave & Jackson, and a solo video commentary with Dave from 1998—https://vimeo.com/showcase/7715163 More information @ https://www.davidullman.net/thecrow More information about the documentary @ https://www.davidullman.net/inertia STEVE: FINDING RHYTHM (2004) Experience the whole harrowing and hilarious history of the band Steve (Comprised of “Cabin Kids” Jackson, Kramms, Dave, and J-Ro). Vimeo Special Edition—includes full documentary, trailer, 23 bonus scenes, and the whole band gathered for a video commentary—https://vimeo.com/showcase/8451629 ### Subscribe, rate, and review using your favorite podcast app: iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/long-walk-short-drink/id1184182879?mt=2 Stitcher -https://www.stitcher.com/show/long-walk-short-drink Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2P12taMW2rmcL1L5X2VPhA?si=6cnnqG5vRGu5IdTrKK4DMw Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI3MTg3MTA4OS9zb3VuZHMucnNz
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    2 hrs and 59 mins
  • LWSD Ep. 92 - Growing Up Is Hard To Do
    Jul 18 2021
    Palmer & Dave commiserate over their daily struggles reckoning with the deluge of frustrations that come along with the freedoms of adulthood. Dave goes to the nephrologist, writes but doesn't send an email, sees A QUIET PLACE 2 in the theater, RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD at home, and starts watching the FAST & FURIOUS movies with The Bride. Palmer officially hits the 100 pound weight loss milestone, works with a trainer, remembers his first date at Great Oaks Cinema in Wadsworth, and is thrown by a new wrinkle to his internet feud with Val Kilmer, his celebrity nemesis. Watch the full video version on YouTube - https://youtu.be/IUUOOAYOgZI Email the show: lwsdpod@gmail.com Join the conversation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lwsdpod #LWSD92 https://lwsdpod.com for the show archive and links to other related media. ****LINKS PROMISED**** Link to Dave, Jacko (and Kramms’) silly series of “Illusions” movies from the summer of 1992 on the Dreaming Out Loud Vimeo site: https://vimeo.com/showcase/3998741 Password - LWSD92 Link to Dave & his siblings' silly series of “Jump” movies from the summer of 1992 on the Dreaming Out Loud Vimeo site: https://vimeo.com/showcase/4008113 Password - LWSD92 Impossible Skies (10th Anniversary Edition) [EP] by Possible Bird (“Cabin Kid Kramms”) https://dreamingoutloudrecords.com/album/impossible-skies-10th-anniversary-edition-ep Red Eye Highway Session by Fascist Puppeteer (“Moto”) https://dreamingoutloudrecords.com/album/red-eye-highway-session VAL [Kilmer Documentary] Trailer - https://youtu.be/YqNnhgEyQCU ****SONGS PLAYED DURING BREAKS**** Cheap Trick “I Will Survive” Gladiator: Music From The Motion Picture Columbia Records Cherry Bomb (feat. Lea Thompson) “Hunger City” Howard The Duck (ITAl) Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Intrada Records ****DREAMING OUT LOUD OUTRO**** Fascist Puppeteer “Always Above” Red Eye Highway Session Dreaming Out Loud Records https://dreamingoutloudrecords.com/album/red-eye-highway-session ### Subscribe, rate, and review using your favorite podcast app: iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/long-walk-short-drink/id1184182879?mt=2 Stitcher -https://www.stitcher.com/show/long-walk-short-drink Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2P12taMW2rmcL1L5X2VPhA?si=6cnnqG5vRGu5IdTrKK4DMw Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI3MTg3MTA4OS9zb3VuZHMucnNz YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/longwalkshortdrink
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    3 hrs and 23 mins
  • LWSD Ep. 91 - Ash & Palmer's Autophagy
    Jun 19 2021
    The Palmers share how they've re how they refined their habits and rearranged their home to maximize their health and happiness. Plus, Dave & Palmer geek out over the trailer for The Last Mercenary (Van Damme's new Netflix release), as well as Army of the Dead. Watch the full video version on YouTube - https://youtu.be/dmxUSkt48QU Email the show: lwsdpod@gmail.com Join the conversation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lwsdpod #LWSD91 https://lwsdpod.com for the show archive and links to other related media. ****LINKS PROMISED**** Link to stream all 27 episodes of PALMER'S PICKS—plus the series-highlight-clip-show, a making-of short, and eight minutes of "newly discovered" behind-the-scenes footage: https://vimeo.com/showcase/8473049 The Last Mercenary Trailer - https://youtu.be/Nk_yyfGXTqw Army of the Dead Trailer - https://youtu.be/tI1JGPhYBS8 ### Subscribe, rate, and review using your favorite podcast app: iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/long-walk-short-drink/id1184182879?mt=2 Stitcher -https://www.stitcher.com/show/long-walk-short-drink Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2P12taMW2rmcL1L5X2VPhA?si=6cnnqG5vRGu5IdTrKK4DMw Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI3MTg3MTA4OS9zb3VuZHMucnNz YouTube - http://youtube.com/LongWalkShortDrink
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    3 hrs and 10 mins
  • LWSD Ep. 90 - Palmers' Pick: THE STAND (2020 Miniseries)
    Jun 6 2021
    Ash joins Palmer and Dave to delve into the new nine-episode miniseries of Stephen King's THE STAND. It's a two-hour-plus "King Corner" at the end of which you'll find out whether this updated adaptation of King's seminal post-apocalyptic novel is a "Palmers' Pick!" (Recorded May 29, 2021) Watch the full video version on YouTube - https://youtu.be/NwxJnq6H9v4 Email the show: lwsdpod@gmail.com Join the conversation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lwsdpod #LWSD90 https://lwsdpod.com for the show archive and links to other related media. ****LINKS PROMISED**** Link to Palmer's Picks episode with Dave as the guest, talking about State of Grace, Rush, and Taxi Driver: https://vimeo.com/553318777/cc2db95135 Link to Mark The Nark Mixcloud Playlist: https://www.mixcloud.com/DOLRecords/playlists/mark-the-nark-1992/ ****DREAMING OUT LOUD ARCHIVE OUTRO SEGMENT**** STEVE: Finding Rhythm (Documentary Trailer) More info @ https://www.davidullman.net/finding-rhythm ### Subscribe, rate, and review using your favorite podcast app: iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/long-walk-short-drink/id1184182879?mt=2 Stitcher -https://www.stitcher.com/show/long-walk-short-drink Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2P12taMW2rmcL1L5X2VPhA?si=6cnnqG5vRGu5IdTrKK4DMw Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZGNsb3VkLmNvbS91c2Vycy9zb3VuZGNsb3VkOnVzZXJzOjI3MTg3MTA4OS9zb3VuZHMucnNz YouTube - http://youtube.com/LongWalkShortDrink
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    2 hrs and 37 mins