
  • Understanding Discipleship Part 3
    Mar 5 2025

    In this episode, I will connect elements of the last two episodes and future ones. I am not saying that as a disciple making disciples, you should be writing curriculums and conducting classes in some laboratory that spits out mini disciples fluent in Greek and Hebrew every 12 weeks. However, I am saying that discipleship should be recognized as the most important engagement of our Christian existence. I say that because it’s what Jesus told us to do, it strengthens our relationship with Him by making us more like Him, it equips us to make disciples, and there is nothing but positive impact when we obey God’s Word. When we have strong discipleship, we release our pastors in the local church to do what God called them to do, which is to equip the saints to do the work of ministry!

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    33 mins
  • Understanding Discipleship Part 2
    Mar 2 2025

    The word for disciple in the original Greek text means something far deeper than what many of us have experienced. The word mathēteúō, which is the word used for “disciple” in the Great Commission, carries a depth of study that means “to enroll as a scholar”. In this 2nd part of the series, we delve into the knowledge possessed by the disciples and the early church resulting from this deeper level of study and foundational experience. This may surprise some, but the Old Testament, known to Jesus and the Disciples as the Law, The Prophets, and the Writings comprise 75% of the Bible. The Bible I speak of is also known as God’s Word. Many of us have been operating off of a slim portion (a few verses) of the New Testament alone… which means we have a small percentage of 25% of God’s Word in our hearts and lives. How do I eloquently frame this? …. that stinks.

    Photo by Pasang Sherpa: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-climbing-a-big-rock-7088212/

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    36 mins
  • Understanding Discipleship Part 1
    Feb 27 2025

    Ipsos Research conducted a study in 2022 in which they found, 76% of Americans affirm that Jesus was a historical figure. Even 50% of the unchurched agree. However, when the unchurched were asked to select words they associate with Christians they chose hypocritical (55%), judgmental (54%), and self-righteous (50%) (Jesus in America Study, Ipsos Research, 2022). No one said, “disciple”.

    Photo by Pasang Sherpa: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-climbing-a-big-rock-7088212/

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    35 mins